05-06-2006, 10:55 AM
I am trading bascially everything i have for hammerdin gear hoto's,nigmas,arach,sojs and other thing im in need of, Hes a perfect skills and stats build hes just stripped =/. Items for trade are as follows
Full Tal Rasha Set
2 x 28% Nagel rings
39% War Travs
Isted Lidless with 119% ED
4 x 5% Mf SC 3 of which are moded
2 x 6% Mf SC
ViperFork 223% ED
Shaftstop 198% ED
Volcanic Tiara +3 Fire skills, 12% chance on lvl 4 nova when struck
2x Bloodletters both 140% ED
Earthshaker 180% ED
Dead Whorl ring +15 str +51 mana Pos Res 15% 11% Mf +7 to minimum damage
Grim Band Ring 5% Leech +82 Mana Pos Res 15% 9% Mf
Spire of Honor 178% ED
Gimmershard 161% ED
VampireFang 6% Leech
Gaean Coronet +3 ele skills +12 min damage
Bloodtree 197% ED
Gavel of Pain 141% ED
Pierre Tombale 212% ED
Windhammer 211% ED
Volcanic Ammy +3 fire skills
Homunculus 158% ED 1 os
Oculus +5 mana after kill
Skullders 194% ED +5 life
Powered Coronet +3 Light skills +5 life
Powered Ammy +3 Light skills +4 Dex
2x +2 Wc Weps 1 spear and 1 sword
Arreats 198% ED Shaeled
Cruel Shell Circ 20% FCR +35 life Fire Res 12% +2 mana after kill 21% MF
Dungos 106% ED 37 Vitality
TGods 174% ED
Hone Sunden 192% ED 3 os
Black Hades Arm 181% ED Requitments -15% Fire Res 26%
Frostwind 225% ED
Snowclash 133% ED
Jade Talon 199% ED
2x Suicide Branch
Blackbogs Sharp +488 Poison dmg for 10 seconds
Imp Grasp +2 Bow skills 20 IAS Fire Res 11% 23% MF
2x Dol Runes
All of these items are for trade on hammerdin gear only, or if u can throw some free hammy gear towards me that will be greatly apprecaited. If you need more info on the items u can leave a pm or im me at itzwhiteboi
Full Tal Rasha Set
2 x 28% Nagel rings
39% War Travs
Isted Lidless with 119% ED
4 x 5% Mf SC 3 of which are moded
2 x 6% Mf SC
ViperFork 223% ED
Shaftstop 198% ED
Volcanic Tiara +3 Fire skills, 12% chance on lvl 4 nova when struck
2x Bloodletters both 140% ED
Earthshaker 180% ED
Dead Whorl ring +15 str +51 mana Pos Res 15% 11% Mf +7 to minimum damage
Grim Band Ring 5% Leech +82 Mana Pos Res 15% 9% Mf
Spire of Honor 178% ED
Gimmershard 161% ED
VampireFang 6% Leech
Gaean Coronet +3 ele skills +12 min damage
Bloodtree 197% ED
Gavel of Pain 141% ED
Pierre Tombale 212% ED
Windhammer 211% ED
Volcanic Ammy +3 fire skills
Homunculus 158% ED 1 os
Oculus +5 mana after kill
Skullders 194% ED +5 life
Powered Coronet +3 Light skills +5 life
Powered Ammy +3 Light skills +4 Dex
2x +2 Wc Weps 1 spear and 1 sword
Arreats 198% ED Shaeled
Cruel Shell Circ 20% FCR +35 life Fire Res 12% +2 mana after kill 21% MF
Dungos 106% ED 37 Vitality
TGods 174% ED
Hone Sunden 192% ED 3 os
Black Hades Arm 181% ED Requitments -15% Fire Res 26%
Frostwind 225% ED
Snowclash 133% ED
Jade Talon 199% ED
2x Suicide Branch
Blackbogs Sharp +488 Poison dmg for 10 seconds
Imp Grasp +2 Bow skills 20 IAS Fire Res 11% 23% MF
2x Dol Runes
All of these items are for trade on hammerdin gear only, or if u can throw some free hammy gear towards me that will be greatly apprecaited. If you need more info on the items u can leave a pm or im me at itzwhiteboi