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TuNa in need WTF!?
Thats right yall after a year of not playing diablo2 i am back.
As you all know if you dont play for 90 days your characters get expired...
So Any freebie stuff you guys have on mules you never use are my treasure!
All my characters are gone and all i got is my new level 18 sorc!
Ty for taking time out of your busy schedules to read my few words of need.
Thank you

Looking for anything cheap that you find and usually sell to merchent
Any sorc gear would be nice!

For proof all my characters gone
[Image: screenshot001jp5.jpg]


West/NL sorry
I'll can give you frees occasionally. Will you start on ladder? Cause I only play ladder
tuna id say just wait till ladder reset, the time is near.
I would play ladder but my friend hector aka infected and another friend paly non ladder so i would like to play with them
Lol, infected can give you mules full of gg stuff.
Hes always pvping and says hes gunna "hook me up"....

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