I did a search and all of the results say Legolas fighting Knives:
Lord of the Rings Weapons: Fighting Knives Of Legolas
An ancient race of Middle-earth, Elves are noble, elegant and magical beings in harmony with the natural world and its forces.
Legolas Greenleaf, a Sindarin Elf of the Woodland Realm, was sent to Rivendell as a messenger and took part in the Council of Elrond, where he was chosen to represent the Elves in the Fellowship of the Ring.
Legolas, who possesses keen senses, is an expert archer and master with Elven fighting knives, which he carried on his back in scabbards on either side of his quiver.
He proved to be a valuable asset to the Fellowship as they journeyed into territories of evil. In keeping with the natural harmony of the Elves, Legolas Fighting Knives have a flowing organic design, are adorned with Elven vine motifs, and the blades feature a very detailed filigree etch.