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DiGi's PVP FoHer guide
OK, I am not the best guide writer but I have absolutely nothing to do and thought i'd post how I set up my foher and such.

The FOHer (fist of heavens) paladin is a caster paladin that unleashes a massive bolt of lightning damage from the heavens. Considered BM by most duelers because Fist of Heavens always hits and often kills in one hit. The FOH paladin is extremely expensive so don't bother making one if you obviously can't afford it.


Combat Skills
1 Into Smite (pre req)
1 Into Charge (pre req)
MAX Holy Shield (pre req)
1 Into Holy Bolt (adds to the damage of the holy bolt on FOH but thats not important for PVP)
1 Into Blessed Hammer (pre req)
MAX Fist of The Heavens
1 Into Sacrifice (pre req)
1 Into Zeal (pre req)
1 Into Vengeance (pre req)
1 Into Conversion (pre req)

Offensive Auras
1 Into Might (pre req)
1 Into Holy Fire (pre req)
1 Into Holy Freeze (pre req)
MAX Holy Shock (synergy to fist of the heavens)
1 Into Thorns (pre req)
1 Into Sanctuary
12 - 13 into Conviction (after putting more then 25 into this the - resistance on with it doesn't get any higher then -150 so you don't need to waste points by adding more when you have points getting added from + skills on items.)

Defensive Auras
None are very important to the FOH paladin. You can add to defiance for a holy shield defense boost but it's really not too important. Vigor can be useful for getting around quicker. The only point I would add is into salvation for other casters.


Body Armor
Enigma Mage Plate - +2 All Skills, Teleport, FRW and huge amounts to Strength. Must be made in a Mage Plate or a Breast plate for low amounts of strength you should add.

Jeweler's Armor 4os socketed with 4x -5/5 Light die facets. huge + to life. (cons: no +to strength i think and you lose the teleport skill)
Chains of Honor - +2 all skills +65 resistances, no teleport

Griffons Eye - Huge + to lightning damage and Huge - to enemy lightning resistance +1 to all skills and fcr. Really no all alternatives to this godly helm

I guess you could use shako but you only get the +skills and no - enemy light or + lightning damage.

-25/25 +3 Fist of The Heavens +3 Conviction +1 Holy Shock. Adds HUGE amounts of damage best choice. Choose NOTHING over this. Extremely expensive but it's definatley worth it.

There really is no alternative. BUT I guess HoTo can be used. +30-40 Resistances, +3 skills. (Note: the difference damage between HoTo and the FOH Stick is huge. With my FOHer the difference is 1467 FOH Damage. + with HoTo you lose the - 25 enemy lightning resistance which is huge.)

Jeweler's Monarch of Deflection with 4x -5/5 light die facets. Adds huge amounts of damage + the blocking is good. The cons of this shield is that there is a high amount of str requirement (156). If you decide you do not want to pump that amount into str with all +stats you could try to find a Jeweler's 4os paladin shield of deflecting or just go with a JTOD (jewelers tower shield of deflection) with 3x -5/5 light facets.

Herald of Zakarum - +2 to Paladin Skills, +2 to Combat Skills, +50 all resistances +20 to str and vit. Socket with -5/5 light facet for a good increase in damage.

Trang Oul's Gloves - +20 FCR 30% Cold Resist.
Magefist - 20 FCR, Regenerate Mana 25%
It's pretty much a toss up between these gloves, your choice. (i went with magefist. Mana is pretty lacking with this character.)

Ethereal Sandstorm Treks - +15 STR, +15 Vitality, Huge poison resistance, 20 FRW

Arachnid Mesh - 20 FCR +1 All Skills, Slows Target

Nosferatu's Coil - +15 STR. Pretty much only useful mod on here for FOH.

Mara's Kaleidoscope - +30 All resistances +2 All Skills, +5 All Attributes. Very good amulet

Armageddon Slippers - Extremely expensive. Especially to get a perm one. If you can afford this definately go with this one.

2x Bul-Katho's Wedding Band's. +1 All skills, Life based on character level.

2x Stones of Jordan - +1 all Skills +20 to Mana and Increase Maximum Mana 25%. Only use if you are lacking on mana.

Weapon and Shields on Switch
+6 BO CTA and +2 Paladin Shield Spirit for BO. (Not monarch if you decided to use something besides JMOD.)

9x Paladin Combat Grand Charms preferably with life and one with 12 FHR.
20 Stat Annihilus Small Charm
20 Stat Paladin Torch
10x 20 Life sc's or 5 FHR sc's

Strength - Take your highest strength item and then add up all the +stats your item gives and subtract that from the highest strength item. The number you are left with is how much you put into strength
Dexterity - Enough for max block with MAX holy shield
Vitality - Everything else
Energy - NOTHING

Faster Hit Recovery
0% 9
7% 8
15% 7
27% 6
48% 5
86% 4
200% 3
4680% 2
Faster Cast Rate

0% 15
9% 14
18% 13
30% 12
48% 11
75% 10
125% 9
Faster Block Rate

With Holy Shield
0% 2
86% 1

[Image: screenshot0388xr.jpg]
Taken in hell. I use everything listed aside from the JMOD.
Coh > Enigma, teleport is no use, you have no fcr, and charge is better in this case. 45 Res 20/-20 sacred targe or rondache > jmod 20/-20, Fohers aren't supposed to get hit.
80 str is good with coh.
add 0 dex, fohers aren't supposed to get hit.
7/10 you gave tables but didnt talk about them and which one you would get. great job for first guide. some pvp hints or something would be nice too
Any Auradin or another FoHer will own you (and anyone that absorbs and all Wind Druids). The fact is that you can only have 1 active Conviction aura at one time, so the higher level one will prevail.

Let me explain:
Let's say that you have lvl ~25 FoH.

An auradin will have maxed out Conv and also uses Offensive Auras skillers and will have lvl ~30 Conv. Since you can only have one active Conv at the same time, his one will prevail, since it's higher level, meaning that he gets NO LOSS of resists, and your's will be at base.

If you are making a FoH, you should max out Conviction. Also, yes no Enigma, go for CoH instead. Some people also use Stone or Forti because of it's high defence.
hmm very nice guide but you need to list stratagies vs other chars and how to deal with them...
also is that MouseFreax mh? ... if it is shame on you for using him like that

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