Me and my friend (lives in same town) and clan leader we made a dupe program!
Were 3 danish people and we all baught different program (store in denmark isnt in other countrys =(´)
Well we made 3 different dupes and it showed 2 of em worked! Mine and my clan leaders! My friend made a hack that allows you to use frozen orb in town... for no use -.- but its actually cool =D
Well me and my clan leader has thinked a lot on making the dupe public!
But we dont know! Also it would make all rich in NO time =( SO we dont!
Dont think this isnt true! We actually can dupe! But we dont call it dupe!
We calls our program the Multiplication program =D
You all know what it means ^^
Well how we testet it was to put item in cube and press transmute..nothing happened..
Then we startet to put 1 little 1-5 dmg dagger in cube! Drop cube and suddenly we had full inventory full of the little crappy daggers... And then we tryed with a soj... IT DISSAPERED !!!! mad:
So we looked in our script and we found the error! Clan leader made the error he didnt put some thing infront of it so it wouldnt work ( we both had 5 sojs... i lost mine... but then we tryed the cube hack again and then only 5 of the places in inventory got full of sojs... but we wouldnt remake! Because its also lotta sojs =D But we only used it in 3 days! So we could get some good ctas... but we got to 6*5*2 cta... sadly... but well that what we got... and perfect hoto =D well but i aint givin you the items!
Additional Comment:
DAMN!!!!!! F**k im stupid... NOOO!
I was to desperate to dupe torch 3 pala skills... perfect torch!
I puttet it in cupe and i tryed to dupe it and when i did that, 6 torches layed at earth and couldnt pick up! I didnt even have ne self...! I alertet my fiend but he was at other city.. damn... lost torch! ITS F*****G DANGEROUS!!!mad: