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PVP 200FCR FB sorc by db_jynx
FrogMan Wrote:First go here

The above mentioned will show you great information regarding Fast Cast Rate Break Points (FCR BPs), Fast Hit Recovery Breakpoints (FHR BPs), and anything else you find useful.

The FCR Breakpoint we will obtain is 200. This means that this character is EXTREMELY Gear Dependant. Without the use of Hacked Items (I.e. Wizz Gloves), it will be nearly IMPOSIBLE to attain Max Block (MB) without sacrificing at least 300 Dex (assuming ~100 from gear).

The FHR Breakpoint we will obtain is either the 42%, the 60%, or the 86%, depending on your charms. (12% from +1fire/12FHR or 5% from 5ResALL/5FHR or 11Single Res/5FHR)

This is a LADDER 200 FCR Fireball Sorceress (these are my opinions, feel free to disagree at your leisure)

1. Some may say ES over Vita.. i say no thx, a FBer should really go full Vita, attempting to get as close to 2.5k Life as possible with BO

2. This build can be extreeemmmeeely expensive given proper gear. be aware

3. You will need to attain the 200fcr BP. Speed over damage always wins, i can personally attest to this. i never lost to a 105fcr fire sorc. never. (this is what makes the build so damn expensive)


ARMOR: Up'd 1k+ defense UM'd ViperMagi Perfect 15 RES/13MDR (Used for the 30FCR, nice resists, and she looks good wearing it)

SHIELD: 35% FCR Spirit Monarch with most mana / sorb possible, aim for 100+ mana (used to attain the FCR BP, great mods as well, Res, Vita, Mana that increases on BO, Magic Absorb, etc)

WPN1: 40 HoTO (Use this Vrs. Casters for Stacked Reists, 40FCR, etc)
WPN2: +3/20Fire Damage/30 Energy Eschutas (use this Vrs. Melee for increase Dmg)

HELM: +2 Sorc/20FCR/Str/Dex/Res/Life/Mana/2 Open Socket CIRCLET with some of these mods (Essential is +2/20FCR, what else you can afford is up to you)

GLOVES1: Mages (+1fire skills / 20fcr / regen mana etc)
GLOVES2:Trangs (if need Resist Vrs. Casters)

BOOTS: ETH as high str as possible TREKS (For minimum STR with Spirit, FHR, PR, vita, etc.. GG)

BELT: Arach Mesh (For FCR breakpoint/+1skill/mana etc)

RING1 AND 2: BOTh must have 10FCR / 15+ Strength / Res / Life / Mana / Dex ... same as circlet basically

AMMY: 15 FCR + Ammy with any mods you can get.. needs 15+fcr to hit 200 Breakpoint.. same mods as ring/circlet with any +Sorc Skills/+Fire skills you can get (i.e Fletch on US-East +2/20/str/res/mana/life)

SWITCH: 6BO Cta and any spirit/lidless/etc +1/+2 shield

if you can't grab a 15%FCR ammy.. you can always go with a Wizzy.. either Hel'd or with a -15 Req / All Res / Fhr / 9Str JEWEL (must be -15 Req though)


Torch (stats b4 res)
Anni (stats b4 res)

9x Fire GCs with MOST life possible and/or Fire FHR (if you're poor after attaining all the other gear, go for +6 Strength GCs, they cost about a HR a piece US-East Ladder)
5fhr/res all
5fhr/single res
5res all/life

SCs depend on your gear, the amount of resists you have, and the FHR BP you are trying to attain. For example: You want 42% FHR. 20 From Treks and 2 x FHR Fire GCs will get you here, or 1 x FHR Fire GC and 2x FHR/All Res - Single Res - Mana. Get your BP and then switch charms from there.

You Gear that can hold jewels:
Circlet (1 or 2)

Here's what type of jewel you are looking for with an explination at the end:
Resist All / Strength / FHR / High SINGLE Resist (Fire/Light/Cold)

You will not need -15Req, as your rings/ammy will provide you with enough Str to wear everything but SPIRIT, which you cannot socket.

Ideally, you want a 15 Res all / 9 Strength Jewel for your 3-4 Sockets, or a combo of 15Res All / FHR and 15 Res All / 9 Strength (if you can find one with all 3, GODLY). The reason behind this is simple: Stack Resists, and use as LITTLE Strength as possible in this build (I can't stress this enough). These Jewels are VERY EXPENSIVE, to the tune of 10-15 HRs on US-East at the moment...a PIECE!

That's it for gear.. you will need 156 Strength AFTER GEAR and INVENTORY (including jewels)

You will aim for 2.5k+ Life after gear and BO... you should have plenty of mana with just 1 in warmth.. the duel shouldnt last that long. i had ~700 mana leaving energy at 0.. and never ran out unless i was dueling 3 Pubs at once.

Once again .. this is a 200 Fast Cast Rate build that is EXTREMELY gear dependant.. you will go NO DEX and NO STRENGTH (if at all possible) to wear Spirit Monarch... the less Str the better, i had a crap ammy and had to add ~35 into str... get as close to 156 as you can then add from there. The rest will go to VITA.

20 Firebolt
20 Fireball
20 Meteor
20 Fire mastery
1 in pre-reqs
1 in tele and pre-reqs

I Put the Rest into HYDRA to FHR lock my opponent and snipe Trappers. It is completely up to you..however i think it is worth every point invested into hydra. It even finishes opponents occasionaly, and it's a deturent to move people where you want them to go. Up to you. Otherwise, I'd say throw 1 into the 1st cold armor, and either put points into Fwall or Warmth, or w/e you'd like. Although I do not reccomend this.


Cold Sorcs: if blizz... don't tele on top, she'll just Blizz herself, tele around , dont get caught NLing (Namelocking), spam FBs at the X on your screen and use hydras to direct here towards your balls (hehehe devilish: ) use firebolt as well if need be. if orb, NL an dspam Ball/Bolt until she's dead.. they're pretty simple, you should be able to tank a few Orbs while she shouldnt be able to tank to many 23-25k Fballs.

Light Sorcs: NL and spam FB, not too much here

Fire Sorcs: hope you have more dmg/life than she does and NL spam FB at the "X".. also cast a few hydras in front of you and try adn spam FBs in an "X" formation to try adn cath her teling

Barbs: if anything other than BvC... avoid WW an spam FB while hes WWing.. rinse repeate... if BvC... stay the hell away, avoid NL if you can, spam FB and hydras to try and get him in FHR lock, then finish... very very very difficult to beat, you must hope they have crap FHR and can get him locked. otherwise, you're donesky

Windys: same as BvC.. you probably dead.. spam FBs at minions, try and get some splash dmg on him, sometiems i would NL and try and get him b4 minions to close to get direct hit with FB.. NEVER FBolt a Windy.. the splash on FBall will diminish his Cyclone Armor after that 1-2 hits and youre a winner. Hydra like BvC, may lure Minions.

Trapper: stay away from her so you dont get Mind Blasted all the way to town... use hydras to snipe her , she'll prolly stay in Traps waiting for you.. youre going to ahve to stay far enough away and Snipe with hydras and FBalls at the "X".. should be able to beat if dont get caught in mind blast.

WWsin: spam fballs and hydras.. should be able to tank a few WWs and win in 2-3 FBs

Bowzon: tele on top and FBall.. end of story

FCer: stay at least 1 screen away and spam FB and Hydra.. not much alse you can do

Smiters: these guys r tough especially wen they desych. always keep some hydra out and spam fire balls. hopefully wen they pop up you will have enough fhr and repeat the process

Hammerdins: stay a lil distance away from them, try to avoid hammers and spam fire balls and hydras near them

In[F]ec[T[eD Wrote:hydras arent affected by desync so they shoot at the correct pally

Straight from In[F]ec[T]eD. Use hydras to "find" the right pally, and, according to FrogMan's Info (i believe), if you hit your opponent for 1/12 their Life, they will be put in FHR Annimation, which will allow you to pounce on them with FBalls. Use this tactic wisely with you opponents, it may give you the edge you need to beat them.

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:I was thinking, max block is kind of useless for a sorc. There is only one build against whom you are going to use it, namely bvc. No, Tornados cannot be blocked, even though they are elemental damage (can only be blocked by assassins Claw Block).

Now your options are, go for max block so that you can duel barbs, or go for full vita and have a better chances against all other builds. The choice is yours, just bear in mind the fact that bvcs are some of the most common rich dueler builds.

If you decide to go for max block, forget about Spirit, therefore about 200%FCR, because you will need ~400 DEX for max block with Spirit. All sorcs with max block use Whitstan's Guard, from Orphan's Call set, which has the most block in the entire game. It's up to you what to sox it with, some people go for 7%FHR/+9 DEX jewel, ES sorcs often go for Dol rune (replenish life). If you decide to go ES, also use Verdungo's instead of Arach for nice DR%, mass vita and nice replenish life. ES sorcs have such low life that replenish life works great on them.

This explains why you will NOT be going Max Block... unless you can muster up some Hacked items to eliminate the need for Spirit, Max Block is so inneficient. Go for full Vita with the 200FCR FBaller, it's the best build.

200 FCR vrs. 105FCR:
Dmg is NOT the Key to this build... It's FCR coupled with most dmg you can get. Remember this... with proper gear, you should have +25 Fire Skills and +15 sorc skills... that makes a lvl 45 FBall... a level 16 warmth / 16 teleport... not bad... AND you have 200FCR with full VITA and, hopefully, No Str added (using jewels as opposed to Facets)... as opposed to 2x sojs / Facets / Ormus Robes etc which make your 25k FBall into a 27-30k fball at the cost of 1frame Cast Rate... the damage is pretty much negligable and the extra frame Cast Rate means'll be running circles around those 105% fcr Sorcs!

Your hydras and your balls are your best friend (Wink ) use them wisely, remeber Hyrda has a delay on it, so use it only when you have a spare second to cast, as you may not be able to tele right after adn get slaughtered.. this take a lot of practice, dont expect to be amazing overnight, the FBaller is a pretty hard char to get used to expecially with the crazy FCR, practice with friends and PUBs and then move on to good duels. With proper practice, she'll be one of the Top 3 Duelers (BvC / Windy / FBer) with WWsin in and out of top 3.

Hope this Helps.. if anyone else can think of anything to add to this please let me know. Thanks very much to FraterPerdurabo, In[F]ec[T]eD, and Bterill for all the help/information on this character. And FrogMan for posting this. Tyvm all.
[Image: Sig2Vectorcopy.png]

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Question: If a pala is desynched and you cast Hydras, do the Hydras shoot at the correct or incorrect pala on your map?
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:I was thinking, max block is kind of useless for a sorc. There is only one build against whom you are going to use it, namely bvc. No, Tornados cannot be blocked, even though they are elemental damage (can only be blocked by assassins Claw Block).

Now your options are, go for max block so that you can duel barbs, or go for full vita and have a better chances against all other builds. The choice is yours, just bear in mind the fact that bvcs are some of the most common rich dueler builds.

If you decide to go for max block, forget about Spirit, therefore about 200%FCR, because you will need ~400 DEX for max block with Spirit. All sorcs with max block use Whitstan's Guard, from Orphan's Call set, which has the most block in the entire game. It's up to you what to sox it with, some people go for 7%FHR/+9 DEX jewel, ES sorcs often go for Dol rune (replenish life). If you decide to go ES, also use Verdungo's instead of Arach for nice DR%, mass vita and nice replenish life. ES sorcs have such low life that replenish life works great on them.

I thank ya. Agreed with the Whistan's, figured it would be an enormous amount of Dex for MB, that's crazy. That's why i never went MB, no viable way to get 200fcr without using hacked items (i.e wizz gloves).

Stick to Base block, use FHR/Res/Str Jewels in your gear, not Dex, as MB is pretty much unobtainable. Go for Base Str, all Vita if you can.

That was from Convo in thread where i quickly wrote this guide. Additionally, i'd like to add (since i dont think i can edit the guide):

  1. If you cannot obtain Fire Lifers... go for Fire Strength GCs
  2. Make SURE you have at least 42%FHR, though try for 60%, and if you can go for 86%.. though i'm not sure how easy this would be. Either use Fire/FHR GCs, FHR/Life, FHR/Res (single light/cold/fire or all res), or FHR/Mana SCs. Additionally, factor in FHR/Res/-Req/Str Jewels you may obtain.
  3. If you cannot find that Godly 15 FCR ammy, all is not lost, at the sacrifice of +3 skills, throw on a Wizzy with a godly Jewel in it (-Req/Res/FHR/Str) and a +2/10fcr Mods Ammy. There's your 200% FCR, with more life/mana/res than your HoTO / Eschutas build
  4. Dmg is NOT the Key to this build... It's FCR coupled with most dmg you can get. Remember this... with proper gear, you should have +25 Fire Skills and +15 sorc skills... that makes a lvl 45 FBall... a level 16 warmth / 16 teleport... not bad... AND you have 200FCR with full VITA and, hopefully, No Str added (using jewels as opposed to Facets)... as opposed to 2x sojs / Facets / Ormus Robes etc which make your 25k FBall into a 27-30k fball at the cost of 1frame Cast Rate... the damage is pretty much negligable and the extra frame Cast Rate means'll be running circles around those 105% fcr Sorcs!
  5. The obove mentioned Jewel Suggestions, by "A combo of the above" means, if you can find one with a few of these stats: FHR/Str/Res/-Req, All the Better... remember, +9 Str is max on a jewel, 15res is max RES ALL (magic) 10 Res ALL (rare), and 7FHR is only FHR that spawns as well as -15 REQ. Some Jewels may spawn 10 All res >10 Single Res, but 10 is max ALL RES. These jewels are expensive, but make a huge difference if you can grab a few (as they are mass duped on US-East). If anything, grab a couple 15res/9str to throw in your VMagi, Circlet, and/or Eschutas. It's up to you, but the less str used, the better as long as you can get that FHR Breakpoint (remember Shael and UM in case you dont have the funds to acquire these jewels).
  6. Your hydras and your balls are your best friend (Wink ) use them wisely, remeber Hyrda has a delay on it, so use it only when you have a spare second to cast, as you may not be able to tele right after adn get slaughtered.. this take a lot of practice, dont expect to be amazing overnight, the FBaller is a pretty hard char to get used to expecially with the crazy FCR, practice with friends and PUBs and then move on to good duels. With proper practice, she'll be one of the Top 3 Duelers (BvC / Windy / FBer) with WWsin in and out of top 3.
GL all hope this turned out ok with all the add ons and such.. refer to Frog's link up top for useful Breakpoints for Sorcs and additional info. Peace out girlscouts.

Additional Comment:
FraterPerdurabo Wrote:Question: If a pala is desynched and you cast Hydras, do the Hydras shoot at the correct or incorrect pala on your map?

dont quote me on this, it will have to be trested, however I have scrapped her and my BvB for 3.5k FG Big Grin

Here's my thought:

Hydras will either hit the proper Pally (which i think will happen) and/or they will get the pally in FHR animation (hopefully.. if you followed the guide and placed remaining pnts into hydra). From what i read, you need to deal dmg = or> 1/12 the life of your opponent to put them in FHR animation. If this occurs, the pally will stop and will allow you to hit the right one.

Just a thought. Additionally, by spamming both Hydra/FBall you will hopefully hit the right one at some point and stop the desynch.

Any help on this is appreciated. BTW, i'm redoing the guide sometime this week so it actually looks like one. Sorry for the crap format, it was done at work in between some policy i've been writing (yes, it's better than this.)

Thx for the help and raising of a good question Frater. As always.
hydras arent affected by desync so they shoot at the correct pally

EDIT: sorry posted this too late
In[F]ec[T]eD Wrote:hydras arent affected by desync so they shoot at the correct pally

EDIT: sorry posted this too late

tyvm for confirmation.. mind if I quote you when I remake guide?

and Frater you will be quoted .. just to let you know Smile
Hehe, nice guide man, can't wait for it to go up in a nice format. Actually thinking about making a char like this as well, but I don't want to be absorbed in pubs -_- and I don't want to be raped by BvCs... Oh well, I'll have to decide next season.
FrogMan Wrote:First go here

The above mentioned will show you great information regarding Fast Cast Rate Break Points (FCR BPs), Fast Hit Recovery Breakpoints (FHR BPs), and anything else you find useful.

The FCR Breakpoint we will obtain is 200. This means that this character is EXTREMELY Gear Dependant. Without the use of Hacked Items (I.e. Wizz Gloves), it will be nearly IMPOSIBLE to attain Max Block (MB) without sacrificing at least 300 Dex (assuming ~100 from gear).

The FHR Breakpoint we will obtain is either the 42%, the 60%, or the 86%, depending on your charms. (12% from +1fire/12FHR or 5% from 5ResALL/5FHR or 11Single Res/5FHR)

This is a LADDER 200 FCR Fireball Sorceress (these are my opinions, feel free to disagree at your leisure)

1. Some may say ES over Vita.. i say no thx, a FBer should really go full Vita, attempting to get as close to 2.5k Life as possible with BO

2. This build can be extreeemmmeeely expensive given proper gear. be aware

3. You will need to attain the 200fcr BP. Speed over damage always wins, i can personally attest to this. i never lost to a 105fcr fire sorc. never. (this is what makes the build so damn expensive)


ARMOR: Up'd 1k+ defense UM'd ViperMagi Perfect 15 RES/13MDR (Used for the 30FCR, nice resists, and she looks good wearing it)

SHIELD: 35% FCR Spirit Monarch with most mana / sorb possible, aim for 100+ mana (used to attain the FCR BP, great mods as well, Res, Vita, Mana that increases on BO, Magic Absorb, etc)

WPN1: 40 HoTO (Use this Vrs. Casters for Stacked Reists, 40FCR, etc)
WPN2: +3/20Fire Damage/30 Energy Eschutas (use this Vrs. Melee for increase Dmg)

HELM: +2 Sorc/20FCR/Str/Dex/Res/Life/Mana/2 Open Socket CIRCLET with some of these mods (Essential is +2/20FCR, what else you can afford is up to you)

GLOVES1: Mages (+1fire skills / 20fcr / regen mana etc)
GLOVES2:Trangs (if need Resist Vrs. Casters)

BOOTS: ETH as high str as possible TREKS (For minimum STR with Spirit, FHR, PR, vita, etc.. GG)

BELT: Arach Mesh (For FCR breakpoint/+1skill/mana etc)

RING1 AND 2: BOTh must have 10FCR / 15+ Strength / Res / Life / Mana / Dex ... same as circlet basically

AMMY: 15 FCR + Ammy with any mods you can get.. needs 15+fcr to hit 200 Breakpoint.. same mods as ring/circlet with any +Sorc Skills/+Fire skills you can get (i.e Fletch on US-East +2/20/str/res/mana/life)

SWITCH: 6BO Cta and any spirit/lidless/etc +1/+2 shield

if you can't grab a 15%FCR ammy.. you can always go with a Wizzy.. either Hel'd or with a -15 Req / All Res / Fhr / 9Str JEWEL (must be -15 Req though)


Torch (stats b4 res)
Anni (stats b4 res)

9x Fire GCs with MOST life possible and/or Fire FHR (if you're poor after attaining all the other gear, go for +6 Strength GCs, they cost about a HR a piece US-East Ladder)
5fhr/res all
5fhr/single res
5res all/life

SCs depend on your gear, the amount of resists you have, and the FHR BP you are trying to attain. For example: You want 42% FHR. 20 From Treks and 2 x FHR Fire GCs will get you here, or 1 x FHR Fire GC and 2x FHR/All Res - Single Res - Mana. Get your BP and then switch charms from there.

You Gear that can hold jewels:
Circlet (1 or 2)

Here's what type of jewel you are looking for with an explination at the end:
Resist All / Strength / FHR / High SINGLE Resist (Fire/Light/Cold)

You will not need -15Req, as your rings/ammy will provide you with enough Str to wear everything but SPIRIT, which you cannot socket.

Ideally, you want a 15 Res all / 9 Strength Jewel for your 3-4 Sockets, or a combo of 15Res All / FHR and 15 Res All / 9 Strength (if you can find one with all 3, GODLY). The reason behind this is simple: Stack Resists, and use as LITTLE Strength as possible in this build (I can't stress this enough). These Jewels are VERY EXPENSIVE, to the tune of 10-15 HRs on US-East at the moment...a PIECE!

That's it for gear.. you will need 156 Strength AFTER GEAR and INVENTORY (including jewels)

You will aim for 2.5k+ Life after gear and BO... you should have plenty of mana with just 1 in warmth.. the duel shouldnt last that long. i had ~700 mana leaving energy at 0.. and never ran out unless i was dueling 3 Pubs at once.

Once again .. this is a 200 Fast Cast Rate build that is EXTREMELY gear dependant.. you will go NO DEX and NO STRENGTH (if at all possible) to wear Spirit Monarch... the less Str the better, i had a crap ammy and had to add ~35 into str... get as close to 156 as you can then add from there. The rest will go to VITA.

20 Firebolt
20 Fireball
20 Meteor
20 Fire mastery
1 in pre-reqs
1 in tele and pre-reqs

I Put the Rest into HYDRA to FHR lock my opponent and snipe Trappers. It is completely up to you..however i think it is worth every point invested into hydra. It even finishes opponents occasionaly, and it's a deturent to move people where you want them to go. Up to you. Otherwise, I'd say throw 1 into the 1st cold armor, and either put points into Fwall or Warmth, or w/e you'd like. Although I do not reccomend this.


Cold Sorcs: if blizz... don't tele on top, she'll just Blizz herself, tele around , dont get caught NLing (Namelocking), spam FBs at the X on your screen and use hydras to direct here towards your balls (hehehe devilish: ) use firebolt as well if need be. if orb, NL an dspam Ball/Bolt until she's dead.. they're pretty simple, you should be able to tank a few Orbs while she shouldnt be able to tank to many 23-25k Fballs.

Light Sorcs: NL and spam FB, not too much here

Fire Sorcs: hope you have more dmg/life than she does and NL spam FB at the "X".. also cast a few hydras in front of you and try adn spam FBs in an "X" formation to try adn cath her teling

Barbs: if anything other than BvC... avoid WW an spam FB while hes WWing.. rinse repeate... if BvC... stay the hell away, avoid NL if you can, spam FB and hydras to try and get him in FHR lock, then finish... very very very difficult to beat, you must hope they have crap FHR and can get him locked. otherwise, you're donesky

Windys: same as BvC.. you probably dead.. spam FBs at minions, try and get some splash dmg on him, sometiems i would NL and try and get him b4 minions to close to get direct hit with FB.. NEVER FBolt a Windy.. the splash on FBall will diminish his Cyclone Armor after that 1-2 hits and youre a winner. Hydra like BvC, may lure Minions.

Trapper: stay away from her so you dont get Mind Blasted all the way to town... use hydras to snipe her , she'll prolly stay in Traps waiting for you.. youre going to ahve to stay far enough away and Snipe with hydras and FBalls at the "X".. should be able to beat if dont get caught in mind blast.

WWsin: spam fballs and hydras.. should be able to tank a few WWs and win in 2-3 FBs

Bowzon: tele on top and FBall.. end of story

FCer: stay at least 1 screen away and spam FB and Hydra.. not much alse you can do

Smiters: these guys r tough especially wen they desych. always keep some hydra out and spam fire balls. hopefully wen they pop up you will have enough fhr and repeat the process

Hammerdins: stay a lil distance away from them, try to avoid hammers and spam fire balls and hydras near them

In[F]ec[T[eD Wrote:hydras arent affected by desync so they shoot at the correct pally

Straight from In[F]ec[T]eD. Use hydras to "find" the right pally, and, according to FrogMan's Info (i believe), if you hit your opponent for 1/12 their Life, they will be put in FHR Annimation, which will allow you to pounce on them with FBalls. Use this tactic wisely with you opponents, it may give you the edge you need to beat them.

FraterPerdurabo Wrote:I was thinking, max block is kind of useless for a sorc. There is only one build against whom you are going to use it, namely bvc. No, Tornados cannot be blocked, even though they are elemental damage (can only be blocked by assassins Claw Block).

Now your options are, go for max block so that you can duel barbs, or go for full vita and have a better chances against all other builds. The choice is yours, just bear in mind the fact that bvcs are some of the most common rich dueler builds.

If you decide to go for max block, forget about Spirit, therefore about 200%FCR, because you will need ~400 DEX for max block with Spirit. All sorcs with max block use Whitstan's Guard, from Orphan's Call set, which has the most block in the entire game. It's up to you what to sox it with, some people go for 7%FHR/+9 DEX jewel, ES sorcs often go for Dol rune (replenish life). If you decide to go ES, also use Verdungo's instead of Arach for nice DR%, mass vita and nice replenish life. ES sorcs have such low life that replenish life works great on them.

This explains why you will NOT be going Max Block... unless you can muster up some Hacked items to eliminate the need for Spirit, Max Block is so inneficient. Go for full Vita with the 200FCR FBaller, it's the best build.

200 FCR vrs. 105FCR:
Dmg is NOT the Key to this build... It's FCR coupled with most dmg you can get. Remember this... with proper gear, you should have +25 Fire Skills and +15 sorc skills... that makes a lvl 45 FBall... a level 16 warmth / 16 teleport... not bad... AND you have 200FCR with full VITA and, hopefully, No Str added (using jewels as opposed to Facets)... as opposed to 2x sojs / Facets / Ormus Robes etc which make your 25k FBall into a 27-30k fball at the cost of 1frame Cast Rate... the damage is pretty much negligable and the extra frame Cast Rate means'll be running circles around those 105% fcr Sorcs!

Your hydras and your balls are your best friend (Wink ) use them wisely, remeber Hyrda has a delay on it, so use it only when you have a spare second to cast, as you may not be able to tele right after adn get slaughtered.. this take a lot of practice, dont expect to be amazing overnight, the FBaller is a pretty hard char to get used to expecially with the crazy FCR, practice with friends and PUBs and then move on to good duels. With proper practice, she'll be one of the Top 3 Duelers (BvC / Windy / FBer) with WWsin in and out of top 3.

Hope this Helps.. if anyone else can think of anything to add to this please let me know. Thanks very much to FraterPerdurabo, In[F]ec[T]eD, and Bterill for all the help/information on this character. And FrogMan for posting this. Tyvm all.

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  Need help 4 Mf Sorc (Bot) Sw0rD 2 1,872 11-09-2010, 06:49 AM
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