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good CLASSIC meteorb setup?
ok i made a meteorb sorc in classic

i wanted to know the best equip for the sorc (pvm)

and stat location..... im guessing skill location for meteorb in xpac same as in calssic?

helm: iratha?
ammy: iratha?
arm: goldskin?
rings: sojs?
weap: spectral shard
shield: 3os 3Pdiamond?
boot: rare res boot?
belt: iratha?
gloves: iratha?

im guessing fcr and res for the sorc? so iratha max res mods and rest item for res and shard got a gang of fcr

str: items
dex: items
vit: 1/2?
energy: 1/2?

Meteorb isn't a good build fo classic imo, try fb and blizz much more effective.

Full iratha is good, i would use fcr rings with loads of mana, shard is good, 3 diamond tower shield is good. Use twitch for extra block.

Enough dex and str for eq about 80 energy and the rest in vita.
hmmm wow ty man good info..... dang meteorb is not good?

csing is hard lol they go for seals and dont care bout the low lvls Sad

1. so fb orber good? good build for a rusher? (plz tell stats)
2. i got around 120 energy and i still run out of mana really fast....
should i go ESer?
Shard and 2 fcr rings are needed to reach the 63 fcr bp if you are gonna use full iratha. The reson why people go for seals traight away is that the monsters there give more exp.

about skills. Here is my sorc (lvl 86)
fire bolt 20
fireball 20
fire mastery 5
warmth 1
static 1
frozen armor 1
blizzard 20
iceblast 20
cold mastery 4
teleport 1
You should add base 1 point to both masteries at level 30 and then complete the other skills first
after that every level up first 1 in point in fire mastery second level up in cold mastery and repeat it then
There isnt much i cant handle in normal/nightmare and in most of hell.

The best equipment combinatino would be this if you are rich:

- tarn helm
- goldskin
- 30/20/20/17 (blocking/allres/fhr)
grimshield socket with pdiamond
- magefist
- boots and belt must have each 2 kind of resistance but not the same around 25-30%
boots must have frw and fhr as well
and the belt fhr and 50+ life
the resistance of both depends on the amulet you have
- amulet 2 to all skill/16-20 allres
- shard
- 2 sojs
so main atk is bliz and fb.... cool

so max wat needs to be maxed then work on masteries rite?

i am gonna have to start with nothing.... (im new to classic) so i might try to

get lucky by mfin

o yea can u give me some help on how to lvl?

like rush to hell then chaos? or norm cow and then nm cow or watever it is

Main attack would be blizz because that takes less mana but if you come across immunes or you have enough mana to spam fb then go ahead. Smile

If you can't get twitch at the start darkglow would be fine aswell especially if you feel that you are lacking resis. You need good resi boots to reach max resis with twitch but i prefer block over a little more resis cos i tend to tank a lot.

1-15 trist
15-20 tombs
20-25 cows (you could go on for a bit here the more exp you get from cows the better)
Nm chaos till 60
Hell chaos from here on.

If you feel that nm chaos is not giving enough exp then run through nm act3 a couple of times but it's hard to find act3 runs.

Till about lvl 70 ice blast will do more damage than fire ball therefore use ib mostly till you come across immunes. If you are rushing in classic then be aware that nm seis is sometimes immune to fire and cold, it's the only place where you might have to restart your rush also if you are forgerushing remember to get all of the forge mules to hell act3 because converting to exp before that will result them to become nm chars and you still need to get baal q. There isn't much point in starting a rush unless you have got the starter eq i suggested and you are about lvl 80 because it will be very difficuly. I've managed to do a full rush at lvl 60 but it took me about 2.5 hours on players 6.
nice, ty for lvling tip!

so skill maxing way is to do:

pre reqs then put into ib fb fbolt then at 30 one into masteries...

then max what i need then switch off the masteries?
warmth 1
static 1
frozen armor 1
teleport 1
cold mastery 1
Blizzard 20
iceblast 20
fire mastery 1
fireball 20
fire bolt 20

Rest into masteries. Follow that order if you can't figure it our yourself.
Loits Wrote:I've managed to do a full rush at lvl 60 but it took me about 2.5 hours on players 6.

Heeh, I rushed with that suxy sorc of your's when she was like level 55. Don't know how I managed to pull it off.
Lol true that but you can't play classic for your life Wink
yup, ty for verifying post

wow classic is hard as hell
It might seem hard cos levelling is actually dangerous there but once you are high lvl enough you can do pretty well in pvm. In classic hammerdins are even more powerful since sorcs can always come across immune chars and teleing isn't that important if you are doing chaos all the time Smile
yea i was wondering that...

hdins are really strong and so are the barbs

i picked a sorc for rushing obvisouly for the tele skill

but maybe tele not worth it when a zon can mow thru monster?

which leads me to my next question, zons good in classic?
chdnny Wrote:yea i was wondering that...

hdins are really strong and so are the barbs

i picked a sorc for rushing obvisouly for the tele skill

but maybe tele not worth it when a zon can mow thru monster?

which leads me to my next question, zons good in classic?

Hmmm, as far as I remember, zons weren't even half as good as other classes, because they are absolutely destitute for equipment. No Titan's, Thundergod's, etc...
yea your prob right.... but i think i saw a guide saying javazons arent items reliant but, when u see items like eth perf upped titans and 5/5 in a perf griffs witha 2jav ias kb glove and all i may be wrong about that one Smile
wasnt this on clasic there is no such thing as facets on classic
yea i know, im stating builds from xpac....

you read the posts?

he was talking how items from xpac dont exist in classic and i was acknowledging it

Wow, thanks for this, and I know this is a slight gravedig but could someone post stat point distribution?

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