Getting rid of gear from my old light sorc. I'm looking for nec stuff, an enigma above all else or a hommy or pnb gc's or whatever. I'm not expecting godly.
Circ +2 light, 10% resist all & 32 more light resist
+2 light ammy
22 Nagel
Blade of Ali baba (unsocketed)
Tal belt 13% mf (i also have tals helm if you need)
Gheed's charm 38% mf
CG's 27 (crappy i know)
and 1 6%mf Sc
accnt name Syphwillis sorc is Zappey, nec is HitUWithBones
Circ +2 light, 10% resist all & 32 more light resist
+2 light ammy
22 Nagel
Blade of Ali baba (unsocketed)
Tal belt 13% mf (i also have tals helm if you need)
Gheed's charm 38% mf
CG's 27 (crappy i know)
and 1 6%mf Sc
accnt name Syphwillis sorc is Zappey, nec is HitUWithBones