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USe a better pickit 4
hey. does anyone know how to add a better pickit / stashit that can go with the 5.44b5? If so post here i would really like to know because I would like to use a better pick it with the
Here is mine, I edited it a bit.

; v 1.0
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
; Special thanks to MozartMcLaus that converted original compiler from Au3
; (was slow...) to C++. Also other thanks to Robert Chady for his fixes in
; last compiler release (adding items sections & typo).
; Special thanks too for all people that added items and advices.
; =============================================================================
; Any line that *contains* the ' ; ' symbol will be considered as comment.
; Note: Never forget: the bot item string reader is Case Sensitive.
; =============================================================================
;             dO_Ob    VERY IMPORTANT ADVICES / READ THIS    dO_Ob
; =============================================================================
; - MAKE A "DEATH TEST" in pvp game or with a friend to check if you get
;   back all your items properly when clicking on your body (Strenght bug).
; - Have 8 left free columns in inventory if you use default settings below !
; ====================== WARNING: VERY RESTRICTIVE PKID =======================
; - Settings below are very restrictive... Keeping only the vey best items.
; - If you need a more "tolerant" PkId just look/ask in forums about
; - You can also simply edit this file, replacing statistics with "Stash".
; =============================================================================

;############################ XUNIQUE ITEMS ############################
[XUniques items section]

"Tal Rune" = "Sold"
"Ral Rune" = "Sold"
"Ort Rune" = "Sold"
"Thul Rune" = "Sold"
"Amn Rune" = "Sold"
"Sol Rune" = "Sold"
"Shael Rune" = "Sold"
"Dol Rune" = "Sold"
"Hel Rune" = "Sold"
"Io Rune" = "Sold"
"Lum Rune" = "Sold"
"Ko Rune" = "Sold"
"Fal Rune" = "Sold"
"Lem Rune" = "Stash"
"Pul Rune" = "Stash"
"Um Rune" = "Stash"
"Mal Rune" = "Stash"
"Ist Rune" = "Stash"
"Gul Rune" = "Stash"
"Vex Rune" = "Stash"
"Ohm Rune" = "Stash"
"Lo Rune" = "Stash"
"Sur Rune" = "Stash"
"Ber Rune" = "Stash"
"Jah Rune" = "Stash"
"Cham Rune" = "Stash"
"Zod Rune" = "Stash"

; Only keep lvl 50 or more amulets (remove Nokozan to Saracen)
"Amulet" = "MINLVL:50"
; Only keep lvl 29 or more rings (remove Nagel and Manald)
"Ring" = "MINLVL:29"

"Small Charm" = "Stash"
"Large Charm" = "Stash"
"Grand Charm" = "Stash"
"Jewel" = "Stash"

"Monarch" = "Stash"
"Grim Shield" = "Stash"
"Demonhide Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%185"
"Dusk Shroud" = "15%" | "Enchant"
"Wire Fleece" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
"Balrog Skin" = "+2 to" & "AC%177" | "+2 to" & "Ethereal"
"Kraken Shell" = "Stash"
"Shadow Plate" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210"
"Sacred Armor" = "Stash"
"Serpentskin Armor" = "ALLRES%30" & "y 13"
"Cuirass" = "Ethereal" & "AC%195"
"Mesh Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%215"
"Russet Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
"Templar Coat" = "Ethereal" & "AC%195"
"Chaos Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%190"
; Note: if you find the SarkTooth armor below on Europe Realm contact me.
"Sharktooth Armor" = "Ethereal" & "AC%210"

"Scarabshell Boots" = "Stash"
"Boneweave Boots" = "AC%195" & "+20" & "+17"
"Myrmidon Greaves" = "DEX+23"
"War Boots" = "AC%175"
"Battle Boots" = "MF%40"
"Sharkskin Boots" = "AC%200" & "LIFE+63"
"Boots" = "Normal" & "+6 Defense"

"Shako" = "Stash"
"Spired Helm" = "Stash"
"Demonhead" = "LS%10" & "AC%140" | "Ethereal"
"Corona" = "Stash"
"Bone Visage" = "(2)" & "STR+30" & "MINDEF:440"
"Casque" = "MF%47" & "AC%230" & "Ethereal"
"Death Mask" = "AC%220" | "Ethereal" & "AC%210"
"Grand Crown" = "12% Life" & "AC%198" | "12% Life" & "AC%190" & "Ethereal"
"Grim Helm" = "Ethereal" & "DAMRED%19" & "LS%7"

"Diadem" = "Stash"
"Tiara" = "Stash"

"Vampirebone Gloves" = "+15 to Str"
"Ogre Gauntlets" = "Stash"
"Light Gauntlets" = "AC%30"
"Chain Gloves" = "MF%40"
"Gauntlets" = "AC%20"
"Heavy Gloves" = "AC%20"

"Spiderweb Sash" = "Stash"
"Mithril Coil" = "DAMRED%13"
"Battle Belt" = "AC%170"
"War Belt" = "AC%195"

"Ward Bow" = "ED%195" & "+5"
"Hydra Bow" = "Stash"

"Archon Staff" = "Stash"
"Quarterstaff" = "ED%295" & "Ethereal"

"Lich Wand" = "+3 to Bone S" & "+3 to Bone W" & "+5 to Bone A" & "+5 to T"
"Unearthed Wand" = "Stash"

"Caduceus" = "Stash"

"Tusk Sword" = "ED%190" & "Ethereal"
"Espandon" = "ED%200" | "ED%195" & "Ethereal"
"Phase Blade" = "ED%200"
"Colossus Blade" = "ED%245"

"Fanged Knife" = "ED%295" | "Ethereal"
;"Bone Knife" = "Stash"
"Legend Spike" = "ED%240"

"Battle Dart" = "Ethereal" & "ED%160"
"Francisca" = "Ethereal" & "ED%180"
"Winged Knife" = "Ethereal" & "ED%240"
"Winged Axe" = "Ethereal" & "ED%200"

"Berserker Axe" = "Ethereal" & "ED%270"

"Yari" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"
"Lance" = "Ethereal" & "ED%195"

"Ogre Axe" = "ED%318" & "Ethereal"
"Thresher" = "Ethereal"
"Cryptic Axe" = "(3)" & "Ethereal"

"Tyrant Club" = "ED%230"
"Scourge" = "ED%290"
"Martel de Fer" = "ED%160"
"Legendary Mallet" = "Required Level: 68" & "ED%315" | "Required Level: 79" & "ED%125"

"Blood Spirit" = "+4 to Shape Shifting"
"Totemic Mask" = "AC%199"
"Earth Spirit" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "24%" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "25%"
"Sky Spirit" = "ALLRES%23" & "-19%" | "ALLRES%23" & "-20%"

"Fury Visor" = "+3 to Wa" & "+6 to Fe" & "+6 to Ly" & "+6 to We"
"Slayer Guard" = "Stash"
"Conqueror Crown" = "AC%165" & "+2 to Battle Co" & "+2 To Battle Or"
"Destroyer Helm" = "+3 to Co" & "+3 to Wa" & "+3 to Ma"

"Bloodlord Skull" = "+3 to Po" & "AC%165"
"Hierophant Trophy" = "AC%180"
"Succubus Skull" = "AC%140" & "+3 to Nec" & "ALLRES%25"

"Ceremonial Javelin" = "Stash"
"Matriarchal Javelin" = "+4 to" & "ED%180"

"Swirling Crystal" = "Stash"
"Eldritch Orb" = "+3 to"
"Dimensional Shard" = "Stash"

"Gilded Shield" = "Stash"

;############################## SET ITEMS ##############################
[Sets items section]

"Amulet" = "+2 to Sorce"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Stash"
"Mesh Belt" = "MF%15"
"Sacred Armor" = "Stash"
"Caduceus" = "Stash"
"Corona" = "Stash"
"Vortex Shield" = "Stash"
"Heavy Bracers" = "Stash"
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "Stash"

;############################## XRARE ITEMS ############################
[XRares items section]

; Line below is Rejuvenation potions...
"Rpot" = "Sold"
; Line below is Full Rejuvenation potions...
"Frpot" = "Sold"

"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes" | "ED%350" & "+2 to Ama"
"Amazon Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Amulet" = "+2 to Ass" & "Skil" | "+2 to Pal" & "Skil" | "+2 to Bar" & "Skil" | "+2 to Ama" & "Skil"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Dru" & "Skil" | "+2 to Sor" & "Skil" | "+2 to Nec" & "Skil"
"Amulet" = "+2 to" & "Only)" & "Fast"

"Assassin Katars" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Assassin Katars" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to Ass" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Axes" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Axes" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Berserker Axe" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Naga" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"War Axe" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Barbarian Helms" = "+2 to Barb" & "AC%180" | "+2 to Barb" & "AC%140" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Barbarian Helms" = "+2 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle O" | "+2 to Barb" & "+3 to Battle O"
"Barbarian Helms" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)"

"Belts" = "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "L_RES%21" | "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "C_RES%21" | "Fast" & "LIFE+50" & "STR+21"

;"Body Armors" = "Normal" & "AC%170" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Exceptional" & "AC%185" & "Ethereal"
"Body Armors" = "Sold"

"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "MF%22" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "MF%22"
"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "AC%140" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "AC%140"
"Boots" = "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "Fast" & "DEX+8" | "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "Fast" & "DEX+8"

"Bows" = "ED%390" & "Amplify"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill L" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Only)" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "(2)"
"Circlets" = "(2)" & "LIFE+50" & "Resist"

;"Crossbows" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

"Daggers" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Daggers" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to Drui" & "Grizzly" | "+2 to Summoning" & "Grizzly"
"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to Drui" & "Cyclone" | "+2 to Drui" & "Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "+2 to El" & "Cyclone" | "+2 to El" & "Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "Attack Rating (Based" & "Skill" | "Attack Rating (Based" & "Only)"

"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "Only)" & "STR+10" & "Resi" | "+20% In" & "Only)" & "DEX+10" & "Resi"
"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "Only)" "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" | "+20% In" & "Only)" "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20"
"Gloves" = "+20% In" & "DEX+10" & "STR+10" | "MF%22" & "DEX+10" & "STR+10"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "STR+10" | "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "DEX+10"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "MF%22" | "L_RES%20" & "F_RES%20" & "MF%22"
"Gloves" = "L_RES%20" & "C_RES%20" & "L_RES%20" | "+20% In" & "MF%22" & "Resi"

;"Helms" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

"Javelins" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"
"Javelins" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes"

"Jewel" = "Fast" & "Requi" | "Fast" & "STR+6" | "Fast" & "DEX+6" | "Fast" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "Fast" & "ALLRES%8" | "Fast" & "Resist" | "Requi" & "STR+6" | "Requi" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "Requi" & "ED%25" | "Requi" & "ALLRES%8" | "Requi" & "Resist" | "STR+6" & "DEX+6"
"Jewel" = "STR+6" & "ED%25" | "STR+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "STR+6" & "Resist" | "DEX+6" & "ED%25"
"Jewel" = "DEX+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "DEX+6" & "Resist" | "ED%25" & "ALLRES%8" | "ED%25" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "ED%25" | "AR+50" & "Fast" | "AR+50" & "Requi" | "AR+50" & "STR+6"
"Jewel" = "AR+50" & "DEX+6" | "AR+50" & "ALLRES%8" | "AR+50" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "Fast"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Requi" | "To Mana" & "STR+6" | "To Mana" & "DEX+6" | "To Mana" & "ALLRES%8"
"Jewel" = "To Mana" & "Resist" | "To Mana" & "ENE+6" | "ENE+6" & "Fast" | "ENE+6" & "Requi"
"Jewel" = "ENE+6" & "STR+6" | "ENE+6" & "DEX+6" | "ENE+6" & "ALLRES%8" | "ENE+6" & "Resist"
"Jewel" = "MAXDAM+19" | "MINDAM+13" | "ED%25" & "MINDAM+8" | "ED%25" & "MAXDAM+13"
; Note (%ED associated with Min/Max) is bugged in D2 : use such jewels only on weapons.

"Maces" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Maces" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Flail" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Knout" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Scourge" = "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Flail" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Knout" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Scourge" = "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"

;"Akaran Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Akaran Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
;"Royal Shield" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Rondache" = "Iding and sold it"
"Sacred Targe" = "Iding and sold it"
"Vortex Shield" = "Iding and sold it"

"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Polearms" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"

"Ring" = "Cast R" & "MANA+70" | "Cast R" & "MF%10" | "Cast R" & "STR+10"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "DEX+10" | "Cast R" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15" | "Cast R" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "MF%10" | "STR+10" & "DEX+10" | "STR+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "STR+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "MF%10" | "DEX+10" & "ALLRES%8"
"Ring" = "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "DEX+10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "ALLRES%8" | "% Life" & "% Mana" | "LS%8" & "AR+100"
"Ring" = "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "C_RES%15" | "MF%10" & "L_RES%15" & "F_RES%15"

"Scepters" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Scepters" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"

"Monarch" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"
"Aegis" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"
"Ward" = "Fast" & "(2)" & "LIFE+35"

"Sorceress Orbs" = "+2 to Sorc" & "+20% Faster Cast" & "+3 to"

"Spears" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Spears" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"

;"Staves" = "Iding and sold it" only 1 column ones
"Elder Staff" = "Iding and sold it"
"Shillelagh" = "Iding and sold it"
"Stalagmite" = "Iding and sold it"
"Walking Stick" = "Iding and sold it"

"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"
"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil" | "ED%350 & "Ethereal"
"Swords" = "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "(2)"

"Swords" = "2h" & "+40% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Swords" = "2h" & "+30% Increased Attack Speed" & ""Rating (B" & "(2)"
"Swords" = "2h" & "+20% Increased Attack Speed" & "Rating (B" & "(2)"

"Throwing Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Amplify" | "ED%350" & "Speed" | "ED%350" & "+2 to" & "Skil"
"Throwing Weapons" = "ED%250" & "Rating (B" | "ED%250" & "Ethereal" & "Replenishes"

"Wands" = "+2 to Necro" & "+20% Faster Cast" & "+3 to"

;"Chipped Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Skull" = "Stash"
;"Chipped Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Flawed Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Skull" = "Stash"
;"Flawed Topaz" = "Stash"

;"Amethyst" = "Stash"
;"Diamond" = "Stash"
;"Emerald" = "Stash"
;"Ruby" = "Stash"
;"Sapphire" = "Stash"
;"Skull" = "Stash"
;"Topaz" = "Stash"

"Flawless Amethyst" = "Sold"
"Flawless Topaz" = "Sold"
"Flawless Sapphire" = "Sold"
"Flawless Emerald" = "Sold"
"Flawless Ruby" = "Sold"
"Flawless Diamond" = "Sold"
"Flawless Skull" = "Sold"

; Well only flawless stashed here.
;"Gems" = "MINLVL:15"

;############################ MAGIC ITEMS ##############################
[Magics items section]

"Ring" = "Fast" & "MANA+115" | "Fast" & "ALLRES%14"

"Amulet" = "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "LIFE+70"
"Amulet" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"

"Circlets" = "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "Fast" | "+2 to" & "Skill Levels" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Druid Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Druid Skills" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+2 to Assassin Skills" & "Fast" | "+2 to Assassin Skills & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "+3 to" & "Only)" & "Fast" | "+3 to" & "Only)" & "LIFE+70"
"Circlets" = "Socketed (3)" & "Fast" | "Socketed (3)" & "LIFE+70"

"Monarch" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Aegis" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Ward" = "Fast" & "(4)" | "(4)" & "LIFE+50" |"(4)" & "-30"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" & "Indestructible"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" & "Repairs"

"Body Armors" = "Elite" & "(4)" & "LIFE+70"
"Body Armors" = "Elite" & "+24% Faster Hit Recovery" & "(4)"

"Sorceress Orbs" = "+2 to Fire Skills" & "+3 to Enchant"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "+3 to Fire Skills" & "+2 to Enchant"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "+3 to Fire" & "+3 To Enchant"

"Wands" = "Elite" & "Iding and sold it"
"Wands" = "Exceptional" & "Iding and sold it"

"Jewel" = "ED%36" | "ED%28" & "Speed" | "ALLRES%13"
; Note (%ED associated with Min/Max) is bugged in D2 : use such jewels only on weapons.

"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM+3" | "MAXDAM_L+40" | "MAXDAM_C+13" | "MAXDAM_F+18"
"Small Charm" = "MAXDAM_P+100" | "LIFE+17" & "MANA+14" | "MF%7" | "ALLRES%4" | "11%"
"Small Charm" = "LIFE+18" & "add" | "LIFE+18" & "%" | "LIFE+19" | "MANA+16" | "AR+30" & "LIFE+17"

"Large Charm" = "MAXDAM+6" | "MAXDAM_L+80" | "MAXDAM_C+26" | "MAXDAM_F+36" | "MAXDAM_P+175"
"Large Charm" = "ALLRES%7" | "LIFE+29" & "MANA+19" | "LIFE+29" & "%" | "LIFE+29" & "add" | "AR+60" & "LIFE+30"

"Grand Charm" = "MAXDAM+9" | "ALLRES%13" | "AR+120" & "LIFE+32"
"Grand Charm" = "Sorc" | "Assa" | "Drui" | "Amaz" | "Necr" | "Pala" | "Barb"

"Barbarian Helms" = "Elite" & "+3 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle Orders"
"Barbarian Helms" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Warcries" & "+3 to Battle Orders"

"Druid Pelts" = "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Summon Grizzly" | "Elite" & "+3 to Summoning" & "+3 to Summon Griz"
"Druid Pelts" = "Elite" & "+3 to Elemental" & "+3 to Tornado" | "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Tornado"
"Druid Pelts" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Summon Grizzly" | "Elite" & "+3 to Summoning" & "+3 to Summon Griz"
"Druid Pelts" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Elemental" & "+3 to Tornado" | "Elite" & "+2 to Druid" & "+3 to Tornado"

"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Lightning Sentry"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Lightning Sentry"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Elite" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
"Assassin Katars" = "Exceptional" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+3 to Venom"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+2 to Assa" & "+2 to Venom"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+3 to Venom"
;"Assassin Katars" = "Normal" & "+3 to Traps" & "+2 to Venom"

;############################ GRAY ITEMS #############################
[Grays items section]

; Faith Grand Matron Bow
"Grand Matron Bow" = "+3 to Bow" & "(4)"

; Ethereal Hoto, spirit, or cta...
"Crystal Sword" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" | "(5)" & "Ethereal"
;"Flail" = "(4)" & "Ethereal" | "(5)" & "Ethereal"

; Infinity polearms with at least a little EC%
"Thresher" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Great Poleaxe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Cryptic Axe" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"
"Colossus Voulge" = "Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "!(5)" & "ED%5"

; Spirit 4 socks perf AC% or Ethereal 4 socks.
"Monarch" = "AC%15" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)"
"Monarch" = "(4)" & "Ethereal"

; FOH Paladin scepters
"Divine Scepter" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"
"War Scepter" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"
"Caduceus" = "+3 to Fist" & "(5)"

; Enigma or Fortitude good quality or very good base defense
"Sacred Armor" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%13"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "AC%12"
"Archon Plate" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "!Ethereal" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Ethereal Random Sockets bugged ED with good base defense
"Sacred Armor" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:880" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Lacquered Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:800" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Kraken Shell" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Archon Plate" = "Ethereal" & "!Socketed" & "MINDEF:775" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Enigma only perf AC%
"Scarab Husk" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Wyrmhide" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"
"Breast Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%15" & "!Ethereal"

; Enigma only, near perf base defense or good AC%
"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "AC%14" & "!Ethereal"
;"Light Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:105" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Mage Plate" = "(3)" & "MINDEF:258" & "!Ethereal" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Superior with more than 3 sockets
"Berserker Axe" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"
"Phase Blade" = "!(1)" & "!(2)" & "!(3)" & "ED%7"

; PalaShields For Dream or Exile or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"
"Zakarum Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%40" & "!(1)" & "!(2)" | "Elite" & "Ed%55" & "!(1)" & "!(2)"

; WW assassin weapons
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "!Ethereal" & "Flight" & "(3)"
"Suwayyah" = "!Ethereal" & "Flight" & "(3)"

; Dream & Delirium Helms perf quality or very good base
"Bone Visage" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:229" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:153" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Demonhead" = "AC%15" & "(3)"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:225" & "!Socket" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:150" & "(3)" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Energy Shield Staves
"Elder Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Shillelagh" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Cedar Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Gnarled Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Battle Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"
"Gothic Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield" & "(4)" | "+3 to Energy Shield" & "Ethereal"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit" & "!(1)"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova" & "!(1)"

; More Money/Gold
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Elite" & "Sold"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Exceptional" & "Sold"

;############################## WHITE ITEMS ############################
[Whites items section]

; FOH Paladin scepters
"Divine Scepter" = "+3 to Fist"
"War Scepter" = "+3 to Fist"
"Caduceus" = "+3 to Fist"

; Enigma or Fortitude (good quality or good base def)
"Sacred Armor" = "AC%14"
"Archon Plate" = "AC%14"
;"Archon Plate" = "MINDEF:520" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Dusk Shroud" = "AC%14"
;"Dusk Shroud" = "MINDEF:463" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; LastWish Maybe
"Berserker Axe" = "ED%14"

; PalaShields For Dream or Phoenix
"Vortex Shield" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"
"Sacred Targe" = "Elite" & "ALLRES%44" | "Elite" & "ED%60"

; Spirit 4 socks
"Monarch" = "Stash"

; WW assassin weapons
"Scissors Suwayyah" = "Flight"
"Suwayyah" = "Flight"

; Dream Helms perf quality or very good base
"Bone Visage" = "AC%15"
;"Bone Visage" = "MINDEF:153" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"
"Demonhead" = "AC%15"
;"Demonhead" = "MINDEF:150" & "!Enhanced" & "!Durability"

; Energy Shield Staves
"Elder Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Shillelagh" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Cedar Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Gnarled Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Battle Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"
"Gothic Staff" = "+3 to Energy Shield"

; Necro items for White or Splendor
"Wands" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Bone Spirit"
"Necromancer Heads" = "Elite" & "+3 to Poison Nova"

; More Money/Gold
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Elite" & "Sold"
"Sorceress Orbs" = "Exceptional" & "Sold"

; Can only be used with map hacks with teleport-to-target feature.
"Key of Destruction" = "Stash"
"Key of Hate" = "Stash"
"Key of Terror" = "Stash"

; mm
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
eh i sujjest making ur own one based on ur prefference of good or bad items

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