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Cd Key Muted!!! Err ???
My cd key was just muted all my accounts to this is fuc%$#annoying what the hell is up and will they be un muted? fu$#@%% BNET SUCKS! WORST ABSOULTY SHITTY IAM SORYY they are never up to date hackers run free they tak offense to minor crap and wtf !! ONLY GOOD THING IS ITS FREE! screw b net
how did it get muted?
i dont know but whats gonna happen will my cd key stay muted or what ? cause its realyl annoying!
Quote:<b>Muting CD Keys &nbsp;
Q: What is "muting" a CD-Key?
A: Blizzard Entertainment has implemented a change to its sysop capabilities on that enables authorized Blizzard Entertainment personnel to "mute" certain players on The muting function will allow us to make silent those players chatting in who are found to be in violation of our Terms of Use agreement. Other players will not see what the "muted" person has typed. Muted CD-Keys will not, in any way, affect actual gameplay. Muted players will be able to chat in-game only. &nbsp;

Q: Why has Blizzard Entertainment implemented the muting policy? &nbsp;
A: We have discovered certain players on who are attempting to utilize the channels for purposes that violate our Terms of Use agreement. Some of these violations include attempts to steal account information by impersonating Blizzard Entertainment representatives and spamming the channels with inappropriate content. The mute function has been created to prohibit players from continuing to perform these violations. (Remember: No Blizzard Entertainment employee will ever ask for your CD-Key or password. Do not give this information out over or anywhere else.) &nbsp;

Q: If I see someone trying to steal an account or witness other inappropriate behavior, how do I report it? &nbsp;
A: Please e-mail [email protected] and provide them with screen captures of the offense in question. Also, make sure you also include your user name and the other character's user name. &nbsp;

Q: I was unfairly muted. What can I do? &nbsp;
A: If you believe you were unfairly muted, please contact our support department at [email protected]. A Blizzard representative will inform you of the behavior in question and will also have the ability to un-mute accounts when deemed appropriate. &nbsp;

Q: Does muting chatters on violate my First Amendment rights? &nbsp;
A: No. is a private forum owned and operated by Blizzard Entertainment. Users must agree to our Terms of Use agreement in order to make use of the chat services offered on &nbsp;

Q: Have you considered banning players in violation of the Terms Of Use agreement? &nbsp;
A: Yes. While it is our preference not to ban players from, we will not hesitate to do so in the event that players persistently violate the Terms of Use agreement. &nbsp;

Map hack or sending packets can get it muted, but I dont think its from map hack, I think u were botting or something because bots send packets..., now bots are working to emulate an actual player and not send packets. So they will be slow and will have less drops but will continue to mf runs for infinate amount untill bnet tags them then later mutes them.
so is ur diablo working now
i dont use any bots and the only thing i was spamming was a web site to sell d2 items no bots no nothing just me spammin nothing bad maphack doesnt send packets cause its not server side dude! it works on ur comp without goin thrh b net
do u think tht they deleted ur account
No dude i play my account still see the mute thing makes it where u cant whisper ne 1 or talk or chat in any channel which is very gay u can only talk in games
re install it or somthing
dude its not that easy it has absoutly nothing to do with me or my computer its server side they muted my cd key that means any account i use is muted until they un mute it their selves dude
i havent heard any 1 got a muted CD-key dont u think its a hack from som1 not
U thereSmile
HAHA cody My cd key was muted at one time too. You have to email blizzard and tell them your cd key for both of your cd's and it takes them a while to unmute them.
yea its unmuted now thank god that was annoying as hell

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