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My Zon
I might be making a PvP zon, and I will be using a Fort, a Wf, Dungos, 2 RavenFrosts, a Mara's(might get something else), Treks, a 2/20 glove, and a shako. I have around 2 sojs and 3 hi runes left over for charms. I'm wondering what charms I should get, and how many, and my damage with all the equipment and charms.
go full inventory of psn sc's only leaving enough for anni and torch

i did 9k dmg with .08 wf with 40/15 and 120/45 helm and archon fort and with inventory filled with psnsc's

yea that dmg was after my bo and i did have anni+torch
How much are poison scs nowadays on WestScNL?
poison scs on WestScNL are pretty cheap, unless of course your going for an inventory of 290s, those still cost upwards of a soj each
and they are mostly duped, so unless you wanto waste about 80 sojs of the charms you might wanto go with something else than 290
Would 3/20/20's be better?
Uhm...well 3/20/20s are like 5-7 hrs..btw, I heared that 40/15 don't add the correct bonusses unless you add them into weapons
This thread looks kind of old but just incase your still wondering...
use 32020s (or random max,ar scs if you cant afford) instead of poison =/ and if your going with a wf you should use a 16060. For ammy you should use a highlords if your aiming for DS or cats eye for frw and for the helm dont use a shako >< go with a 120/45 or a 80/30 giant skull.

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