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Looking for godmode2.d2h
Hey, I am looking for godmode2.d2h. I have the other godmode file made by sindercat and a few other people. I have had no luck with trying to find it. I have been searching for a few days and have been unsuccessful. If anybody has it still, could they send me it?
D2H (D2Hackit) programs are very detectable. If you are able to find this it will 99.9% chance get you banned. I don't think anyone would make something like that unless it was for single player only
I understand that d2h modules are very detectable. This module was made back in 1.10, and no longer works. Therefore I can't get banned Big Grin
#4 you can still get banned... if u use it online and it sends packets well ... you can good bye to your cd-keys and accounts lol
Yes, one suggestion foryou DONT USE D2HACKIT
uhh yeah thanks for the suggestion since I don't use d2hackit nor have found a working one for 1.11. Maybe if we could stay on topic that would be a bit better.
no such gode mode hack

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