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yes, however darwinism has been proven, full blown evolution has yet to be. they vary greatly.

FOR EXAMPLE it has been proven that a species will change itself to suit its environment. a very good example of this is the c0ckroach. they are found in many parts of the world, from scorchin hot regions, to freezing cold but both the same species.

Another good example is the mosquito. many mosquito control units have to frequently (every few years) change chemicals because over time the mosquito will gain a resistance to that type of chemical and it will no longer kill them. this is darwinism (a very small scale biological evolution if you will).

Evolution is very large scale, for example monkeys evolving got it...humans. this has never been proven, as i said before, only theorized. any change that dramatic has never been proven. im not sayin it cant or never has happened. thats up to u to decide. im just saying it is NOT proven.
umm ok can we please discuss how the world will end instead of how it started.. thx and yeah i agree with fenix on this one about the whole evolution thing.. it wasnt proven eh
I guess one thing there is to think of is that Evolution was never proven, which would help Invisible, because humans are a main example. However it is thought that we have evolved from primates, but we have looked the same through many centruries. Only thing that changed is our immune system and technology. Animals appear to be able to adapt faster than humans however, an example is Antelope and Giraffes(and other simular species). Their main food source 'evolved' and grew thorns, and in return the animals grew longer tongues. In return to longer toungues, the plants started to secrete poisons, and the animals learned to eat the plant in smaller quantites, every so often.

I'm this because there is debate(some what) on 'evolution' in this thread

But as the bible states there, the "end" is supposedly near. But it is not hard to predict the future, any one can realize that there are naturally conflicts between countries for many reasons, and everything has an "end"(except #'s and the UnIvErSe).
[Image: schmidzcopy.png]
Theroy or no, there is more evidence to support Evolution then there is to support Creationism. Which is why I think vauge prophecys detailed in a book scribed hundreds (if not thousands) of years ago as completely absurd.
I'm down for destruction, but only the kind with the prefix of "self"

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