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did i screw up my MF sorc?
hi guys, i just came back to d2.

the last time i played was version 1.09 and im not sure how the game play goes.

i made a mf sorc because i have to start from scratch, its level 31 atm.

so far it has:

4 on blizzard
4 on ice bolt
3 on ice blast
1 on frozen orb
1 on shivering armor

1 on ts
1 on energy shield

7 on warmth

74 str
base dex
50 vit (not sure though)
100 energy

so do u think i should start my mf sorc over??

advice is appreciated, thanks.
I don't think you should give up. Now put pts enuff to wear your gear for str and dex, and the REST into life. As for your skills, Way too much into warmth but don't worry. Put 1 pt into teleport, energy shield, STATIC, and cold mastery. Then max out the cold skills you were already working on except orb.Do the other synergy which I forgot the name of.
Sounds like mine... max out ice blast... the synergy for frozen orb. Also, would appreciate feedback on my first sorc attempt...

currently level 30

Naj circlet
spirit shroud
cath ammy and ring
magefists (also have frostburns but do i give up the 20% fcr?)
rites of passage boots
imbued jared stone (+38 to mana, +1 to teleport, +2 to shiver armor)
razorswitch (?) unique jo staff (+1 to skills, +175 to mana) on switch
stormguild large shield (with jared stone)

i have (before +skills) points allocated
4 warmth
1 in all prereqs
1 in teleport
1 in enchant
5 in ice bolt (synergy for frozen orb)
1 in cold mastery
1 in frozen orb

I have three skill points left.....

ewc2003 Wrote:Sounds like mine... max out ice blast... the synergy for frozen orb. Also, would appreciate feedback on my first sorc attempt...

currently level 30

Naj circlet
spirit shroud
cath ammy and ring
magefists (also have frostburns but do i give up the 20% fcr?)
rites of passage boots
imbued jared stone (+38 to mana, +1 to teleport, +2 to shiver armor)
razorswitch (?) unique jo staff (+1 to skills, +175 to mana) on switch
stormguild large shield (with jared stone)

i have (before +skills) points allocated
4 warmth
1 in all prereqs
1 in teleport
1 in enchant
5 in ice bolt (synergy for frozen orb)
1 in cold mastery
1 in frozen orb

I have three skill points left.....


i meant ice BOLT... in the first part of the intro...not ice BLAST

sorry Smile
Im sick of all u Ice sorcs..... GO TEAM METEOR!!!!

p.s (watch all the abusive post about fire sorcs)
I figured an ice sorc would be good, since I see them mowing down the cows... Smile I only have a vengeance pally as my other guy Smile Cut a brother a little slack Smile
ice pwns fire...stick with ice. its a very satisfying build
i believe fire & cold rocks together, u can handle more immune monsters in hell but u can still do some dmg, ie a meteorb sorc
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Ur a loser its either 1 or the other.... u cant seruosly think u can do enough damage by splitting ur skill points.
I was doing norm cow runs today with a couple of players on USWest... they would lead them down a narrow chute, and i would just spam blizzard... very effective, esp when one player was a might pally.... gained four levels in three games....
yeah i think that both Fire and ice are both good builds if you make them right...currently i have a fire sorc for meph and she kills meph in bout 20 seconds with a 18k meator she works pretty well...and i have seen ice sorcs kill meph just as fast so no

but to anwser your question no you didnt mess up your sorc
nope not yet but just stick 2 a main skill and maxx its synergies
hmmm, ive got a mixed skill sorc...and it pown's hell mephy in about 20 seconds... not too many shots...and i stand against andy without moving...but then again... my fire skill does over whelm my ice skills so i can blast hard with fireball yet... if you do MF runs without a bunch of others in a game, those two are a good combination. you weaken bad though if you are in a large game as your damage is pathetic compared to such as a pure fire sorc or pure ice sorc.

its all in what you do in the game..... public games== you want pure // games with 1-2 ... then mixed is more helpful

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