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Anyone here from Arcadia,Ca?
yah the world is a small world. just wondering if any of u d2 players r from Arcadia,California. Pretty random, but just wanna see how many of ya'll are from my home town Smile
not from arcadiabut i live in folsomand i used to live in fremont
Santa Clarita baby, suburbs represent!
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
couple of my friends on d2 live there
cool. u live in arcadia. although i don't live in arcadia, i do live in el monte, which is only minutes away from where you are at. i used to always go to the mall in that area. i think it's called santa anita mall. good to know that we are neighbors lol.
ahahahhaha santa anita... they filmed some type of Hotdog on a stick infomercial at that very mall. sean livingston was there a month ago.

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