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godly 900mf blizz sorc
ok ima get right to the point:

20 blizz
20 glacial spike
20 ice blast
20 ice bolt
1 teleport
1 shiver armor

max blizz as soon as u get it then max ice blast, then max the others in ne order, oh and with the gear i will mention u will need only 1 into tele and SA because tele will be about lvl 11 and SA lvl 14 or so

str: enough for items
dex:as much as u want depending on the block rate u want
enrg:put most into this catagory
vit:rest into here(trust me by the time u get to lvl 75 ull have about 600 health)

helmConfusedhako wit ist (ist is for value)
armor:perf eth skullders wit ist (for value)
wep:occy wit ist (again for value)
ammy:tals ammy
shield:lidless (for the +1 skills and FCR, if not blackcloak works well)
gloves:chance guard
boots:high mf war travs

this is wat i USED to have on mine: (recommended for really rich ppl only)

20x7%, 5 to all res mfcs, and 4 cold gcs

with all i have mentioned by lvl 75 u should have around have a lvl 36 blizz with up to 5.6k dmg a lvl 32 ice blast wit about 3.3k dmg a lvl 32 glacial spike wit not as much dmg as ice blast but works well wit freezing groups of monsters, a lvl 18 SA, a lvl 11 tele, and if u go up to about lvl 90 or so u will have all the synergies maxed wit a blizz wit the potential of 6.1k or more (im not really sure because i havent played mine that high)
Interesting, though I find one problem. With that setup your only real element is ice. This could cause a serious issue in Hell difficulty, which is the main diff you'll be wanting to rush in to begin with. I'd throw a static field in there and some points in charged bolt.
Why dont u just use a fire sorc with the same types of build cept use tals belt and tals armor with dual isted ali baba and rhyme shield
yeah, i'd say use tals armor, belt, and well as 2 perf nagels..perf travs..isted occy...p topaz'd shako...chance guards..if you can afford a 4-isted shield..get that..if not..just use a lidless
rhyme is a great shield with good mods too..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
here is my current setup on my sorc... and i wield 700+ mf and get great resists in hell.

(ill have to look to see my exact mf count when i get home tomarrow)

but i have full tal set with Ptopaz in armor and helm, isted orb, 30/29 nagels, 48% travs on and i have 27 7% mf charms and 39% gheeds, 4 socket monarch (only one ist in it atm tho)

this gives me great resists...decent kill effect and great magic find..

i do have an ali-baba equipped incase i want a boost of mf too

this is not bad for mfing drag my rear onto west..and well ill be using a magic armor, magic belt, boots helm...using chip's topaz's for mf ect
bleh, might as well stay where u were =)
hehe but then im locked into selling useast stuff on ebay :p~~~ some things get more cash on werst then i really need to get a werst account going lol
this is a quik skill tree of my cold sorc

icebolt:lvl 10
iceblast:lvl 15
blizzard:lvl 25
cold mast.:8
shirver arm:4(cuse if my items)
tele:4(cuase of items)
telkinis:lvl4(cuase of items)
you shoul get shiver armor 20 it helps a lot lol
i'd only put shiver to 10...b/c sorc's have so many pluses to skills from equip
FarvaRules Wrote:i'd only put shiver to 10...b/c sorc's have so many pluses to skills from equip
i'd put 1 in shiver, it goes to lvl 12-13 or so anyway with my equipment

i'd try pindle and use this
Fully syng blizzard
max cold mastery

ptopaz shako
viper torc
eth ptopaz ire
6 ist sword
4 ist monarch or other 4 soc shield
2 p nagels
perf travs
thats 729% so far at lvl 99, 720 at 90.........

30x 7% smfcs=
939% magic find
with lvl 24 blizz but max cold mastery should hold out for pindle anyway
and get a merc with eth shaft eth gaze and perf-eth bonehew for when hes cold immune

its a bit of a drain on + to skills but it works
Orrrrrrr.... you make a fire sorc.....using:

Tals armor (Ptpz)
Tals ammy
Tals belt (15%)
Shako (Ptpz)
2x Nagels (30% each)
War Travs (50%)
Chance Gaurds (40%)

and weapons...
if your poor: 2x ist'd Ali-Baba
and "Rhyme"

if your rich: 6x ist'd crystal sword
and 4x ist'd monarch

with an inventory of:
Gheed's Fortune (40%)
37x 7mfsc's

and have someone pick up the items you mf.... (a friend following you Smile )

then deck out with your merc w/2x tpz gris helm,
3xist'd Tomb Reaver (80% natural, 170% w/ist's) and
Skullder's Ire (Ptpz) (100% natural at merc lvl 80, 124% w/tpz at lvl 80)
......... meaning, if you meteor meph to ---> | | <--hp and let ur merc take him out w/(his 60ias and 800 dmg eth tomb reaver Wink ) this means... your mf + merc mf when u kill him = 372 mf from merc + 713 from yourself.... 1085 i think... or at least in that neighborhood.... gl...
what is with u people and fre sorcs. everyone knows that for mf cold is way better and fire sux. go with the cold. besides theres more fire immunes then there are cold immunes in hell.
So far i got a lvl73 sorc and i have all the right equip shown above, but the only thing im missing is the 5trillion 7% smfc...Lol >_>
I find that the fastest way to find 7mf sc's is to do hell and nm cows which ever you can do faster . I have found at least 1 mfsc in each cow game I do not saying they are all 7 mfsc's but hey some are better than none. Alos make sure you get a 40 gheeds I have 1 40 gheeds that I myslef have found actually and I got it off of hell andi doing a rush.
lol...7 smfc's arent that hard to get...unless your on east then ppl will only trade em for 290's.
That would be why im on west instead of east.
i like east...only b/c i have a bunch of 290's i
What monsters can drop gheeds?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!

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