06-21-2006, 12:28 PM
I have a problem here. Everyone here says how they hate "backseat Mods" on this site. Yet there are a few people here that beleive they have the power to put people down. Most of them are veterans or legends which I do not really have a problem with. But then there is people like Divine. Divine has been on my ass the entire time i have been a member on this site. and i ask "why?". Where do you get off telling people what to do. You have also called me out before in threads. Well here it is. I'm calling you out. I am pissed off that people complain about "backseat modding" so much but then when it's right under their noses they do nothing about it. He is constantly flamming me for whatever reason. And I am sick and tired of it. So somone do somthing about it. I have called him out on it somone do the same and get my back.