06-15-2007, 04:56 PM
Okay i just started playing again... i haven't played since v1.09 i had no idea a v1.10 or v1.11 was out i've been out of the loop that long... luckily i've been reading and talking to a new friend online to get up to date on the game... so this is what i need my new friend has no problem rushing me but he himself isn't rich to give me anything so i need a MF character build that could do some runs... with well items i could get outta free games, or through possible junk donations from people here e/sc/nl just if anyone is curious... what i was thinking is maybe a lightning sorc this character isn't meant to be uber just good enough to do some mf runs... also that brings me to another question... where do people do runs now... hell cows still a main place?