07-12-2006, 06:43 AM
I have a fairly large collection of funny quotes. I'm at work now I will post them when I get home. Please post some of you favorites.
Funny Quotes
07-12-2006, 06:43 AM
I have a fairly large collection of funny quotes. I'm at work now I will post them when I get home. Please post some of you favorites.
07-13-2006, 12:40 PM
Alas, they are here!
Have fun some are semi funny some are drop dead funny. I'm Torture in a few towards end I believe. The is a collection a few friends of mine and me: <xterm> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? <jeebus> the "bishop" came to our church today,he never once moved diagonally <BritneySpears14> I take off your pants, slowly, and massage your muscular physique. <eminemBNJA> Oh I like that Baby. I put on my robe and wizard hat. <BritneySpears14> What the **** <Th3No0b> Im going to be the next hitler <Th3No0b> Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown <RageAgainsttheAmish> why the clown <Th3No0b> See? no one cares about the jews <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad. <Sui88> 67% of girls are stupid <V-girl> i belong with the other 13% <Zanthis(ALE)> AFK, tornado <[TN]FBMachine> i got kicked out of barnes and noble once for moving all the bibles into the fiction section <studdud> what the **** is wtf <Patrician|Away> what does your robot do, sam <bovril> it collects data about the surrounding environment, then discards it and drives into walls <Beeth> Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken. <honx> well, you can stil get one from a strange country :-P <scirDSL> I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals. <WiLdSeXyPrInCeSs> i luv guyz where would they be wifout us gals??? <XeNoX> Still in the Garden Of Eden you gullible bitch. <Batty> Euch, rap is just missing one letter. c. <zeep> rapc? <Batty> ... <Batty> Crap you idiot. <BombScare> i beat the internet <BombScare> the end guy is hard <robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant <bawss> Right click. <Fashykekes> Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.." <Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to *****. <Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. ![]() <Mendo> lmao there's a wicked lookign spider on my monitor and if i move the mouse around he chases after it <spitfire> haha mendo <spitfire> take a screen shot <NHBoy> I broke my G-string while fingering a minor ![]() <MasterG> ................................................................................ <judas> where's pacman when you need him? <BigBurk> God i really cant stand windows me <Felacio> heh i know. i moved to win2k * Felacio sucks huge **** <Felacio> errr ME, not /me <kyourek> There was a 23% drop in temperature. <nappyjallapy> That's almost 25%! <kyourek> ... That was one of the most worthless comments I've ever heard. *** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood) <skrike> I think the people above me are having sex <skrike> either that or they're sleeping restlessly and agreeing with each other a lot. <DigiGnome> Real life should have a ****ing search function, or something. <DigiGnome> I need my socks. <reptile-> The first time hypr opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!" <hypr> wtf are donut seeds <Sigurd> a sprite is anything not static <SRElysian> a sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d <TorMuck> a sprite is a ****ing soda, you god damn geekass bastards <Insomniak`> Stupid ****ing Google <Insomniak`> "The" is a common word, and was not included in your search <Insomniak`> "Who" is a common word, and was not included in your search <Raize> can you guys see what I type? <vecna> no, raize <Raize> How do I set it up so you can see it? <blazemore> LITTLETON, Colo. - Colorado officials plan to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed. <FlipTopBx> is it modded? <+kritical> you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself.. <+Christin1> how do i do that <ikkenai> i don't have hard drives. i just keep 30 chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers <Polytope> tetris is so unrealistic <Alanna> Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders <Pax> I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself. <DannyB> some girl on the street asked if i was saved yet, i told her i saved at the checkpoint a couple minutes back,and can reload from there if i die, she was confused <FM{FF1}> Rizen: I thought you didn't bang chicks, only me. <FM{FF1}> ...men. <FM{FF1}> GOD THAT WAS A BAD TYPO. * @Lan plays with his privates. <Rintaun> ... <@Lan> I got these new toy soldiers <@Lan> They are really neat <aryov> This cake is soooo good <aryov> it's like sex, except I'm having it <Sabdo> on one of those speech-to-text programs my friend ripped ass onto the mic. <Sabdo> and it typed out "France" <Sabdo> we were like, wtf? <@Terror> "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield." <@cky> opposite over hypotenuse <@cky> dipshit <orion`-`-> what the **** <orion`-`-> i think the icecream truck just hit a kid <orion`-`-> brbrb <Meph|st0> Complaint : BOUGTH IT FOR MY COUSIN WHO HAD CANCER, ITEM NEVER ARRIVED AND MY COUSIN DIED <Meph|st0> thats the greatest ebay feedback i have ever seen * Porter is now known as PorterWITHGIRLFRIENDWHOISHOT <Strayed> he shot his girlfriend? <green> We vegetarians love the environment. carnivores are sick freaks. <Frank> How can vegetarians possibly love the environment.. you keep eating all the ****ing plants <XnD> Personally its not God I dislike, its his fan club I cant stand Mjordan2nd: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be? Chris: Spider Man Tim: batman Sidd: batman Mjordan2nd: I'd be god <Edofnor> #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you? <pihlopase> Jesus Saves <jbroome> pases to moses, SCOOOOORE * Quits: KiM ([email protected]) (going for a walk :p) <@nekro> who the hell goes for walks <TRON> if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN <malaclypse> The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two" <tom_0369> im never moving to seatle washington, i flew over it and it was raining and gray as ****,it was depressing <sammich> when was this? <tom_0369> flight simluator 2004 <andy> moo spelled backwards is moo <andy> no wait <Powerlord> You mean... you can save your game in ff7pc? And all this time I've been leaving my computer on all night! <Nall> I'm so confused everytime I come in here. Either stop changing your names, or like, start cybering with me, so I ****ing remember you. <Chubbzilla> naw, i've kinda got past the porn faze now <Ody> ... <Ody> I never thought I'd see those words in YOUR chat window O_O <Dice> I've done it <Dice> I've made a calculate <Dice> calculater* <Prothe|Studying> make a spell check now <Space_Boy> 70% of statistics are made up on the spot [Participle] Ever since I saw bukkake, I can't eat cinnamon rolls anymore... [Participle] Thanks a lot, Japan! <surreal> i've often wanted to drown my troubles, but i can't get my girlfriend to go swimming DerANgeD: not cool! ctrl+w closes firefox DerANgeD: I was trying to press shift+w and accidentally hit my ctrl button Triumph: whats shift+w? DerANgeD: a capital W dumbass Skull: The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away." (@X2-down) this is mark eg, he hugged me and creamed in my ear (@X2-down) er screamed (gENERIC) who the hell came up with the word ****? (gENERIC) that's the suavest thing i've heard next to love-tunnel <MrMortisland> I know emo <MrMortisland> Emo is little boys crying on stage because their daddy touched their pee pee <EviL`J> i had soem 10 year old ask me to cyber the other day <LordOfSwine> how was it? <Kevyn> God it's ****ing cold out. The temperature in Massachusetts has dipped into the teens more than R Kelly. <The_Kirbinator> 3000 mexicans dies yesterday........ 5 car pile-up on the I-10 <Gorgoroth> can u read dutch? <PimPFISH> only if its in english. <Handy> There are 2 kinds of people in the world. <Handy> 1. Those who need closure. <Marko> And? <DavyP> AND? <ScumDog> I never treat women as members of the opposite sex, Tanya. <Dayv> Eric, you wouldn't know bad taste if it came up behind you and licked your asshole with your mother's severed tongue. <Falsity> tricks are fo kids <ircbuddy> And hookers. <[-FcG-]SOAD17[-RawR-]> I WANNA BE AN OP TOO! <MacIrish> OMG that be like givin a monkey a shotgun <g3nocide> lol why the **** would dreamweaver try to open an mp3 file ? <m0rn> is it made by real? that would explain the sudden determination to be used for everything <Sumezworking> I hate people who let their kids run around naked on the beach.. <Squinky> I know, it's hard to hide an erection in swimming trunks <SVJ-FuNiOnZ> you havent seen shit till you've seen jesus throw gang signs.. <bigbear> **** <bigbear> my ears are ringing <Pebble> answer it then h4zin: Auuuuuuuuuugh h4zin: i got ****ing dumped. already. h4zin: at least her T1 was firewalled, so its not like i could have gotten anything out of her anyway <kindman34> fubar, how do you spend your time off-line? <fubar-42o> what. you mean like single-player? <ElderGodSmack> The quickest way to a woman's heart is with a knife. [12:47:11 AM] <IPLog> OMG THE EVIL ETHIOPIANS CAME OUT OF THE TV AND TRIED TO ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITIES WITH MY PET ROBOTIC WEASLE THAT ONLY I CAN SEE!!!! [9:07:07 PM] <Mystik-Demon> *row row row your boat tune* **** **** **** a duck, screw a kangaroo! Gangbang an orangatang, orgy at the zoo! [4:22:20 PM] <Mooo-> !!SaLtMaN!! has sex with SCV'z [8:08:16 PM] <Byte.> Burnt=a lil pissed off gurl cuz his mom ****ed him before puberty [8:45:48 PM] <NGS-Rizzen> Gogo gadget homosexual showdown! [10:35:02 PM] <FuXeD> LOL im gay [1:38:05 AM] <FireWork> fuxed everytime i see anal sex ill think of you [21:36:40] <ReJeCTiON@USEast> Mommy likes it when I read [15:41:13] <BaMZ@USEast> would you cast lvl 8 errection on me [09:46:08] <Voodoo[Fp]> i made an ebonics translator in vb!! [11:13:21 PM] <ELiTe`MaStA^KoG> now say daddy I don't want it anymore [11:13:32 PM] <KoG.@Azeroth> DADDY I WANT IT MORE AND MORE HARDER [11:13:07 PM] <[[===]]> i am an elite jew [8:04:59 PM] <From: Diablos-fan> wanna chat naughty [8:20:39 PM] <ChAmP rubs VeNoM> <xX]BoXeR24[Xx - Dying Fetus - Raped On the Altar - 01:24/03:52 [128Kbps/44KHz/Stereo] Pos: 74/117 - Chewbacca Bot v2.0a4> [11:03:18 PM] <AqUaGrEeN> I have a dream that all white people , and black people and even asian people to gamble together without getting different kinds of chips!!!! [8:47:55 PM] <insane_turtle> O.O (Something crawled up my asshole) [9:43:22 PM] <a[o]d-mysterio> who watns to be my gf whisper me im 12 [9:44:09 PM] <athenz> old enough to bleed, old enough to breed [9:44:43 PM] <athenz> if u can smell fish, bang her dish [9:45:14 PM] <soul-train-w> if i smell fish i do not wish to get a piece of that dish [10:12:21 PM] <InFuSe> <cheerupemokid> one time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. <FLJcK.> ***** in his ass eh? [10:15:32 PM] <HiTtiTe> limit masterates to the powerpuff girls [10:25:29 PM] <RjK_InFeRnO> u kno wat i really want?....i want limits strap-on in my droor [7:06:05 PM] <xX]Cam[Xx> does anyone want sexual abuse for free? [1:34:42 AM] <~~SourMilk~~> and if i was a girl i would like girls [1:35:19 AM] <Unjustified_1> "All girls like girls, just some choose to like men also." [1:38:54 AM] <~~SourMilk~~> <From: Fire.Bird.> hey get me a cd-key an ill go out with you lol and i like you already tongue.gif [1:40:04 AM] <Unjustified_1> anti just wants a **** which smells like a babys bottem lol [1:41:38 AM] <~~SourMilk~~> i just ate another soggy whopper again [2:51:08 PM] <Darkwind> Stuff a **** in your mouth and hush, ******. [1:01:54 AM] <~~SourMilk~~> ima go watch [1:01:57 AM] <~~SourMilk~~> Milf HUnter [8:59:18 PM] <RjK_InFeRnO> I HAVE THE ORIGINAL LIMITED GOLD PLATED VERSION DILDO FROM OPRAHS HUNNY MOON!!!!!! [10:57:05 PM] <Unjustified_1> Mystical: "I dont suck ****", "if I had lessons I would" [11:01:34 PM] <DsR-AciD> I GOT MY FIRST PUBIC HAIR! [11:01:37 PM] <DsR-AciD> AND BURNT PULLED IT OUT! [11:07:31 PM] <~~SourMilk~~> my girl freind said my ***** was a big as her arm but that made me sad b/c she has no arms sad.gif [12:07:17 AM] <BuRnT> IM GAY! [5:26:58 PM] <Bionic> Blizzard: It seems as though Starcraft users make up 1/3 of our total users Bnet: Dammit, i know how i can fix that (Shuts down server) [1:35:14 PM] <Vague> Heh, I disowned my mom, whats your point? [1:39:46 PM] <insane_turtle> addict sounds so much like a**** [11:33:08 PM] <edge-87> Is anyone here 13 years old or younger? (Whisper me if you want a friend) [5:17:27 PM] <+][$+ChRoNo+> IM HAVING A DREAM OF WHERE I WAIT UP AND I GOT A **** IN MY ASS [5:17:42 PM] <+][$+ChRoNo+> AND THIS FATASS WITH A SHIRT THAT SAYS CeLe PwNz JoO IS BEHIND ME [9:41:32 PM] <Snipy]iS[> gosu has the burning diarea from his weiner <3oD[KLiT] looks at 2 inch boner coming from pants> [10:52:00 AM] <Raynor> the sniper joke is.. [10:52:09 AM] <Raynor> 3od has skill and doesnt maphack LOL [10:49:39 PM] <3oD[DicE]> Starmaler(RbL), Would you like to be my dominatrix? [4:37:33 PM] <50cent_Backdown> dude smoke crack its fun! [5:24:27 PM] <NastY> Man im still shocked that when i was but ****ing my mom she told me to get down and eat out her ass and it smelled really bad because there was shit nugglets hanging off [10:24:05 PM] <SO)iCiD[C]> "i once met this kid who said he hacked microsoft when he was 8, when I asked him what OS he uses, he told me "winzip" ." [8:03:26 PM] <LuR3d-rF-> i just sat on something and it went right up my ****ing ass <no0b> Barbie Hose Adventures > Halo2 <PosterBoy> MY Balls get more hang time than picture frames [8:03:26 PM] <BW_G.irl> my **** is fat [1:08:22 AM] <FuXeR> *** has anal sex with ben in kate's bedroom. [12:31:37 AM] <AciD]FBP[> so neway mike [12:31:39 AM] <AciD]FBP[> imma make it up to u [12:31:42 AM] <AciD]FBP[> sex time [12:31:43 AM] <AciD]FBP[> 2 mins [12:31:44 AM] <AciD]FBP[> lets go [2:46:23 PM] <FuXeD> and i've cybered before u cant cyber for shit [3:11:15 PM] <FuXeD> she is turned on my queefs? [3:22:20 PM] <HiTtiTe> limit masterbates to the powerpuff girls [3:22:33 PM] <FuXeD> i do that too..... [3:28:54 PM] <From FuXeD> 1 time i was cybering cele and my dad walked in and i was like hi.... [NaZBaN] If your old enough to crawl your in the right position [7:56:45 PM] <RoGeR> could i sex up jap when ever i wanted? [3:02:30 AM] <FuXeR> [GuN]~@ Daydreams about a fag [3:43:37 PM] <Avalanche> ***** please [3:50:00 PM] <Bette-Midler> NooBv1.0@Azeroth You think thats funny? Look at my ass (_)( )(_) Is stuff like that funny? I didnt think so. [3:53:17 PM] <VoLTaGe@Azeroth> Slutty Bitch ****er Command Activated [10:30:04 PM] <QuiGon)DK> "Scattered ****ing showers, my ass!" - Noah, 4314 BC [3:36:13 AM] <DaR3aL> Is ya Stoned? Wanting to play with other Bnet potheads? Come to channel 420 OFFICAL potheads channel.. Come and Kick it! =) [6:10:26 PM] <Furiae> my ***** is nice and soft <3oD[SouL]> "OMFG U WALKE R MY TRIPLE CLICK SHIFT FOG LURE LOCK TURRET MOVE WTF?" (ArchAngel) [12:59:13 PM] <3oD> 3oD[Thief] "Ive never seen a girls downpart b4" ScV_slo: dude, if it werent for date rape id never get laid [5:37:31 PM] <3oD[ToSS]> Hilary Duff- So yesterday = my fav song [5:37:45 PM] <3oD[Xtreme]@Azeroth> ur 13 u shouldnt be playing wit bots u should be playuing wit tonka trucks 3oD[Genocide]: arch is in the marines, if he gets blown up by a mortar he just keeps sittin there, waiting to respawn [5:51:32 PM] <l3LS-OblivioN> x how long does bnls or whatever last? <l3LS-OblivioN> i've been trojaned from a chat room before <OpTiCaL> no no i love black people i think everybody should have one <TonyTheTiger> thats GGGRRREEEAAATTT ****! <MicahW.Support@Blizzard> Do NOT whisper me perverted things again or their will be repercussions. [11:26:39 PM] <Viola> This just in: 3oD[KLiT] is a homosexual. [11:33:14 PM] <DeMoNiC]> problem is hof sits in op gayass and plays all day <Ulti_Snipa> so yer the bitch that told the bitch that im a bitch well lemme tell u sumtin bitch it takes a bitch to know a bitch, bitch <DaNo0b> If you ever think you are having a bad day just think about this. You are a conjoined twin. Your twin is gay. He has a date tonight. You only have one ass. [1:50:18 PM] <BioWaRIII> i eat **** for free :| PuSh: and i said, bitch please, beauty is in the eye of the beerholder, and aparently i need a few more, cuz ur still busted as **** [8:19:22 PM] <n0ob> Q: In which country was the yo-yo originally a weapon? [9:36:49 PM] <From sn00zer]FBP[> my **** is big and fat too yayyy [9:08:23 PM] <B.a.R)DK(> my friend was doing jumpin jacks and he got a bo [12:18:11 AM] <3oD> my apartment ownz [9:52:31 PM] <3oD[dm2]> i am spick [01:04:59] LoRd[nK]:93:0: Country? Now there's pointless music. "My horse threw his shoe, I shot him. Let's all hoe down!!! YEEEE HAHHHHHHHH <From: J[eM]> Yes i've touched another mans ***** before. [8:24:04 PM] <Bridget.> HiVe[aC], ill mail you my panties for 100 unmuted keys [8:57:19 PM] <aD.Brolly[aC]> wtf's a boner [9:27:38 PM] <_-=])rea[)=-_> i'm the lord of cuteness [4:42:51 PM] <harle-rf-> no the funny part is that you're just another keyboard warrior, kid. [8:36:25 PM] <From 3oD[SouL]> I Like it when u call me big daddy wink.gif [6:23:05 PM] <3oD[SoulSniper]> "HITLER DID GO FOR BLACKS THE FUNNIEST SHIT IS IN WW2 ITIALYS INVASION ON ETHIOPIA 100000 TANKS VS MEN WIHT SPEARS" [9:43:36 PM] <3oD[SoulSniper]> I ONLY DO ANAL [4:56:23 PM] <3oD[LaRoCkO]> OOOOOOOOOOOO jEN UR ***** IS SO LOOOOOOOSE [9:26:40 PM] <3oD[Fear]> Viagra? Mm, I am getting all hard.. and sticky. [6:36:05 PM] <3oD[SoulSniper] gives tj a BJ> [8:03:39 PM] <eC.KhAoS.> do u have to pay for "Clan"? [3:33:20 PM] <3oD[SoulSniper]> i love those girls with bigger ****s then me... [4:33:36 PM] <3oD[PimP]> AnTiTrust is the best sniper in bnet [10:49:05 PM] <3oD[Xtreme]> GRAY + RAY = GAY [8:53:49 PM] <3oD[SoulSniper]> rigid is the best sniper on bnest [2:12:07 PM] <Jivez> ive ****ed my cousin [9:27:52 PM] <Crimson_SnIIIpe> isn't fleet a credit card company [10:02:03 PM] <IHR.Sniper> ni im not ***9ing stupid [10:40:27 PM] <=Turbo=> its cause im brown damn it [5:30:38 PM] <From TranquiL[BH]> So, missy, who made you think you're good enough to take GothiC? [3:58:10 PM] <Soap> i got a boner because of anti [10:16:37 PM] <3oD[GreSS]> hen =hentai? [9:36:16 PM] <From VaDiN.> wana gime a handjob? [4:37:52 PM] <From Trapp> i give better head [3:48:00 PM] <AnimePorn $1> [6:16:08 PM] <RiGiD> ac = ****s and are going to die [6:16:34 PM] <RiGiD> i am gathering many flooders loaders and hackers [6:16:46 PM] <RiGiD> and i got a couple of friends ready to brute aC's ops and take over clan [2:04:54 PM] <XQuikManX> lol i wonder what having a ****** is like LOL [9:30:09 PM] <From Gray> girls are yucky [6:43:57 PM] <3oD[Xtreme]> SO I LIKE TO DANCE NAKED IN FRONT OF MY PETS [7:11:00 PM] <Hayze> what is ping? [9:53:45 PM] <Vadin.> SC accounts dont have reg [8:56:23 PM] <RoMi)DK(> wtf is teabagging? [2:59:40 PM] <Gray> I have more respect for women who just want to ****. Because they are more like me, and I am awesome. [7:28:42 PM] <Ahvun-xS-@USWest> how u go on east? <RiGiD> im friends wit vague n kinda wit fleet [12:01:23 AM] <MaGiC> i like it when girls *** in my butt <3oD[Dragon]> i worship and beat off to kerrigan [11:29:58 AM] <NaDa[EssenCe]> is it possilbe that somoen can disconect me from channel? [1:22:03 PM] <StAnCeS> is blizz a is person? [4:26:12 PM] <Carp> we're obviously the gay ones [10:48:54 PM] <AiR.JeFF> Osama., how do you say. 'Let me Rub your Turban' In Arabic? [02:21:18 AM] Users in channel gay: [02:21:18 AM] *pitbullpup, *Gray RiGiD: im not scared of you, you think you own but ur really a newb, if you keep talking shit to me ima send the michigan mob after u (i have connections) [4:43:19 PM] <VespeNe> im a e-thug [12:36:30 AM] <From sD[KiLLeR]@USEast> ?bye [xshadowindx@Azeroth] how do i change clans :: [~VoLTaGe~] press alt+f4 :: xshadowindx@Azeroth has left the channel. [8:23:00 PM] <Carp> im gay [6:57:31 AM] <From RiGiD> LooK iNTo a MiRRoR aNd YoU wILl SeE a nOOb, gg no re thx owned, SqUeLChEd <Doof> i dont fear klit...i just dodge him <Pumped> whats a nude? <Xtreme> ur gay still..........ur not STILL gay............just u were gay <3oD[Sedai]> Faser Imre-Nikoleyavich Romanov Sakura Uesugi Filitov [11:02:52 AM] <Joshua> whats a **** [8:38:26 AM] <GreaT> i can shoot someoen blind [8:38:29 AM] <GreaT> through a wall [10:35:33 PM] <Carp@USEast> lmfao? = lame [10:35:35 PM] <Carp@USEast> it's [10:35:37 PM] <Carp@USEast> lmfao? [5:01:45 AM] <l3LS-Apostle> wuts it like being drunk? [5:10:29 AM] <l3LS-Apostle> the first time i ever fingered a girl was 2 days ago -.- <Konst> Dastote, the size of your ***** overwhelms me with confidence.. my ***** is in the next room making drinks, mind you [2:56:21 PM] <Soul-S-niper gets on his hands and knees and sucks antis ****> [11:35:34 PM] <S3X> LMFAO = let me **** anally & orally [6:55:16 PM] <FuXeD(LeGeNd)> if u play with me long enough ill get u enigma [7:27:35 PM] <From Xtreme> Your friend Xtreme entered a Starcraft Broodwar game called Sexy pic 25!!!. [5:18:49 PM] <JeFFaH> JaP, Textually Assualt me [5:56:37 PM] <RiGiD> internet can lead to the best relationship [3:54:04 PM] <Brianne> ****s look like baseball bats and balls, and baseball is my favorite sport [2:27:16 PM] <From VaNiLLa> Your friend VaNiLLa entered a Starcraft Broodwar game called Gay cyber sex hotel. [8:14:34 PM] <Roar> Sevuras Just Sucked some fat guy's ****. Sickk! Xtreme@USEast says: i like it when guys blast all over my ass, and it gets in my crack and all over my browneye, then i tighten my ass and blow *** bubbles, and pop them with my tongue....thats my fantasy, any takers <HomeLand> vague's my cousin <Xtreme> have u ever had a girl ask u to suck the shit outta her ass with coke in it with a swirly straw, i have [12:07:34 AM] <Xtreme> whats ur new clans name? [12:07:39 AM] <Xtreme> Op ImWithStupid [12:15:07 AM] <l3LS-Xtreme@USEast> l3LS OWNZ ALL!@ [1:06:37 AM] <Thirst> i'm a mother ****IN REDNECK [1:24:33 AM] <SaIntZ.> Are all of you in 3oD white? [1:48:59 AM] <From df-1> im allmost 12 and i watch porn W[o.O]D: give me VoT Man LOOK Man I'LL SucK UR **** LMaoz JOkz Do it!! [10:28:11 PM] <Tonic@USEast> I suck all the time man dont worry [5:01:28 PM] <From UR-SKY103> hey u from blizzard? <Abort> Polar, you never seen ***** with or without hair. <Polar> yes i have, my friend has kazza, we watch porno all the time [9:56:49 PM] <From Polar> u woulnt know what its like to have parents watching over ur shoulder every second [10:11:38 PM] <Polar> least my parents love me [11:03:33 PM] <From DeCLiNe> If you cyber me I'll give you a good loving! [9:14:35 PM] <From VaNiLLa> im watching some men gymnastics on the olympics cuz im so gay. <Debut> i'm in honor classes bitch ! [5:33:41 PM] <Zerg_In_A_Can@USEast> IPS START WITH WWW. [6:59:32 PM] <From ~~IcE_PaC~~> WIRE OWNS 3OD [8:32:27 PM] <NoFX> Lets snipe on v308 since v316 is hackable! [6:53:32 PM] <NoFX> I like AntiTrust's ass. [8:15:57 PM] <From Kate> MY ******S ITCHY [8:17:16 PM] <From Carp> give me a **** in my butt, quick! [22:35:59] <BLuE'MaRiNe@USEast> cuz 3od is mostly only clan with skills [6:05:43 PM] <BLuE'MaRiNe> brb need to feed turtles WaRRinG.TeKniKaL#5689 is using Starcraft in channel The Void. [12:14:38 AM] <Elixir> Lights he probably expelled you for that large growth under your shirt [9:58:49 PM] <CenTeR> CARBINE WHAT A CHEAP WAY TO SPELL CARBON [6:32:08 PM] <waterpolo> If someone tell's me to do something. i can't resist [6:32:18 PM] <AnTiTrusT> Suck my balls. [7:04:29 PM] <AnTiTrusT> MicahW.Support@Blizzard will you have sex with me? [7:04:53 PM] [BNET] Disconnected. [9:35:22 PM] <Vague touches anti's butt> [10:23:50 PM] <^UnDeAd~MaRiNe^> the german site is in german [12:22:05 PM] <((^^TEmPler^^))> i like ***** [5:42:45 PM] <XiLe sits on duel's lap> [6:23:53 PM] <Z3R0.> i masterd stealth [10:05:44 PM] <Ammo> th@ts not even @n ol2ig...cuz its got the "S" @t the end [10:06:15 PM] <Ammo> MoM b@n this nub fol2 stupidity [9:27:26 PM] <From sn00zer> kate, does my name look like a pokemon? [9:35:10 PM] <KypT1X> let it BURN LET IT BURN LET IT BURN i get laid and play sc at the same time .... [5:26:26 PM] <WiRe> christine is hot? [5:46:33 PM] <Thirst> shit i been eating chewable vitamin C caplets like candy [5:46:40 PM] <Thirst> I should really look a labels **** [5:03:40 PM] <LuRinGs> proxies r hacks [9:48:39 PM] <From Protical> u ****in noob im bruting u bitch dotn talk shit o me [10:01:35 PM] <Kate> i did her good [3:05:38 PM] <T0XIK@Azeroth> how come only the bots are good ranks in the clan [3:34:03 AM] <KlassicK> if i had the money id travel every once in a while to some kids house to beat his ass for talkin shit on bnet but it would be a waste of time u kno [7:28:11 PM] <From Carp> i'm quitting bnet for yahoo games [3:40:18 PM] AnTiTrusT#2 is using Starcraft Broodwar in the channel warez. [11:45:26 PM] <Carp> he is a cutie.. [8:12:43 PM] <TeaLX> i didnt know canada had there own money -.- [10:16:30 PM] <NoObLoCk> you know i call myself wolf in class biggrin.gif [12:11:59 AM] <DeathChild> ILL SUCK UR **** [1:05:08 AM] <weedman420-dtl> my dad is leader of florida latinking nation [6:50:27 PM] <From Tonic> im ****ing crying stone <CloakedArchon> how come i don't meet any lil sexy girls who play SC... sad.gif [4:31:30 PM] <President> im also gay [12:07:01 AM] <From iCiD> then i saw scope...major woody ohmy.gif [3:28:11 PM] <Disco> if you can get on bnet in jail i no longer fear comiting crimes [1:01:10 AM] <Diamond> Because I'm an obease child. [12:03:37 AM] <Jjoker1383> it wont let me but a # in my name [2:39:15 AM] <Kate> i practice on my own **** [6:09:43 PM] <dreadlord2004> Antitrust Join clan NCs @ Channel Clan NCs!!! We have a website www.nekocats.com!!! [1:33:55 PM] <eXiBiT> im a queer [7:09:10 PM] <Tonic> my entire immediate family was in a van [7:09:12 PM] <Tonic> and it crashed [7:09:14 PM] <Tonic> and they all died [9:19:21 PM] <From HoaX> my father plays bw [9:59:10 PM] <Tonic> kate wants to join the mile high club [9:59:29 PM] <Kate> thats a real club? [9:43:32 AM] <BinGo> And racest is a word u **** [2:40:41 AM] <Kate> *** was gonna shoot at my eye [1:22:27 AM] <Freed-SiL-> id like a girl in my clan to hang with [1:37:15 AM] [1:02:56 AM] <Xtreme> [12:50:55 AM] <Xtreme> if you were on a gay bus, would you get off? [12:50:59 AM] <OblivioN> lol yes? [1:15:39 AM] <ViViD> including the fact i sucked on one for a portion of my life O.O [5:57:09 PM] <Tonic> like if I had to **** an animal, it'd be a cat [12:32:29 AM] <3oD[EternalGod]> Current MP3: 71: Hollaback Girl [3:18:39 PM] <ViViD> how do u put anti hack in snipe maps? [3:18:50 PM] <ViViD> is it downloadable? [4:54:21 AM] <FaCtoR> SyN is the best ahcker on b net [2:30:21 PM] <Antitrust> [2:30:15 PM] Current MP3: 387: Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back [2:30:32 PM] <Barbie> i've not even heard that [11:42:55 AM] <EternalGod> EternalGod is gay ohmy.gif [1:23:15 AM] <Kate> im suckin so hard [8:08:08 PM] <From Kate> cuz im a whore [9:01:07 PM] <Soul-S-niper> ode can i plz rejoin range, i made a big mistake and joined a clan that only lasted 1 week, plz ode im begging you, ill get on my hands and knees LOL [5:54:01 PM] <KLiT> ive wacked off so much lately my **** wont go erect [3:34:54 PM] <cA]Voltage-> i got caught stealing pokemon cards at walmart today [5:35:12 PM] <dm2> i hate chicks <CaMpeD> My **** is so long i put it through m ass and it comes out of my mouth <Toxic> you've wasted the last 5 years or so of yours on this game--you have nothing to show for it, No skill, no nothing, go kill yourself. <From: SouL-> wannabe <iLleSt> i had mh tho :] <iLleSt> Wtf i dont sa i dont even know what 'sa' is <Heinz> sn00zer is best sniper on b.net when he trys... u just have to piss him off <Drifts> You know weedman? He is the best sniper <CheeTo> 3od is the snipe makers? <BronzeBullet> crazy ****s everywhere <Lazy.Fat.Ass> my comp is ****eded up <Toxic> i nutted all over tj's pic, printed that shit out n nutted on his face <Night> every time...i watch the titanic...i wish the guy never dies...everytime...but...he always dies...at the end...idk i tink he wont...for some reason <Iv[aTt-Krp> is this clann called h2o because of 420? <sLaSheD> I gotta run, I'm apparently going over to Katies house to work my sorry ass back in to her heart.<][-][urricane> what is a wawas <Xtreme> my brother is a homosexual =[ <Misclicks> anyone no how long it takes for a bot to be made? <Wakeful> klit and the rest banned me everytime i went cuz i kept owning them <TiPe> making it anti sit will cuz lag <SnipresS> if you knew my life youd know why i spent it on here <eG_G>im 5'5 210 lb red hair like walks on beach , enjoys man on man anal sex <JaSiNaToRs> SoulSniper, do you snipe with your soul? <NaiL> do you think im good at snipes <HaS> Im not fat im just over weight [10:16:08 PM] <3oD[Help]@USEast> Type !help for more info. [10:16:15 PM] <PuLLsHoTz> !help for more info <Moon> afk watching oc [8:35:29 PM] <4letterlie> i dont snipe in tournys [10:44:22 AM] <eG_G> IF U crack the egg.. YOUR gonna get the liquid [9:16:36 PM] <EternalGod> Slayer. says: /f m mmm i like huge **** in my ass [7:59:07 PM] <Antitrust> my **** is big [7:59:10 PM] <Antitrust> and its coming for you [10:26:27 PM] <KLiT> I CUT MY SACK TRIMMING MY **** [10:52:44 AM] <Antitrust> who has seen wood's pic? [10:52:55 AM] <Antitrust> He looks like one of those kids off those fag japanesse cartoons. [11:04:02 AM] <Antitrust> YES MY DAD LEFT [11:04:05 AM] <Antitrust> TIME TO RUN AROUND NAKED. [8:37:47 PM] <Antitrust> Great is one of those kids who runs around point a laser point at stuff and saying "Nuclear Launch Detected" [8:40:05 PM] <GreaT> i can pull it back [8:40:08 PM] <GreaT> LOOK IM CIRCUMSIZED [8:40:10 PM] <GreaT> OR SLIP IT FORWARD [8:40:11 PM] <GreaT> IM NOT [1:28:42 AM] <Antitrust> someone kicked down your sand castle? [10:19:05 PM] <Tonic> I am the best sniper in the world [1:46:32 PM] <ScV_FoOtBaLL pelvic thrusts into twiz> [12:52:53 PM] <Larva> WooD is actually an eleven year old preteen who attends sixth grade and has been laid by his father three times. [6:57:36 PM] <Itself> i don't even know what the **** a emu is [11:09:15 PM] <Antitrust> oh man, i got the prince CD today [11:09:17 PM] <Antitrust> i rule [10:49:42 PM] <Larva> I curl my hair and straighten my pubes. [10:50:04 PM] <Larva> My pubes are hightlighted red and my anus is light blue. [4:28:30 PM] <Tonic> my whispers are at the bottom now [4:28:32 PM] <Tonic> help [12:50:55 AM] <Xtreme> if you were on a gay bus, would you get off? [12:50:59 AM] <OblivioN> lol yes? [1:48:46 AM] <Fortune> If it was taking me to Forb's house I'd stay on the gay bus [9:29:20 AM] <eG_G> afk ima masturbater [10:20:06 PM] <DeMoNsTraTioN> i never tried to join 3oD [4:04:54 PM] <Pleasure> Emu as in like a moose [9:58:37 AM] <Oragami> i pissed my pants [2:52:33 PM] <TriGGaS> YOOOOOO I BROKE MY WATER [8:08:37 PM] <Kate> i dont smoke [8:08:40 PM] <Kate> anything [8:08:43 PM] <Kate> except the **** [11:45:02 AM] <Larva> I'm going to play UMS games and cyber with men acting as 18 year old sexy petite girls. [12:22:35 PM] <SuBuRbS> wtf is UMS [10:42:38 PM] <Kate> i grabbed a gay guys ***** last night [5:18:15 PM] <Hife> wut is trivial pursuit anyways [9:31:07 PM] <PrinT> I play the piano [3:36:11 PM] <Dope> MY SPILLING WAS GAY [6:51:12 PM] <Tonic> I have to delete the huge stash of porn I have on this comp [9:18:44 PM] <Antitrust> Yeah walks, i'll laugh when you're flipping burgers and banging your sister [9:28:27 PM] <Antitrust> Tonic, make a sex video with your host-sister. [9:28:29 PM] <Antitrust> And send me it. [1:15:58 PM] <Antitrust> Kate, i'ma kill you. I'ma stab your ****** with my pork sword. [5:25:59 PM] <TeaLX> i think i could masterbate with both hands and beat u [1:42:10 PM] <'olo'> WTF DOES GRUBS MEAN [1:42:12 PM] <'olo'> *****? [1:44:24 PM] <Several> Ive pissed my pants plenty of times -.- [1:48:44 PM] <'olo'> My desktop wallpaper is tubgirl. [12:49:13 AM] <TeaLX> here suck my **** some more and tell me the velocity of my *** hitting your eye [1:15:32 AM] <TeaLX> jess the girl who ****ed me? [1:15:37 AM] <TeaLX> or jess the guy who ****ed me? [1:26:11 AM] <TeaLX> Slayer if you ever saw a ***** you would put a bandaid over it [12:46:21 AM] <TeaLX> credits if i ever took my **** out in front of u i would take out both your eyes [1:00:18 AM] <Scoop> Wtf is a emu [1:00:19 AM] <Scoop> neway [1:16:45 AM] <From clonewars> can u talk dirty to me so ican jack off [2:11:15 PM] <eG_G> all this shit talken gets me so horny [7:30:55 PM] <Suicide> \play Aqua - Barbie Girl [5:03:38 PM] <From: Splat> uh no i swallow [7:31:52 PM] <Dope> Thugs get wit me [7:41:45 PM] <Suicide> Dude, I'm not THAT gay. [7:35:27 PM] <Suicide> 50 Yen - Get Rice or Die Stir Frying. [7:38:20 PM] <EternalGod> THIS 1 TIME AT BAND CAMP [7:38:27 PM] <Suicide> I PUT A TRUMPET UP MY ASS. Phaceial: I gotta get Luther vandros whitest hits [1:39:09 AM] <TeaLX> mav ur ****ing azn u dont count Phaceial: [7:51:21 PM] Current MP3: 1: Threesome Movies by Dope - Hot Gay Anal Porn [2:59:25 PM] <DeathChild> wtf is a cod [11:12:10 PM] <777avericK> Hentai [11:12:14 PM] <777avericK> Wilma is hot [11:12:31 PM] <777avericK> pebbles is hot too [3:47:31 PM] <3oD[Dope]> I'm gonna get a stripper pole in my basement [3:50:12 PM] <Antitrust> 3oD is gonna be a Stealthbot Tic-Tac-Toe clan now. [4:26:21 PM] <Antitrust> Hogan you're probably a crater faced fat nerd. [7:08:23 PM] <TeaLX> Current MP3: 155: TeaLX and his **** - Im in your ass Mav give me a tug and ill explode [7:22:20 PM] <oRiGiN> Current MP3: 295: Dora The Explorer - Dora The Explorer [3:14:00 PM] <Kate> Yo it's PhaceHeaven I push dem pies [3:14:08 PM] <Kate> And I kiss da girls and make dem cry [3:49:12 PM] <From 4letterlie> tk you gotta post some newd pics [3:52:24 PM] <***oFFaNdDiE> be quiet heinz before u spread u on a hotdog [4:26:37 PM] <Argue> matt = what u step on [4:45:58 PM] <GOODATTACK@Azeroth> Jason Kidd is Mexican [4:52:06 PM] <mysticck> Titty, can i squeeze your titties? [5:43:30 PM] <From HeiNz> im cybering stfu [11:33:06 AM] <Antitrust> i'll throw you overboard. [12:44:01 PM] <Antitrust> watch this baby! i'm so good at tony hawk [12:57:20 PM] <Antitrust> kate is probably thinking "man i wish mine were so big i got black eyes when i ran" [4:42:36 PM] <EternalGod> (play dora [4:42:39 PM] <EternalGod> (mp3 [4:42:39 PM] <oRiGiN> Current MP3: 315: Dora The Explorer - Dora The Explorer [4:52:01 PM] <From 4LetterLie> Your friend 4LetterLie entered a Starcraft Broodwar game called olsen twins 1/2 naked. [9:20:21 PM] <Dope> 16 person meaning 16???? [10:28:43 PM] <HisToRic> How the **** do u play chess? [6:17:22 PM] <EX3> XII what does that stand for [6:17:24 PM] <EX3> 12 inch *****? [6:50:32 PM] <Dope> WELL TALK WHEN IM DONE [6:50:36 PM] <EternalGod> done what [6:50:41 PM] <EternalGod> jacking off 2 pics of tric? [6:50:49 PM] <Dope> WITH KENNY IN THE BACKGROUND [7:05:31 PM] <Hogan> MATT [7:05:34 PM] <Hogan> ITS NATIONAL HUMP DAY [7:05:36 PM] <Hogan> LEMME HUMP U [11:53:09 PM] <RiFLeD> LETS GO CYBER [12:01:08 AM] <Hogan STICKS HIS 3cm **** INTO RIFLED> [12:39:34 AM] <Fairy> i had black on my family tree for some reason they were jsut hanging there so i shot them with a shot gun so there gone now [12:37:59 AM] <Hogan> MATT CYBER ME [11:41:36 PM] <Antitrust> i choose kate [11:41:45 PM] <Antitrust> use super **** sucking ability! [8:56:23 PM] <RoMi)DK(> wtf is teabagging? [12:11:59 AM] <DeathChild> ILL SUCK UR **** [11:03:51 PM] <Dope> I would have banged her if she was 14 [11:36:24 AM] <Dope> I watch dora [11:36:26 AM] <Dope> and Hello Kitty [4:27:51 PM] <From KayoS> IMMA A MUTHER****IN G-uniT [1:30:07 AM] <Antitrust> LOLZ I'M GAY [5:52:45 PM] <From Dope> im a gay faggot who <3s men [2:33:37 PM] <Dope> I'm about to cyber Myself [11:22:03 PM] <From Bomb> arabs > koreans at striking oil [11:31:43 PM] <Dope> I'm quick [11:31:46 PM] <Dope> And Small [10:21:53 PM] <From Antitrust> you're saying good night to your mom [10:24:05 PM] <From Antitrust> be like, listen baby, i got better things to, like play diablo 2 with antitrust, Talk to ya later! [7:53:37 PM] <Antitrust> once upon a time, dope shut the **** up before anti stabbed him in the eye with his pork sword [7:58:19 PM] <Kristina@Azeroth> OMGOSH WTF! [7:58:25 PM] <Kristina@Azeroth> STARBURST STILL EXISTS? [8:15:52 PM] <Dope> My balls feel so weird [9:18:34 PM] <From Dope> This chick gave me genital herpes [8:09:16 PM] <Antitrust> I paid good money for chris, you guys better leave him alone. [1:25:13 AM] <Kate> i have aids [7:53:18 PM] <Antitrust> i just spanked it [7:53:21 PM] <Antitrust> to tk's myspace. [7:52:15 PM] <Antitrust> Lets make a sex sandwich, we can use my mayo! [4:00:23 PM] <Dope> ANTI [4:00:27 PM] <Dope> I NEED THAT PIC OF YOUR BALLS [8:28:13 PM] <Antitrust> if i could suck my **** [8:28:18 PM] <Antitrust> i'd be late for school every day. [8:55:38 PM] <From Antitrust> this is 3oD's new channel [8:55:41 PM] 2: antitrust, (mutual) using Starcraft Broodwar in the channel Anti's Pants Tent. [10:09:39 PM] <Antitrust> Look at me, i'ma nerd, i never go in the yard, i play the craft, because i'm dodging the draft, poon yo noobs, because i got man boobs. [8:41:30 PM] <Dope> Phace is gay [9:00:08 PM] <Dope> Kids in 2st grade can afford those prices [4:50:06 PM] <Xorcist> i have a girlfriend her teeth r bigger then her face [2:28:10 PM] <From DuaLiTy> nigga let me cyber in peace [12:16:47 PM] <MarK.> Et [12:16:52 PM] <MarK.> When are we gonna do it [9:17:28 PM] <Antitrust> matt [9:17:36 PM] <Antitrust> only thing you dribble is your load. [9:37:54 PM] <DeathX> TOUCH ME [9:06:09 PM] <Fancism> im being a homo right now [10:35:06 PM] <From LaGGeR> LETS CYBER [8:38:39 PM] <ScV_FoOtBaLL> ARE YOU STRAIGHT SNOOPZ? [8:38:55 PM] <SnoopZ> nop [8:48:29 PM] <ScV_FoOtBaLL> Are you staight? [8:48:36 PM] <LaGGeR> i am not str8 [7:45:43 PM] <From xdustinx@Azeroth> smelly puss dont bother me [8:33:28 PM] <Toxic> Turn me gay [9:17:54 PM] <From Kiba> i think i'll go with [9:17:56 PM] <From Kiba> sucking ur **** [8:56:35 PM] <Kate> suck on my **** bitch [9:13:41 PM] <Dope> I use my daddy [9:22:18 PM] <Toxic> My /f l is alphabetized [11:26:32 AM] <nightmare puts arm around heinz> [7:37:29 PM] <eG_G rolls up his ***** and shows oasis a tootsie role> [4:53:20 PM] <From FiZzLy> wow heinz u never expire [12:06:36 PM] <Kate> does that mean we arent makin babies antee? [12:07:10 PM] <Antitrust> I expect breakfast ready when i wake up [12:07:16 PM] <Antitrust> and a blowjob while i'm eating it. [12:07:23 PM] <Antitrust> And you better swallow, or i'll slap you. [8:04:28 PM] <h2o[LaRoCkO]> that game made me so horny [8:04:46 PM] <h2o[HomeLand]> IM A E-WHORE [11:36:45 PM] <From Kate> afk sex [11:53:33 PM] <h2o[Xtreme]> ?trigger [11:53:33 PM] <h2o[Xtreme]@Azeroth> Current trigger: Eternalgod [11:10:30 AM] <h2o[KLiT]> HOLY **** [11:10:34 AM] <h2o[KLiT]> PAIN N MY RECTUM [8:58:20 PM] <From h2o[4LetterLie]> Your friend h2o[4LetterLie] entered a Starcraft Broodwar game called HOT LEZ. [6:42:08 PM] <h2o[LaRoCkO] RIDES ETERNALGOD'S ****> [7:13:35 PM] <h2o[HomeLand]> \join gay [7:13:35 PM] -- h2o[HomeLand]@Azeroth has left the channel. [7:13:36 PM] -- h2o[HomeLand] has left the channel. [12:07:37 AM] <h2o[TeaLX]> im fingering a hairy ****** [6:50:11 PM] <From h2o[GoSu]> what kind of tourney kev? [6:50:26 PM] <From h2o[SouL]> a nut groping tourny [4:24:55 PM] <Youkai-Taijiya@Azeroth> In thy vain attempt to engage me in a discussion, thou hath failed (im not here) [5:03:19 PM] <Antitrust> Teal dresses in his sweat pants and "Asians cheat" shirt. [3:07:33 PM] <h2o[Trivia]> yes i like bert and ernie [10:04:17 PM] <ZER(o)> You can really brute his account with a ****ing bot? Or am I a gullible moron? [10:09:45 PM] <ZER(o)> My psychiatrist says you're all just jealous anyways. And none of your opinions matter. [4:49:43 PM] <ZER(o)> I don't watch a channel unless it has homo erotic porn on it. [8:09:25 PM] <Antitrust> i put a B in my pubes. [8:33:08 PM] <From 4LetterLie> im too cool for sniper tournys [10:28:56 AM] <From Dope> I MADE MEW AND MEWTWO [9:17:15 PM] <From Dope> ROfl mike knos I love him [9:17:18 PM] <From Dope> We're gay lovers [11:21:56 PM] <From ][-][uRRiCaNe> Your friend ][-][uRRiCaNe entered a Starcraft Broodwar game called Hilary Duff Naked!. [5:16:15 PM] <Antitrust@Azeroth> My belt buckle is a nintendo controller. [5:22:20 PM] <From Etra> I bet JaS is an Iraqi with a bomb factory in his basement. [9:40:18 PM] <Etra> Lol, I would but I'm on a boy. [10:12:27 PM] <PuLLsHoTz> wtf is emU? [6:11:58 PM] <Dope> I'm the best black bowler in the world [6:12:07 PM] <Etra> Because you're the only ****** that bowls. [4:23:33 PM] <Etra> Jeff, what's a random topic we can have an intelligent but queer conversation about? [10:39:44 PM] <From Etra> Brandon, let's cyber. [6:03:32 PM] <Emperor> i'm go spank it to the video of me banging matt's mom [5:33:29 PM] <4and4make6> how do u have sex on the computer? [4:26:34 PM] <i)D(MiNi> Why do ******s smell so bad? So blind people can hate them too. [4:26:58 PM] <i)D(MiNi> What's black and white and rolls off a pier? [4:27:07 PM] <i)D(MiNi> A ****** and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing [10:35:04 PM] <KewKLuHxKlaN> gimme access xD [10:35:08 PM] <Revive> no :l [10:35:13 PM] <KewKLuHxKlaN> i'll suck on your ***** if you do biggrin.gif [10:33:54 PM] <f0rk> ima hack it [10:33:58 PM] <f0rk> when i get smart [9:56:15 PM] <youruglyfatmom> (>'-(>0_0)> ....ouch it hurt when u put it there!!1! [5:54:21 PM] <IvIoon> 8=======================================D [5:54:25 PM] <IvIoon> negro **** [5:54:45 PM] <Zeh> lol moon [5:54:49 PM] <Zeh> do you wrap it around your leg? [5:57:15 PM] <Skips> Zeh = 5'0 200 lb [5:58:17 PM] <Gleaming> "Mom, get the highchair, I wana snipe!" [9:59:21 PM] <OMGitsSarah> im a man [10:00:11 PM] <Brass-Dragon@Azeroth> i'm quality nerd [10:01:07 PM] <rtm2@Azeroth> Is me and sarah the only girls here? [10:01:52 PM] <FLY_HIGH> rtm2 name sex age location breast size [10:04:44 PM] <Unscrewed_Magic@Azeroth> STORY TIME IN CHANNEL SEX3 IN 2 HOURS [10:05:45 PM] <OMGitsSarah> does anybody wanna rube my man boobies? [10:06:04 PM] <OMGitsSarah> WHO WANTS MY MAN BOOBIES [10:15:14 PM] <I-Fu-ck-grlz needs a gurl...> [10:15:20 PM] <Syzmo-B77s> omg im so ****ing tired of noobs calling people a noob [10:21:05 PM] <Doom_Bringer-> i went to annoy people having gay cyber and it was just people jacking around [10:21:50 PM] <Syzmo-B77s> i like real sex it feels better [10:21:53 PM] <JC11@Azeroth> sex? [10:21:59 PM] <JC11@Azeroth> huh? [10:31:23 PM] <Doom_Bringer-> i think its so stupid when people pretend that they can turn into cats and stuff... [10:37:34 PM] <From Intercourse> :: 10:31:44 PM :: [ From hepworth(htk):31 ] will you be my mistress? [3:39:12 PM] <Revive> !8ball Will Surface ever get laid without it being date rape? [3:39:12 PM] <Surface> Revive >> No [3:39:17 PM] <Revive> !8ball So he'll pay them? [3:39:18 PM] <Surface> Revive >> Yes [3:39:33 PM] <Oragami> lets play something [3:39:37 PM] <Oragami> liek spoon the donkey [3:39:50 PM] <Oragami takes out spoon> [3:42:17 PM] <Oragami> i own Urmom@righthererightnow [3:42:24 PM] <Surface> you wish. [3:42:28 PM] <Oragami> no [3:42:30 PM] <Oragami> well sorta [5:33:29 PM] <4and4make6> how do u have sex on the computer? [5:34:17 PM] <4and4make6> can i send a virus to her ***** [5:33:29 PM] <4and4make6> how do u have sex on the computer? [5:33:50 PM] <DuaLiTy> well i put my **** on the cd played while she fit the mouse on her ***** aint that obvious? [7:46:47 PM] <oRaNgEsNiPeR> get a life tongue.gif. [7:46:49 PM] <oRaNgEsNiPeR> get d2. [9:11:31 PM] <U_NV_Me> almost as gay as backdoor boys [4:48:57 PM] <BlowtorchMan> im your momma, i'm your daddy. i'm that nigga in the alley [3:33:51 PM] <Surface> Wtf is up your ass [3:33:57 PM] <eNdOwEd> im not sure [10:29:22 PM] <Sm0oR-> Im a Little ****** Short And Stout Here Is my Nexus Here Is My Scout..When im In Trouble Hear Me Shout Bring Some Marines And Help Me Out!!!! [4:09:25 PM] <GlitcheS> just made 250$ this morning [4:09:43 PM] <GlitcheS> a guy had to pay me [6:32:16 PM] <Gleaming> I can't, I'm going away. [6:32:19 PM] <Gleaming> For a long, long time. [6:32:22 PM] <Gleaming> Forever. [6:32:34 PM] <Gleaming> See you at 9 tongue.gif <Shim[DC]> Are you a guy that likes to act like a girl? well, thats all we require of our members! Join ****Chicks [DC] today! [9:43:30 PM] <SoLDieR[tS]> ss? [9:43:40 PM] <TarTeR> SS = Super Saiyan [9:26:19 AM] <Surface> Get on ur knees and suck my **** [9:26:22 AM] <oRaNgEsNiPeR> Okay. [7:23:52 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> i miss playing with u u fag [7:30:31 PM] <al(uMa> **** my ***** got stuck to a block of ice [7:30:32 PM] <al(uMa> GG [7:37:08 PM] <BiCePs> i run.... [7:37:08 PM] <BiCePs> i run around... [7:37:08 PM] <BiCePs> i run around africa slapping ******s with the aid stick [5:49:44 PM] <I-Fvck-your-mom@Azeroth> ok so ur saying if a girl touches my ****, then I can make it stand??? im confused [11:42:55 AM] <EternalGod> EternalGod is gay ohmy.gif [5:57:33 PM] <Dope> I'd like you to know I have two daddy's [9:41:18 PM] <Etra> Anti sucks **** for lunch money. [9:41:31 PM] <Antitrust> EVERYONE HAS TO EAT [7:00:03 PM] <Oasis> Cyber SEX HOTEL LROFL [7:00:07 PM] <JaSiNaToRs> lmfao oasis [7:00:11 PM] <JaSiNaToRs> we cood play together =) [2:57:23 PM] <Sexygirl4you> IF U WANA CYBER WHISPER I AM A GIRL THATS VERY HOT BUT BEWARE I MAY BE A GUY THAT HAS A TIGHT ASS [2:45:01 AM] <Xtreme@USEast> I WANT ANAL GIMMIE GIMIE [11:00:20 PM] <cooLsnipeR> **** [11:00:23 PM] <cooLsnipeR> im [11:00:26 PM] <cooLsnipeR> blind [11:00:29 PM] <Costa> OH NOES [1:00:36 PM] <Costa> open your eyes [5:39:54 PM] <From CaMpeD> i got dudu stains on my pantys [6:26:09 PM] <CaMpeD> im gonna start a cat and mouse clan [6:33:19 PM] <CaMpeD> I giggle when i take a dudu in my pants because then i go to school ans sit down and then i stick my finger down my butcrack and snifff and its funny [7:39:01 PM] <h2o[HomeLand]> want to stfu and suck my ****? [7:39:05 PM] <StanceD sucks homelands ****> [7:39:13 PM] <h2o[HomeLand]> gg quoted [7:39:16 PM] <StanceD> no dont [7:39:22 PM] <StanceD> I WAS JK [7:59:04 PM] <CaMpeD> Tarter wanna go take a dump on my ******s? [8:30:31 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> im 999 lb [8:30:46 PM] <Etra> How do you lift your hand? x.x [8:30:56 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> i eat a donut [8:30:58 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> it gives me energy [8:25:13 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> hey chris [8:25:17 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> my **** is waiting for a suckin?> [8:25:22 PM] <Etra> So bend down? [8:36:54 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> yeah so Chris works at this place called Okay im Gay Coral? [8:37:08 PM] <Etra> Yeah so Pete works at McDonald's as the clown? [8:37:14 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> naw they fired me [8:37:19 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> couldnt fit into the suit anymore [8:42:59 PM] <ScatMan> IF YOU WERE TO FART [8:43:01 PM] <ScatMan> ON HIS HEAD [8:43:02 PM] <ScatMan> ON THE FLOOR I WOULD SHIT MY PANTS. [8:43:04 PM] <ScatMan> I SWARE TO GOD. [8:43:48 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> here ill give u something to quote [8:43:52 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> actualy nvm [8:43:56 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> dun wannaget to gay [7:23:48 PM] <Etra> So i had sex with a fat chick [8:48:31 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> [7:24:02 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> Chris i didnt know that u know Andrews sister [8:50:58 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> u know when u get into a conversation about making Gay faces [8:51:01 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> Something is wrong [8:55:57 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> how do u get a ****** out of a tree? [8:56:00 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> cut the rope [11:42:16 PM] <From Toxic> WooD is that fatass genie from Aladdin [11:42:33 PM] <From Toxic> I am JAFAR biggrin.gif [12:46:17 AM] <From Toxic> u /f a'd heinz back? [12:46:29 AM] <From Toxic> HES NOT A FRIEND [12:46:34 AM] <From Toxic> HES A ****ING KETCHUP VENDER [12:30:24 PM] <Oragami> i wish i could read [12:30:35 PM] <Oragami> i speak whale [5:40:40 PM] <From Etra> I'm cybering with Toxic + Kami. They're both virgins. [12:13:14 AM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> You just dun ain't lived life till u've banged yourself a fat chick. <TheLegenl)ary> sigh jesus is japanese <ToiLeTPaPeR> nv dun be gay, touch my ***** [4:53:05 PM] <Snorlax> You really want this account? [4:53:30 PM] <Snorl4x> Yeah, I really really really do want it. [4:54:23 PM] <Snorl4x> -Gives Snorlax secks.- [4:54:41 PM] <Snorlax> Well your not getting it <GlitcheS> Peace jasinators wait me in bed 100$ for me dont forgot [11:49:38 PM] <Antitrust> banging kate is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. <GhosTy> "HELLO? I GOT ABUSED ONLINE.. HELP ME!! SHE SAID SHE'S GONA THROW A FROZEN MUFFIN AT ME!" [7:24:59 PM] <From Kate> can you get pregnant [7:25:02 PM] <From Kate> if you swallow [8:46:44 PM] <RaidenMZX> huge tits with large dark pepperoni ******s the bumps on the ******s are brail for "touch here" [5:46:57 PM] <I-Fvck-your-mom@Azeroth> how do you make your **** stand up like a pencil ????? [12:35:36 AM] <HotBiChick7> right i have a bigger pee pee than you and thats when i fold it in half [4:35:21 PM] <Toxic> LOL [4:35:24 PM] <Etra> ? [4:35:30 PM] <Toxic> I gotta poop [4:22:04 PM] <To your friends> Too much anal is bad for your anal. [4:22:08 PM] <From Surface> LIES [4:22:13 PM] <From Surface> BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD xO [9:26:07 PM] <($@$@$@)> . [9:26:21 PM] <Submerse> what r u .'ing about? [10:26:22 PM] <puppy> i ahd some black on my family tree but then i had to call the police cause they were loitering [10:26:58 PM] <puppy> .mp3 [10:26:59 PM] <she> Current MP3: 11: D4L Ft Busta Rhymes And Shawty - Laffy Taffy Remix (remix) [10:27:04 PM] <puppy> and i bet white person wrote this [10:27:08 PM] <puppy> black ppl anrt that smart [7:09:51 PM] <LaGGeR> 'olo' = 2 ballz a **** and his 2 hands ont he side jerking "I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet." - Rodney Dangerfield [10:15:57 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> BUT I WANT TO GAIN WEIGHT [10:16:02 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> I CANT BE A WHITE SUMO WRESTLER [10:16:04 PM] <KrYpT-SniPeR> IF IM NOT FAT [12:34:08 PM] <Snowball[So]> damn canadians did it [12:34:21 AM] <Snowball[So]> they were the terrorists behind 9/11 [5:13:34 PM] <TriGgaS> my ***** is leakin [5:13:34 PM] <TriGgaS> o.O [1:08:16 AM] <TeaLX> i wanna kill myself [2:01:42 PM] <From: NaiL> chris i think i got a online gf [2:01:46 PM] Users in channel Op HaS: QuieT., NaiL, [HAS] [3:25:56 PM] <!!SaLtMaN!!> well I just finished up the first term of year 1 engineering program which I didn't do as well as I thought I could do because World of Warcraft ruined my life [3:56:39 PM] <Antitrust> I WANT SOME MOTHER ****ING CHOCOLATE MILK [8:56:09 PM] <Antitrust> SHUT UP [8:56:13 PM] <Antitrust> I'M PICKING DINGLE BERRIES [8:56:20 PM] <Antitrust> CAN'T A MAN GROOM HIMSELF IN PEACE? [1:33:59 AM] <WooD> can i join this clan? i'll suck each members **** for free [1:34:10 AM] <WooD@USEast> i swear ill suck [1:34:12 AM] <WooD> even toxics **** [1:34:19 AM] <WooD> LET ME IN [3:05:00 PM] <Aznshox> BlindS [3:05:07 PM] <Aznshox> is that a word? [12:00:11 AM] <From RaidenMZX> if we had boobs we could lick our ******s like girls can <From RaidenMZX> who wants to lay on the floor with me so we can lick eachother <ToiLeTPaPeR> RICE FALLS OFF TREES <pLaNtErSpEaNuTs> We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture. [5:23:23 PM] <From Fapiko> I like my ****. [5:23:29 PM] <From Fapiko> I would deepthroat it if I could. [1:27:37 PM] <GlitcheS> woot i recruit u for life in my bed <caz35> As I i'm washing the tables, a plumber with a big "plunger", comes in and cleans out my "pipes and tubing". <Zeh> my friend passed out while beating off when he was on shrooms.... [7:14:58 PM] <UnAiMeD> so wats new maN? [7:15:00 PM] <Toxic> dude [7:15:03 PM] <Toxic> i got out of my chair [11:04:12 PM] <9iNe> I would love to make fun of your ass more but i got babes to go cyber with [11:14:13 PM] <Toxic> <To: DeathChild> You know you can't help but love me my taxes bomb your country :] <JaSiNaToRs> CAN I STICK MY FLOPPY IN YOUR DRIVE? [8:33:06 PM] <Reveal@USEast> Krypt Can i slide down ur long pole? [6:40:10 PM] <OvA> ill suck your ***** for 1$ [6:40:19 PM] <OvA> << girl big tits [6:40:24 PM] <Reveal> put a bag over ur face and deal [6:34:50 PM] <Etra> We're about to watch Reveal + FloaT cyber each other. [6:34:54 PM] <Etra> I can record it and sell it as porn for money. [6:42:13 PM] <From Etra> Why I'm better than Reveal: [6:42:20 PM] <From Etra> 1. English is my first language, not my second. [6:42:32 PM] <From Etra> 2. I wasn't born in a alley. [6:42:41 PM] <From Etra> 3. I didn't come across in a boat. [6:42:54 PM] <From Etra> 4. I don't live in a box on the street corner. [6:43:45 PM] <From Etra> 5. My tombstone won't say Andrew aka Reveal@USEast. [08:21:36 PM] <GoSuSniPeR> im busy w/ kids [10:03:27 PM] <NaiL>i love float [10:03:29 PM] <NaiL> shes so sexy [10:22:40 PM] <'olo'> Hurricane, you should grow a *****. [10:22:45 PM] <][-][uRRiCaNe> want a pic of mine? [10:22:53 PM] <'olo'> How much do I have to zoom? [10:26:17 PM] [ 'olo':78 ] Two brackets, hyphen, two brackets, urricane. [10:26:42 PM] [ 'olo':78 ] MAYBE IF YOUR ***** IS AS BIG AS YOUR SN YOU MIGHT GET LAID. [5:26:21 PM] <From Etra> VIII couldn't own an ice cube with a blow dryer. [5:52:17 PM] <SiTTiN> im gonna blow ur **** Q: What did the ****** say when he slid down the zebra? A: Now you see me, now you don't, now you see me, now you don't. <Antitrust> Tk, music is like candy, you gotta get rid of the rappers. [5:43:13 PM] <HaS> Im not fat im just over weight [9:46:48 PM] <Etra> LaR and Et, sitting a tree [9:46:53 PM] <Etra> k-i-s-s-i-n-g [9:46:55 PM] <Etra> first comes love [9:46:57 PM] <Etra> then coems marriage [9:47:01 PM] <3oD[LaRoCkO]@Azeroth> then comes anal sex [10:19:30 PM] <HyPeRBoLa> My ***** gets smaller when its erect. [10:19:31 PM] <HyPeRBoLa> Is that bad? [10:21:43 PM] <HyPeRBoLa> Lets cyber? [10:22:10 PM] <Etra pokes at the shit chunks hanging off HyPeRBoLa's ass hair.> [12:22:11 PM] <Etra> No. [4:18:56] <Antitrust@Azeroth> I used to trade my sister's panties for 100 unmuted CDKeys. [9:41:04 PM] <Etra> Lol, I would but I'm on a boy. [9:41:33 PM] <Etra> BOT** [4:23:10 PM] <3oD[EternalGod]> after college [4:23:16 PM] <3oD[EternalGod]> i'll be making triple digits [9:28:05 PM] <R4P3D> you thought you grew a pube till you realised you were pissing out of it [9:43:34 PM] <From Lies> Wanna try and get me pregnant? [9:11:43 PM] <Etra> Iraqis carry bags of sand in their pockets to remind them of home. [1:08:45 PM] <Bloody> im also 26 yrs old [8:47:58 PM] <CarToon1> I hack , but i still suck [8:48:00 PM] <CarToon1> wtf [9:23:01 PM] <Emperor> i had to go to a shrink, because i was masturbating 16 times a day. [9:23:16 PM] <Emperor> And then i started masturbating in the waiting room. [9:23:48 PM] <Emperor> I spank it in class all the time [9:23:55 PM] <Emperor> esepcially when we watch a movie [9:24:00 PM] <Emperor> i'll spit in my hand and go to town. [6:38:52 PM] <weedman420> how come you lag so much with dial up [8:06:44 PM] <From Oragami> shh im masterbating [8:07:19 PM] <From Oragami> to these wierd cartoon bunnies [9:18:34 PM] <From Dope> This chick gave me genital herpes [8:09:16 PM] <Antitrust> I paid good money for chris, you guys better leave him alone. [10:09:39 PM] <Antitrust> Look at me, i'ma nerd, i never go in the yard, i play the craft, because i'm dodging the draft, poon yo noobs, because i got man boobs. [9:17:28 PM] <Antitrust> matt [9:17:36 PM] <Antitrust> only thing you dribble is your load. [10:09:45 PM] <ZER(o)> My psychiatrist says you're all just jealous anyways. And none of your opinions matter. [6:11:58 PM] <Dope> I'm the best black bowler in the world [6:12:07 PM] <Etra> Because you're the only ****** that bowls. [11:04:02 AM] <Antitrust> YES MY DAD LEFT [11:04:05 AM] <Antitrust> TIME TO RUN AROUND NAKED. [8:37:47 PM] <Antitrust> GreaT is one of those kids who runs around point a laser point at stuff and saying "Nuclear Launch Detected" [1:26:11 AM] <TeaLX> Slayer if you ever saw a ***** you would put a bandaid over it [9:27:56 PM] <Oragami#2> Folding my ***** into a flower is something i do in my spare time [11:09:18 PM] <Torture> id **** avril like a pillow. [11:09:25 PM] <Etra> You'd **** anything that moves. [11:09:35 PM] <Torture> no i wouldnt **** dirt [11:14:14 PM] <Torture> i got wrote up today [11:14:22 PM] <Etra> For looking up your 40 year old teacher's skirt? [11:14:28 PM] <Torture> lol i wish [6:47:11 PM] <To your friends> Open your chinky eyes [6:47:27 PM] <From Surface> OMG I CAN SEE [7:05:08 PM] <GrowSomE> etra can i join [7:05:18 PM] <Etra> *Etra sucks Etra's **** [7:05:23 PM] <Etra> Do it and you can join. [7:05:49 PM] <GrowSomE sucks Etras ****> [9:24:06 PM] <Uzi> i got a pic on the internet [9:24:06 PM] <X_RaTeD@Azeroth> k show it [9:24:09 PM] <X_RaTeD@Azeroth> yea to bad [9:24:12 PM] <X_RaTeD@Azeroth> cant fit on screen [9:24:13 PM] <X_RaTeD@Azeroth> afk
07-13-2006, 01:38 PM
07-13-2006, 11:56 PM
Well yes they are random...they are just excerps of a conversation that I found funny or atleast enuff to make me giggle.
Personally I like: [11:04:02 AM] <Antitrust> YES MY DAD LEFT [11:04:05 AM] <Antitrust> TIME TO RUN AROUND NAKED. [5:54:21 PM] <IvIoon> 8=======================================D [5:54:25 PM] <IvIoon> negro **** [5:54:45 PM] <Zeh> lol moon [5:54:49 PM] <Zeh> do you wrap it around your leg? Yes, some of the lines are stil the same quote due to wrapping of the text, but anyone with half a brain could tell. ~Lynch~
07-14-2006, 01:15 AM
Lady Windsor : "If you were my husband, I'd poison your tea."
Winston Churchill : "Lady, if you were my wife I'd drink it."
07-14-2006, 03:12 AM
Quote:Lady Windsor : "If you were my husband, I'd poison your tea." I almost peed my pants.
07-14-2006, 04:31 AM
heres one: genius is the sudden sensation of stupidity - can't remember who wrote it, but i'm leaning towards Edison
07-16-2006, 07:47 AM
I got a good one, real life experience. I went to a tobacconist in D.C. to buy some cigars. He asked me what I was looking for and I replied: "Cuban", as that is what I usually smoke. He replied: "Sorry, we cannot sell Cuban here. I know that it doesn't make any sense, but if it did, it wouldn't be American."
Anyway, I though that it was pretty funny, so I posted it here.
07-16-2006, 10:32 AM
Heres one thats great..
Blo0dyEnigma Wrote:I'd love to see your moderating skills out on the streets. . . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see . . . your green card, please.....?
07-18-2006, 01:28 AM
Quote:"Sorry, we cannot sell Cuban here. I know that it doesn't make any sense, but if it did, it wouldn't be American." LOL yeah, becuase if we imported Cuban cigars we'd be letting the communists win!
07-18-2006, 01:41 AM
Most of those were from bash.org except you shortened em and made them suck. The Bottom ones were just random conversation with your friends, which I thought were unfunny.
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