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DarkSkye Wrote:LOL! Hit away, but be warned none of you are my type (if you know what I mean). Also your all bloody American, the only thing worse than an American boy is a Dutch girl. Okay now I've alienated half the population of one of the most powerful countries on earth, I think it's time for lunch.

Seriously though, you could be the nicest American boy on earth, you still aint my type.

I'll be moving to Canada soon if it helps Wink
ha am i the only brit on this site? Big Grin
There aren't many of us Brits on here. And yes Canada make all the difference.
DarkSkye Wrote:Okay junior, I tell you what. I'll explain it to you. The way their rust storm deal worked was very simple. Each item has a valid item number, even dupes have a valid item number, provided their duped 'legit' items. No item created outside the server and then added has a valid number, for example the Ith's, Occy-SoJ's, and all the bugged items. As soon as you log in with a a character who has one of these items it will be deleted, or in the case of the bugged Nosferatu Coil, it'll be transformed into something else (I think that was because the item numbers were the same or something).

call me a noob, but ive never seen a bugged noisaferatu's coil. Some Noisaferatu's coil were also called "Siggard's Stealth".

As for your explanation of rust storm, did u realize that occy sojs are fused items? not bugged?

thats probly why they werent morphed into regular sojs, and blizz just updated the server so they would detect runeword items, and therefore detect iths.
I didn't realise there was actually a difference between fused and bugged items, aside from the way they were created. What happened to all the Occy-SoJ's after the rust storm then? To be honest this isn't something I know a great deal about, aside from what common sense can grasp.
Heh, I live up here in my lil' igloo with indoor heating and electricity. (Northern area of Canada.) 290s = Trading Power = Everything at your grasp.
Well, 290s are swarming over USEast. If you have 290s, you can get anything you want with them. They're the money of the gods, kinda. If you're a bit poorer, you'll probably be trading like the .09 style with uniques.
Thank god i've got 290's...thats the only way to get items anymore
Well, 290s are useful for zons. They make your damage climb and it helps kill everything that isn't poison immune. 290 damage for one out of forty spots in our inventory is pretty damn good. Also, they _were_ rare, thus earning value. It would just be easier if Blizzard just deleted all the 290s. The soj totals aren't so high anymore, like the older days since there are a couple thousand being sold in hope that they'll have uber diablo appear in their game. 40/15s have actually depassed the 290s in worth now on USEast softcore closed. 2 X 290 = 1 X 40/15
290s suck but I must admit with +damage stuff they rule....
ok.......u said they suck... but they rule for +dmg.....tats all they're good for is they suck and r good at the same time?
Skye Wrote:There aren't many of us Brits on here. And yes Canada make all the difference.

I'm an American. But I am 100% european blood. Got some Dutch, Swedish, Irish, a few other things, and the majority of my blood is British. The only problem about Canada is that it rains like half the year. I wouldnt move there unless I lived in Vancouver; beautiful country there.
I'm Canadian, livin' in my nice lil' igloo.
God i hate 290s....unless you buy em straight from ebay or internet theyre a pain to get cuz everyone wants like a zod or two for one of em....and i hate how no one will trade for anything but 290s now...makes me wanna go to west....if its any different
It's not. People always hate what the currency is. In 1.08 it was SOJs, well at least for the early part. In 1.09 it became 3/20/20s. In 1.10 it is 290s. Don't worry because it is destined to change again.
Yahoo more poverty, only of a different sort!

and I make no sense....I'm tired, either that or my 3 hour Calculus practice test wore me out...hmmm
on US East non ladder 2x 3/20/20 = 1 290 that is comon knowledge as far as i know.
Any way how can p gems be worth anything at all , even if it took 40 pgems to get a 290 i would be ****ing cowing/cubing my *** off till i had those 40 then i would do it again, p gems are WAY to easy to get and shouldnt be worth anything. The reson 290's are currency is
1. They only take up one spot, very important currency must be small.
2. They are Very usefull, allmost all mele chars could use a few.
3. There will not be any more of them spawning/excpet for dupes wich isnt that bad.
You see, the only thing that dosnt always have to be there is number 2. because paper money is ****ing worthless thats why every one should buy gold. sry about that it didnt need to be said.
What im trying to say is 290=PERFECT currency,but currency is bad on diablo because thats all anyone wants. the key to currency is that you cant make more of it.
With perfect gems every f***er with a cube would be making p gems and then they would be litterally worthless. atleast with 290 it stays the same amount except for the dupes.
Allisurd Wrote:290's are way over powered to be thrown around in huge numbers.

true dat. my zon has 24 (1 anni) and she does around 10k psn dmg...its sick. but i traded for all of them. i just need to trade away before something like 1.10 happens again.
kinda lame using excessive psn dmg
If it's not 290's it'll be something else, and to think otherwise is to deny what the D2 community is. But we're all still here, we're all still playing it, because we all still have fun doing it. ISO: 290's. -{^_^}-

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