This download includes:
* The d2jsp trial version. It works just fine on
* Yamb, updated to beta 3.
* All the common libs.
* js32.dll.
Download it here
* Yes, this says trial verion.
* No, it will not expire.
* Yes, it works on
* No, you do not need a key.
* Yes, this is detectable.
Guide to setting up d2jsp
You do not need a key for this.
* 1) Download the file and extract it. The .zip contains a file called 'js32.dll'. Extract that file to your windows/system32 directory, even if you have done this before!! It is a newer version and should help prevent the 'error 0' bug.
* 2) Navigate to this directory:
# 3) Locate your character type and YAM_LifeWatchConfig.
# 4) Copy/paste those files into the this folder:
5) Rename the config files as follows:
That is just an example. Select the correct character type for your character and use your characters exact name on
For example, if your name is Edge then it will be:
6) Open up YAM_Config_Yourcharactername and find the following section:
# This represents all the bosses you can do. The // in front of a line means that it won't do it but if you remove the // it will do them.
# 7) Next, find the following section:
# This section represents the inventory so it won't drop your items. The following is important. Read it exactly 96 times. This is one of the most common places people **** up:
1 means to stash it.
0 means that your using it.
# 8) Next, find the following section:
# Configure this if you have a CTA.
# 9) Close and save the file.
# 10) Open up YAM_lifewatchconfig and rename it to YAM_lifewatchconfig_yourcharactername.
# 11) Open it up and configure your life watch settings. Remember to leave the "-" in front of your threshold. Its a feature that safe checks.
# 12) Save and exit the file.
# 13) autod2jsp is already configured. Just put your account/password in the name and password section.
There ya go guys, have fun with it, feel free to scan it and check through it as I would, its clean and works great!...
* The d2jsp trial version. It works just fine on
* Yamb, updated to beta 3.
* All the common libs.
* js32.dll.
Download it here
* Yes, this says trial verion.
* No, it will not expire.
* Yes, it works on
* No, you do not need a key.
* Yes, this is detectable.
Guide to setting up d2jsp
You do not need a key for this.
* 1) Download the file and extract it. The .zip contains a file called 'js32.dll'. Extract that file to your windows/system32 directory, even if you have done this before!! It is a newer version and should help prevent the 'error 0' bug.
* 2) Navigate to this directory:
# 4) Copy/paste those files into the this folder:
That is just an example. Select the correct character type for your character and use your characters exact name on
For example, if your name is Edge then it will be:
//*******ACT 1**********
//*******ACT 2**********
//*******ACT 3**********
//*******ACT 4**********
//*******ACT 5**********
# This represents all the bosses you can do. The // in front of a line means that it won't do it but if you remove the // it will do them.
# 7) Next, find the following section:
// Stashing configuration
// DT_FreeSpace = number Minimum number of free columns: if less full columns are free, go to stash.
// DT_MinGoldToStash = number Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash.
DT_FreeSpace = 3;
DT_MinGoldToStash = 50000;
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
// This allows you to keep charms in inventory. Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0
// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed.
// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms.)
// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose
// your existing items!
# This section represents the inventory so it won't drop your items. The following is important. Read it exactly 96 times. This is one of the most common places people **** up:
1 means to stash it.
0 means that your using it.
# 8) Next, find the following section:
// Precasting configuration
// DA_UseCTA = true/false Switch to and use your CTA weapon runeword when doing the precasts.
// DA_AutoPrecasts = true/false Set to true to ignore the config below and automatically detect which skills to use for precasts.
// RedemMana = number Set this number to the LW_ManaThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value.
// RedemLife = number Set this number to the LW_LifeThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value.
// UseVigor= true/false True to use vigor in town. If you find that you having problem with interact with merchant, set it to false.
// DA_Refresh=true/false Set to true to refresh your precasts by default, if DA_AutoPrecasts is false
DA_UseCTA = true;
DA_AutoPrecasts = false; // keep on false. I think there is a bug in the core.
RedemMana = 50; // set your LW_ManaThresh to this value in your life watch file.
RedemLife = 900;
DA_Refresh = false;
# Configure this if you have a CTA.
# 9) Close and save the file.
# 10) Open up YAM_lifewatchconfig and rename it to YAM_lifewatchconfig_yourcharactername.
# 11) Open it up and configure your life watch settings. Remember to leave the "-" in front of your threshold. Its a feature that safe checks.
# 12) Save and exit the file.
# 13) autod2jsp is already configured. Just put your account/password in the name and password section.
There ya go guys, have fun with it, feel free to scan it and check through it as I would, its clean and works great!...