07-01-2006, 01:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2006, 09:37 AM by jedimaster86.)
This build was made by Elysian_Rsa.
Bowazon is a zon that many hate and don't care to play with but they can be fun and a lot of work when pking a barb or monsters. There are 2 ways they can go:
1.) Uses poison charms to make their damage.
2.) Usesmax damage charm zon who relies on critical strike to 2x their damage often.
Before i Start i just want to say that this build is based on my experence from .09, .10, and .11 so if you don't like it then thats fine.
Str:depends on what bow you use and if your going to use a Stormshield. Faith GMB only needs 90-100 str while windforce needs 134 str. So 70-110 str is good. (you can go with more or less depending on how you want the zon.)(alot like the Str bug).
Dex:200-300 that is up to how much life you want to work with. If you want as much damage as you want throw all your points in to dex be know that your life will be low.
Vita:All the points that are left over. Just as a said with the dex part if you want more damage then all in dex if you want life then save some points for her. Mine has 1.3k life.
Energy:I wouldn't waste any points here cause you will have mana leech.
Skill Points:
20 pts in Guided Arrow
10 pts in Multi Arrow
5 pts in Strafe
1 Point in all other bow skills if you want to.
10 pts in Dodge
10 pts in Avoid
10 pts in Evade
1-20 pts in Critical Strike: depends on the type of bowazon you are; Poison Charms or Max damage/elements charms. if you go with poison charms i would only waste 1 pt in Critical Strike cause there is a bug that messes with critical strike making it not work right. For Max damage/element charms i would throw pts in Critical Strike till it slows down on the %. usually i only waste 7-10 pts in it.
1 pts in Penetrate: you can throw what extra points you have left here if you want high Attack rating.
1 pts in Pierce: you can throw extra points here if you want the % high to go thur a person/monster.
If you want to make a bowazon with some java skills you may. ( i usually throw a point in jab for fun).
Helms: gaze, dream, shako, andy's, 120/45(120 ed/45 ias) get a 120/45 helm with life if you can, or anyother helm you feel that would be good.
Amulet: Cat's eye, Highlords, Maras, Crafted, Rare, or a magic amulet are good choices.(atma ammy is a nice ammy if you want amplifed damage and some extra poison damage).
Armor: Fort, 160/60 (same as the helm i'd get life if you can), glad bane, Shaft, or any other armor you feel is good.
Weapons: Faith Gmb or Mb, or Windforce. (Difference between GMB and MB is that GMB has more damage but slower firing speed while Mb has less damage and more firing speed. You can use anything else you think is good also.
Switch: Cta with spirit/lidless or you can go with a Titans/ss. I would go with both for it helps to have a good block and the ablitiy to jab another bow zon if you get bored and the bo's will help with life and skills.
Rings: Raven frost, bk ring, dual leech ring with good mods, crafted ring, or anyother great rings you feel are good.
Belts: Razor tail, String of ears, Verdgo, T-Gods, crafted, rare, or anyother belt you feel is good.
Gloves: Lava gouts, rare, Crafted, laying of hands, Draculs Grasp, or anyother you feel would be good. (with the rare/crafted ones i would get a pair with 20 Ias +2 passive skills or +2 Bow skills, with str/dex, resist, knockback are good ones.
Boots: Gores, Imp Shank, Shadow Dancers, Sandstorm Treks, War travelers, Dread Greaves, Waterwalks, rares, crafted, or anyother you feel that would be good.
Charms: anni, hellfire, max damage charms, poison charms, resist charms, fast hit recovery charms, or what ever else you feel like. (Remember that if you use Poison charms don't even bother with Critical Strike.)
FHR Frames
0% 11
6% 10
13% 9
20% 8
32% 7
52% 6
86% 5
174% 4
600% 3
FCR Frames
0% 19
7% 18
14% 17
22% 16
32% 15
48% 14
68% 13
99% 12
152% 11
Amazon *) wielding a 1-handed swinging weapon
FBR Frames
0% 17
4% 16
6% 15
11% 14
15% 13
23% 12
29% 11
40% 10
56% 9
80% 8
120% 7
200% 6
480% 5
Amazon **) wielding any other weapon
FBR Frames
0% 5
13% 4
32% 3
86% 2
600% 1
This zon build is one i use for Pvm and PvP and is a not too bad of a build to make. This is one that i have come up with from Experence of making over 15 bowazons.
Bowazon is a zon that many hate and don't care to play with but they can be fun and a lot of work when pking a barb or monsters. There are 2 ways they can go:
1.) Uses poison charms to make their damage.
2.) Usesmax damage charm zon who relies on critical strike to 2x their damage often.
Before i Start i just want to say that this build is based on my experence from .09, .10, and .11 so if you don't like it then thats fine.
Str:depends on what bow you use and if your going to use a Stormshield. Faith GMB only needs 90-100 str while windforce needs 134 str. So 70-110 str is good. (you can go with more or less depending on how you want the zon.)(alot like the Str bug).
Dex:200-300 that is up to how much life you want to work with. If you want as much damage as you want throw all your points in to dex be know that your life will be low.
Vita:All the points that are left over. Just as a said with the dex part if you want more damage then all in dex if you want life then save some points for her. Mine has 1.3k life.
Energy:I wouldn't waste any points here cause you will have mana leech.
Skill Points:
20 pts in Guided Arrow
10 pts in Multi Arrow
5 pts in Strafe
1 Point in all other bow skills if you want to.
10 pts in Dodge
10 pts in Avoid
10 pts in Evade
1-20 pts in Critical Strike: depends on the type of bowazon you are; Poison Charms or Max damage/elements charms. if you go with poison charms i would only waste 1 pt in Critical Strike cause there is a bug that messes with critical strike making it not work right. For Max damage/element charms i would throw pts in Critical Strike till it slows down on the %. usually i only waste 7-10 pts in it.
1 pts in Penetrate: you can throw what extra points you have left here if you want high Attack rating.
1 pts in Pierce: you can throw extra points here if you want the % high to go thur a person/monster.
If you want to make a bowazon with some java skills you may. ( i usually throw a point in jab for fun).
Helms: gaze, dream, shako, andy's, 120/45(120 ed/45 ias) get a 120/45 helm with life if you can, or anyother helm you feel that would be good.
Amulet: Cat's eye, Highlords, Maras, Crafted, Rare, or a magic amulet are good choices.(atma ammy is a nice ammy if you want amplifed damage and some extra poison damage).
Armor: Fort, 160/60 (same as the helm i'd get life if you can), glad bane, Shaft, or any other armor you feel is good.
Weapons: Faith Gmb or Mb, or Windforce. (Difference between GMB and MB is that GMB has more damage but slower firing speed while Mb has less damage and more firing speed. You can use anything else you think is good also.
Switch: Cta with spirit/lidless or you can go with a Titans/ss. I would go with both for it helps to have a good block and the ablitiy to jab another bow zon if you get bored and the bo's will help with life and skills.
Rings: Raven frost, bk ring, dual leech ring with good mods, crafted ring, or anyother great rings you feel are good.
Belts: Razor tail, String of ears, Verdgo, T-Gods, crafted, rare, or anyother belt you feel is good.
Gloves: Lava gouts, rare, Crafted, laying of hands, Draculs Grasp, or anyother you feel would be good. (with the rare/crafted ones i would get a pair with 20 Ias +2 passive skills or +2 Bow skills, with str/dex, resist, knockback are good ones.
Boots: Gores, Imp Shank, Shadow Dancers, Sandstorm Treks, War travelers, Dread Greaves, Waterwalks, rares, crafted, or anyother you feel that would be good.
Charms: anni, hellfire, max damage charms, poison charms, resist charms, fast hit recovery charms, or what ever else you feel like. (Remember that if you use Poison charms don't even bother with Critical Strike.)
FHR Frames
0% 11
6% 10
13% 9
20% 8
32% 7
52% 6
86% 5
174% 4
600% 3
FCR Frames
0% 19
7% 18
14% 17
22% 16
32% 15
48% 14
68% 13
99% 12
152% 11
Amazon *) wielding a 1-handed swinging weapon
FBR Frames
0% 17
4% 16
6% 15
11% 14
15% 13
23% 12
29% 11
40% 10
56% 9
80% 8
120% 7
200% 6
480% 5
Amazon **) wielding any other weapon
FBR Frames
0% 5
13% 4
32% 3
86% 2
600% 1
This zon build is one i use for Pvm and PvP and is a not too bad of a build to make. This is one that i have come up with from Experence of making over 15 bowazons.