04-25-2006, 11:18 AM
lookin for best build like skills and such i got all da gear 415 botd zerk eth / ss shealed/ 1 raven 1 bk/ a dcent belt/ p uped gores/ t maul 415 botd eth for switch/
9 shaft shift gcs tourch anni/ eth zoded jalas.. hil lords.. and 10 290s // i just need to learn how to build a godly 1 if u got any sugestions plz post ,,,
ty all for da help
type: furry druidsmartass2
lookin for best build like skills and such i got all da gear 415 botd zerk eth / ss shealed/ 1 raven 1 bk/ a dcent belt/ p uped gores/ t maul 415 botd eth for switch/
9 shaft shift gcs tourch anni/ eth zoded jalas.. hil lords.. and 10 290s // i just need to learn how to build a godly 1 if u got any sugestions plz post ,,,
ty all for da help
type: furry druidsmartass2