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Oranges BvC Guide
Oranges BvC Dueler GUIDE!!!!

This is a guide for a BvC Barbarian. A BvC is Barb vs Caster and he uses enigma and some fcr to kill casters. This is a guide to build one and this build is one of my favorite duelers. You also have to be sorta wealthy to make him right and own. So here we go:


MAX Whirlwind - Main skill (i dont know if you can put this on left skill but if you can do it.)

MAX Axe Mastery - In this guide we will be using axes adds cs and dmg.

MAX Shout - Major Defense bonus

MAX Battle Orders - Major life bonus

1 into Battle Command - Extra skill level

1 into Beserk - Your choice if you are ever gonna pvm can take out immunes

1-15 into Iron Skin - More defense your choice

1-15 into Natural Resists - If you do not have max resists in Hell

Also Prereq.'s


Armor- MP Enigma - Best armor for bvc because of tele. If you do not have tele casters may be to fast for you.

Helm- Arreats - Skills life leech strength best helm

Left Wep- Greif Zerker - Very effective

Right Wep- Beast Zerker - Lvl 9 fanat helps with damage and ar. Strength and also has wearbear which is a fun skill for messing around.

Switch - 2 3+ War Cry Spears.

Gloves- Dracs or Fcr gloves - Dracs for life tap and strength or Fcr gloves for a faster teleport.

Ring#1- Raven Frost - AR Dex cold sorb.

Ring#2- Angelics if using ammy or another Raven

Ammy- Angelics Ammy or Maras - Maras for extra resists and skills or Angelic ammy with ring for ar.

Belt- Spider or Verdungos - Spider for skill and fcr or Dungos for dr

Boots- Eth Treks - Strength Vita Fhr


Strength - Base - You can glitch into enigma by using Torch and Anni if you still dont have enough strength, Find a 20 strength ring and use it to get into it.

Dex - Base - I had base and i did fine. We wont be using a shield for this build so it doesnt matter.

Vita - All - This build is mainly vita.

Energy - Base - If you are hurting on mana during a duel its called mana pots O_o


8 or 9 WC GCs - Will boost your BO and Shout very high. I had about 4.5k health and in wearbear like 7k.

Barb Torch - 3 skills Resists and Attributes

Anni - 1 skill Resists and Attributes also had % exp gained.

Rest of the space is up to you. I filled the rest up with 100 pdsc's but you can play with this part.


Everytime before you duel you do Battle Command then BO then Shout with your WC Spears out. You should have very high life.

Bone Necros - These guys can sometime be tricky. If they have alot of FCR and keep teleporting around and spamming spirits try to look for a pattern tele onto him and ww very fast.

Sorces - Basically same as boners just look for a pattern tele and ww.

Light Zons - Hard to kill if they are very good. They can cast from far away and probly kill you within a few hits. Dodge there attacks and ww a few times and hopefully they are dead.

Other BvC - I love these duels the best. Both are teleporting and ww and its fun.

Foh Pallys - Hard to kill if they are Godly. Just Tele onto them and WW and hope you hit them.

ELe Druid - Ez to kill just tele and ww and they are dead most of the time.

Bow Zon - I have never really faced one so you are on your own.

Singers - Stun can own you just do the best. You dont see many good ones out but somtimes theres a godly one and you might have trouble.

If there are any questions or mistakes feel free to comment and correct errors. I looked for a BvC build and there wasnt one in the Barb Section unless i missed it.
very helpfull and i think that this isnt a very expensive build
Well for me it was lol. It took me a while to get all the items. Ty for your comment.
greif? why not ebotd? would give more all stats and maybe you could glitch on a better nigma, and better damage and ias.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
Sorry dude, but this is not a very complete guide. I did no see you mention leap anywhere, also the use of OW. You have not mentioned namelocking, which is THE MOST IMPORTANT TECHNIQUE IN BVC. I'm writing in caps not because I'm annoied, but because I think that you should pay attention to it and add it into the guide. You do not mention Stormshield (vital for dueling any amazon).

You have obviously not have done much duelling besides in public games (usually frequented by noobs). Ele druids can be very tricky. Personally, I do clan-level duelling (I have an ele druid), and my brother has a BvA, which really owns in BvC.

Honestly, I would not give this guide more than 1/10. It lacks depth, is misleading and incomplete.
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Sorry dude, but this is not a very complete guide. I did no see you mention leap anywhere, also the use of OW. You have not mentioned namelocking, which is THE MOST IMPORTANT TECHNIQUE IN BVC. I'm writing in caps not because I'm annoied, but because I think that you should pay attention to it and add it into the guide. You do not mention Stormshield (vital for dueling any amazon).

You have obviously not have done much duelling besides in public games (usually frequented by noobs). Ele druids can be very tricky. Personally, I do clan-level duelling (I have an ele druid), and my brother has a BvA, which really owns in BvC.

Honestly, I would not give this guide more than 1/10. It lacks depth, is misleading and incomplete.

Your right about the namelocking and about i have only dueled in public games. I thought namelocking would be obvious because in almost every dueler name lock plays a part in it. About the SS though, w/o dex i dont think you would have max block which would be meaningless but i do not know for sure. Also, why leap? I never used leap when i dueled. Personally i think its slow and it gives the person your dueling time to see where you are going to land and spam there attack at you. I suppose it would be great because of the stun and knockback is it? This is probly a nooby question but whats OW? Open Wouds? Open wounds and poison go together great and i suppose i should put that into the guide but im not very good at those things. My BvC was good but i never dueled in clans i just went into pubs and mainly killed ele druids sorces and bone mancers. He was effective but this is how i built him and he was effective.
1337-Orange Wrote:i suppose i should put that into the guide but im not very good at those things.

i suppose you shouldnt have written a guide then...this sentence right here tells me that while you mean well, you really have no business writing a guide.
Bloodangel26 Wrote:i suppose you shouldnt have written a guide then...this sentence right here tells me that while you mean well, you really have no business writing a guide.

i was talking about the open wounds i have never used it and poison but i have heard that it is very good. I just wanted to share my bvc barb incase others wanted to make one. I thought it was a fun build and i wanted others to try it.
i know you were talking about open wounds...but someone who writes a guide should have a complete understanding of the game. especially things that relate to the topic they are writing the guide about. unfortunately for you, open wounds and things like that are very important to melee chars, so if you dont know about them and cant include them in your guide, you shouldnt write it.

i realize i may be coming off as kind of a jerk here, but its not my intent. learn more about the game, get a more complete understanding, then feel free to try again. just make sure you are writing new guides(which you did this time), unlike most of the people that are writing guides lately, who make "their guide" exactly the same as everyone elses...e.g. that new lite sorc guide(again not trying to flame the writer, i just have read that guide like 10 times by 10 different people).
The thing is you can be a jerk cause you know about the game. And your right i will go deeper into this character and improve the guide when i have time. I have SAT's this week. Thanks for your advice.
no problem, good luck on your SATs. i look forward to reading your improved version
Yes thanks i hope i do good. I will make the guide extra good for you lol
1337-Orange Wrote:Your right about the namelocking and about i have only dueled in public games. I thought namelocking would be obvious because in almost every dueler name lock plays a part in it. About the SS though, w/o dex i dont think you would have max block which would be meaningless but i do not know for sure. Also, why leap? I never used leap when i dueled. Personally i think its slow and it gives the person your dueling time to see where you are going to land and spam there attack at you. I suppose it would be great because of the stun and knockback is it? This is probly a nooby question but whats OW? Open Wouds? Open wounds and poison go together great and i suppose i should put that into the guide but im not very good at those things. My BvC was good but i never dueled in clans i just went into pubs and mainly killed ele druids sorces and bone mancers. He was effective but this is how i built him and he was effective.

Put an Eld rune into SS, this will add 7% block rate. With torch + anni and other items you will not have to add a lot into Dex to get max block. Max block is absolutely vital versus builds such as bowzons.

Yes, leap stuns and knocks the enemy back. If the enemy has low FHR, you can just tele next to him (or leap) and WW him.

Open Wounds is very important. When you get into these annoying duels, in which casters keep teleing away, hit him until you get OW, and then go defensive. You have now swapped the roles, the caster will come to hunt you down before he is killed by OW.

Additionally, this is a BvC build, so nn Berserk. We are going to need every single skill point.

No more than 1 point into natural resists, you get enough from equipment, charms and +skills. Also, you will be using different equipment to duel most casters anyway.

Arreat's is not necessarily the best helm vs casters. If facing cold sorc's -resists, a Kira's Guardian with a Thul rune is a better choice. Kira's is also better in team duels if facing an auradin and sorc combo. If dueling any char that has -resis on you, use a Kira (you should have 4 Kira's in your stash, each one with a different rune).

NN Life tap versus casters, in clan level, life tap is BM and banned anyway. Trang's are a must have for any BvC.

As for rings, when dueling sorcs, counter their element, so Wisps against light sorcs, Ravens vs cold sorcs and Dwarves against fire sorcs. When dueling other chars, see what you need on the rings. Most casters have very good fcr, so you may need to use a combo, 1 Raven and 1 ring with 10% fcr + nice mods. No need Angelic due against casters, most of them have very low defence (besides FoHdins).

Mara is useless for BvC. Instead, use an amulet that has +2 barb and enough fcr for your next FCR breakpoint. Prismatic mod is also nice. If you are dueling casters that don't tele, such as Amazons, use Highlord's.

Verdungo is not a very good idea in BvC, use Arach instead. If dueling Ele druids, use Stormshield (35% DR) and Enigma (8% DR), this will be sufficient.

Treks are absolutely useless for BvC. Instead, use upped gores, or rare boots with 30%frw and triple resists.

In inventory, WC skillers are only useful in team duels. If solo'ing, use 3/20/20 (if you are NL), or something similar, if you are ladder.

Poison charms are useless. Once you hit Venom with Grief, it's poison damage will be greater than that of your poison charms, therefore, it's the duration of Venom that will count. Now, you have Venom that does a certain amount of damage over 0.4 seconds. If you also have a 100 poison sc in your inv (100 poison over 5 seconds, 25 damage a second) then only the amount of damage that is done over 0.4 seconds will be effective, meaning that one of your poision scs is only going to do about ~10 damage. Include 75%+ poison resist, and Poison duration reduced by 50%, your charm will not be doing even 1 damage (Also include the 75% cap on damage in PvP).

Also, your strategies are not very good. Practise a bit more and go into more depth.
Alright it sounds good after SATs i will go into more depth and research strats. Thanks for your comments and very good advice.
how much dmg did ur barb do?

for greif and beastz?
I believe he did like 1000-2000 with grief and 2k-3k with beast im not sure though he expired a while ago he was s2 ladder. Im working on one right now.

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