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Can i get vex for ... ...
Can i get a vex rune or 2?

I mean Is tal armor = vex
Is tal Amulet = Vex
Both = what?
Plz answer this quickSad
Depends where u playing?
In Europe ladder, IK armor = mal (malum if you're lucky)
Tal amu = UmPul

Vex 2IstUm
Could probably get mid runes for those if your ladder, I cant see why anyone would pay more than mal for set pieces but then again i got um pul for tal armor so I guess it depends on who your trading with.
im in europe... well can i then get vex for both tal armor and amulet?
No you can't get vex for those two.You can give amulet for ist and tal armor for ist+um/pul and then give those +add for vex.Do you play on ladder or non-ladder?
I play non ladder... hmm 2 ist... i dont want vex then =D Ill have ocu ist or gull ist... gull is best mf but occu 3 skill res and 80 mf! I cant decide =( Or maybe i should wait for 4 ists and put all 4 in shield...
But maybe its best to make Hoto Tongue
on east ladder i see tal armor traded for hr all the time

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