08-16-2006, 04:41 AM
Fury's Duel Tournament
Hello, as you may know i am not that new but not that old in blizzsector. I am holding a duel tournament tonight at 5:30 pm.
(the time in ohio)
1. No naked kill
2. Ref must hear "Redy." before he can say go to start the duel.
3. If a player dies do to lag the match will be done again.
4. There will be no gold steal.
5. Lvl's 9-20 will duel in a normal game.
6. Lvl's 21-40 will duel in a nightmare game.
7. Lvl's 41-99 will duel in hell.
Meelee Vrs. Meelee
Meelee Vrs, Caster
Meelee Vrs. Ranged
Ranged Vrs. Caster
Ranged Vrs, Ranged
Caster Vrs. Caster
Sign up: Post your account,character,type,name. I will let you know the channel this will all be hosted in...
Hello, as you may know i am not that new but not that old in blizzsector. I am holding a duel tournament tonight at 5:30 pm.
(the time in ohio)
1. No naked kill
2. Ref must hear "Redy." before he can say go to start the duel.
3. If a player dies do to lag the match will be done again.
4. There will be no gold steal.
5. Lvl's 9-20 will duel in a normal game.
6. Lvl's 21-40 will duel in a nightmare game.
7. Lvl's 41-99 will duel in hell.
Meelee Vrs. Meelee
Meelee Vrs, Caster
Meelee Vrs. Ranged
Ranged Vrs. Caster
Ranged Vrs, Ranged
Caster Vrs. Caster
Sign up: Post your account,character,type,name. I will let you know the channel this will all be hosted in...