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hey i need help about wirts leg
hey guys!umm have u guys seen those wirts leg with red lettering and says stuff like shadow splitter and theres more mods?? coudla ny 1 tell em how to amke those plz. thnx for your help guys cya :confused: Cool
i dont know anything with the red lettering, but if theres a wirts leg and more mods and it had a name, then it may have been a leg that someone has imbued, and made it rare. if this is not the case, then i dunno what to tell ya...
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
jedimaster86 Wrote:i dont know anything with the red lettering, but if theres a wirts leg and more mods and it had a name, then it may have been a leg that someone has imbued, and made it rare. if this is not the case, then i dunno what to tell ya...
thanks man
lol, im gonnna go imbue a leg... retarded and fun.
With red letters... it was a mod more or less. The only other thing I can think of is that it was a wirts leg from another difficulty (like the mephy stones in different difficulties). The mods might have been put on it by an editor.
You can imbue it, and it'll come out rare... I opened up the cow level with an imbued leg once and instead of cows there were mooses, lots and lots of mooses...

... okay there weren't.
mooses? relly hm my family must live thier
Skarz Wrote:lol, im gonnna go imbue a leg... retarded and fun.

there was some other post on here where i posted an imbued wirts leg, where is it.. oh here it is go down to #42 post, and there y'all will see it. then i took it another step further and studied what would happen if i used the proper materials necessary to try and see what would happen if i made it exceptional.... continue of this story is in that post enjoy :p :p
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
What ya should just do is get a 3 socketed wirts leg....toss in some 40/15's lol.....thatd be classic..maybe i'll try it sometime for the helluvit
lol go check out the link on the top. 6 pages of response to the almighty' Wirts Leg'. intesrsting pic and imbueing.... did u no that i u make it exceptonal it turns into a handaxe?? haha j/k. naa for real, go check the link it got a pic of the xmuteing

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