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Say Whaattt....!
....Sad Sad

I was pking, and put on Fort and put on 3 angelics. Got pked twice (NK) and then i tried to rejoin.

My 39/397 15%ED GriefZ that i made, perfect all around widowmaker, 10ll dracs, beastz, 30/29 coa all dissapeared.. WTF!

Can i get them back?
nope yuou cant i guess diablo owned you with roll back man sorry
no, u died twice but u mustve managed to pick up a part of ur corps. When u left only the corps with the most valued items (in $) was brought with u in the game. Thats what happens when u dont know how to use str glitch well.

happens all the time btw.
tough break dude. hey does that mean the old corpse popped in the game he left so the other people could have gotten the items?
No, the items didn't pop.. Their just gone now..

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