05-04-2006, 10:34 AM
Allright heres my idea for a Perm 200 fcr 40k+ light sorc
-Up'd 35 res magi (socket it with w/e you want depending on what things you want to reach)
-25/-5 Light Eldritch
-2x FCR Rings (Life and Res is a good mod here)
-25/-20 Griffons
-35 Fcr Spirit Monarch
-2 sorc 10fcr+ Ammy (W Collar, Stone Emblem, Crafted Ammy)
With this build you'll reach the 200 fcr breakpoint, good damage, and good life (you might want to shael a couple of things in order to reach some bps).
-Up'd 35 res magi (socket it with w/e you want depending on what things you want to reach)
-25/-5 Light Eldritch
-2x FCR Rings (Life and Res is a good mod here)
-25/-20 Griffons
-35 Fcr Spirit Monarch
-2 sorc 10fcr+ Ammy (W Collar, Stone Emblem, Crafted Ammy)
With this build you'll reach the 200 fcr breakpoint, good damage, and good life (you might want to shael a couple of things in order to reach some bps).