05-24-2006, 07:44 AM
hello me and my friend(s) were getting bored of just mfing or pking and wanted to help people at a small cost by g rushing them and chaosing them and if desired help on all quests
- -----------------list of prices and how long it will take----------------------
- -----------------list of prices and how long it will take----------------------
-normal-nightmare-hell rushs-
price:1 soj for complete g rush
-all quests in normal nightmare and hell difficulty-
price:1 soj
-chaosing to level 75-
price:1 soj
---------lists of people willing to do any of the above services---------
---whisper any of these people for more information---
(there will be more rushers/chaosers/questers later
the reason for the short list of people is because we are a new rushing service and hope to grow along way into the rushing services of diablo 2:lod
are main goals are to gain some items along the way and or help u by spending as little cash as possible and helping u build a succesful character
price:1 soj for complete g rush
-all quests in normal nightmare and hell difficulty-
price:1 soj
-chaosing to level 75-
price:1 soj
---------lists of people willing to do any of the above services---------
---whisper any of these people for more information---
(there will be more rushers/chaosers/questers later
the reason for the short list of people is because we are a new rushing service and hope to grow along way into the rushing services of diablo 2:lod
are main goals are to gain some items along the way and or help u by spending as little cash as possible and helping u build a succesful character