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Please Rate Sorc Build
I decided to try sort of a new build for a sorc, new for me atleast, and would like some constructive comments on it. ^^


20 Frozen Orb
20 Ice Bolt
10 Cold Mastery
20 Telekinesis
7 Energy Shield
10 Thunder Storm
10 Lightning Mastery
1 Teleport
1 Static Field
1 Shiver Armor
1 Warmth

rest of points in Pre Requisites


I'll be listing the 'Rich' and 'Poor' gear, wont be listing merc gear yet as Im still toying with ideas for it.


Helm: Shako (Um'd)
Body: Perfect 'Chains of Honor' Archon Plate
Amulet: Perfect Mara's
Shield: Perfect 'Spirit' Monarch
Rings: 2x Stone of Jordan
Weapon: Wizardspike (5/5 Cold Facet)
Belt: Arachnid's Mesh
Boots: Perfect Up'd War Travelers
Gloves: Frostburns


Helm: Shako
Body: Skin of the Vipermagi (Up'd if possible)
Amulet: +3 Cold Sorc ammy /w atleast 10% resist all
Shield: 'Spirit' Monarch
Rings: 2x Stone of Jordan
Weapon: Occulus
Belt: Nightsmoke
Boots: Nat's
Gloves: Frostburns

Stat Distribution

Str: around 113 should be able to wear everything I believe >> if not add enough for gear.
Dex: 100 (I personally like to have max block and 100 usually does it)
Vit: 100-120 (bit of health to fall back on from ES)
Energy: Rest here


Last but not least >> the charms to have if you can manage it.

Perf. Anni
Perf. Sorc Torch
10x 20/5 shimmering vita scs
5-9x Cold Skill GCs

Well, that's that, post what you think of the build ^^
way too much strength and dex, put zero in energy for every build, drop the tstorm and finish maxing cold mastery, take the left over points from this and drop like 2 into eshield and the rest into frozen armor, if this is a mf sorc drop most of the gcs and if its not lose the war travs and get treks. i give it like a 4/10
I don't like it, I'd rather just max orb, ice bolt, mastery, es,a dn rest into telekinesis.
[Image: toomuchowneh8lr1.jpg]
I disagree with blood on the whole mana pool. If you are going the max ES/Telek route then you want to stuff as much points into energy as you can. My favorite sorc build by far is my Orber/Mana tank. I wound up putting only about 80 into vitality and the remainder went into mana, and I never die MFing. You have to still be careful of Mana burn and poison attacks, but Andy poses no problems. I found when I didn't have a whole lot of mana my ES would constatly be robbing me of mana, nothing is worse than teleing through durance and getting taken down from a lucky shot from a soul killer
Bloodangel26 Wrote:put zero in energy for every build

i disagree with this b/c since ur using energy shield if you dont put any point in energy u will be killed every 5 seconds with no mana, but everyones entitled to their opinion, in the case of the "rich" gear id say get her a perfect nightwings instead of shako, nws gives 2 to all skills and if its perfect (5/5 cold) itll got +20/-5 cold.

Additional Comment:
i give it a 5/10
even with using eshield you dont need any points in energy..just get insight and BO and you have plenty of mana
hey never thought of that, only downside to that is mana burn......mana burn should burn in hell
For a es sorc you really DO need points in mana since every point gives 4 pre bo mana excluding using sojs. ES sotcs typically have 80-100 points in vita and the rest in mana. There is no point going all out es if you are not gonna max out on energy. It's possible to get 2k life and 7k mana with duped items making a es sorc almost invincible.
well as blood stated above, if u use insight, you will never run out of mana, my sorc doesnt have insight but she has warmth and never runs outta mana so with insight u wont need much points in energy
Sounds like a personal preference deal. To me it seems a mana-heavy build is pratical for MFing, becuase you can sacrafice gear that helps mana/regen/max mana in exchange for MF stuff.
slightly off topic, my pvp sorc has lvl 31 warmth from putting just 1 point in it and its awesome because she actually heals mana while teleporting. so if you are making a fire sorc you really dont need any points in energy
I would always use a infiniti on a sorc's merc not insight, leave that for hammers. Smile
Quote:slightly off topic, my pvp sorc has lvl 31 warmth from putting just 1 point in it and its awesome because she actually heals mana while teleporting. so if you are making a fire sorc you really dont need any points in energy

wow!!! how do u have 30 +skill? wats ur gear?
this is getting a bit off topic, so lets watch it....but since you asked: 9 fire gcs, 18/20sorc torch, something like 18/14/8anni. 5ish 20life scs, 1 5all resist sc, couple +2 strength scs, perf die fire faceted shako, +3 fire ammy, dusk COH, perf eshuta faceted with perf lvl fire facet, 35fcr spirit monarch, CTA+spirit on switch, perf arach belt, soj+bk rings, double upped magefist, 20/17 marrowwalks...altogether worth about 80 hrs.

i forgot, her merc, high eth cv infinity(somethig like 305/50, cant remember exactly) eth 2.2k fort, 9/30 andys helm
Your guide sucks, to make guides read through some written by people who actually know their stuff and then create 2-3 characters of your own slightly varing them then you'll have enough knowledge to make a sorc. There is no need for noobs creating unrealistic lvl 99 guides, aim for 90 max in your guides and then suggest where the rest should go. Most people will not go further than 90 therefore the build should be more or less complete at 90.

Drop the rich/poor crap, just make suggestions to items and have reasonin why one items is better than another.

Anyway, if you are not gonna put in as much time as Frater does into writing guides then don't make one.
Loits Wrote:Your guide sucks, to make guides read through some written by people who actually know their stuff and then create 2-3 characters of your own slightly varing them then you'll have enough knowledge to make a sorc. There is no need for noobs creating unrealistic lvl 99 guides, aim for 90 max in your guides and then suggest where the rest should go. Most people will not go further than 90 therefore the build should be more or less complete at 90.

Drop the rich/poor crap, just make suggestions to items and have reasonin why one items is better than another.

Anyway, if you are not gonna put in as much time as Frater does into writing guides then don't make one.

Your comments aren't constructive
You fail at life.

As for everyone else. Thanks for the input. ^^
Izeldrak Wrote:Your comments aren't constructive
You fail at life.

As for everyone else. Thanks for the input. ^^

Sorry dude. Your guide sucks. For example, you will need a lot more than 100 points in dexterity to achieve max block with Spirit (your suggested shield for both, rich and poor gear).

In hell, your Thunderstorm will not be able to kill Fallens in Blood Moor. But the best of luck to you.

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