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My story about
received the following email from Shane Hanson and I'm not sure what to think. Figured I'd post it out of curiosity to see what my readers think of the accusations here and to promote conspiracy theorist activity in general Smile You know most of my readers like hearing about Microsoft being evil and such.

Windows Media Player Digital Rights Management Spy
This is something really nasty in the XP filing system... it's in Windows Media Player, and it not only has all the information about Digital Rights Management, it also has all the information about your local police force..... QED... Not only is microsoft spying on you, they are also telling the cops what you have got on your system....

This is part of the sequence of this file, if you have media player, and do a search for these individual words... you will find it...

microsoft border
microsoft theme
I picked it up doing an obscure "word" search when looking for a lost file, and it came up possibly in a "obscure" type file...

Ummm like a *.cll ??? (not dll) or some other really "odd" system? file type....

This is what I extracted "in part"? from the file before deleting it.......

This is pretty much total "person" web tracking....

Property Set Property Friendly Name Data Type Cached Size Storage Level
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I get / buy software to do a job for me, not keep tabs on me.

Also, If you rip a file with the WinXP audio extractor and then send that file to a friend as a WMA then Internet Explorer will automatically open up a connection to with encrypted data in to the URL. The resulting page tells you you should contact Microsoft to aquire a 'license' for the file. This also happens in Win2K if you update it via Microsoft Updates.

The really suss part is that this happens when you use ANY player that supports WMA (like WinAMP) because the spy code is in the .dlls provided by Microsoft rather than WinAMP itself. Basically WMA/WMV is a wrapper around open formats like MP4 so these formats ONLY exist to provide DRM and lock people into M$ products (the formats are patented).

The reality for M$ users is that there is nothing they can do to really protect themselves other than use Linux or buy a Mac. Firefox, Thunderbird, Spybot and Zonealarm help but the protection they offer isn't failsafe, especially when Microsoft themselves are the ones trying to circumvent them.

If you insist on M$ products and you REALLY want privacy then buy your computer second-hand and never enter your real name in any document, email or website - ever. It's paranoid but it actually works.
It made me so mad i was like:
غريبة هنا النص العربي يظهر بدون اي تعليق مع ان الموقع اجنب وفي العديد من المنتديات الأجنبية النص العربي يعلق معان الموقع عربي وش الحل ؟!!!
That article is kinda bullshit towards the end. Because there's DRM on WMA my only solution is to switch to Linux or Mac! ZOMG! HOW COULD I EVER EVEN CONSIDER USING THE BETTER, AND MORE WIDELY ACCEPTED, MP3 FORMAT!
is there away to just get rid of the part of the files that are spying on you?
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

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