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My first guide: WearBear Melee Sorce!
WearBear Sorce
[SIZE=3]1. Gear
2. Stats
3. Skills
4. A bit of Info.

Weapon 1: This is the most argued about item on a melee sorce, but a 6 shael crystal/phase blade is a must as with a bear it is psycho speed

Shield 1: The best shield for this is a 20/-20 fire monarch, the lower resis helps ALOT but if you cant afford, use a 15/-15 HHG(head hunters glory) or a stormshield, Dream can also be useful here

Weapon 2: BEAST to switch into bear!, also can have cta and hoto in stash but it becomes a pain to switch between these for the desired skills.

Helm: From most expensive down: ber/ber CoA, Dream, Perf V gaze, Shako

Gloves: Not sure exactly what is best here, Either Magefists for +1 fire or some rare ias/ar gloves, or dracs (although life tap wont be much since 99% of damage is fire)

Boots: Eth treks, or non eth if you cant afford, Imps or other massively duped resis/fhr boots (depending on realm)

Armour: I prefer using CoH for the +2, 50% resis, decent def etc.., another option would be enigma for faster r/w and more def, or enchant ormus if you can find (heard the %bonus doesnt make much damage difference but not confirmed personally with ormus)

Belt: either spider for +1 and venom, Trangs for cannot be frozen (if using dual angelics), T-gods for sorbing, or verdungos which is always a good candidate for a melee character (especially if your not using ss for DR)

Jewelry: Now if you can afford, get a spare maras and 2x SOJ for casting the bear, enchant, shields, etc... but for fighting use either dual angelics as the bonus from enchant will give about 15-18k AR or a good ravefrost and angelic ammy + ring

Inventory: 20/20 S-torch , 20/20 anni (or best you can afford for both), 9x Fire gc's (preferably 35+ life), rest either pdsc's or 20life with mod sc's, depending on what character you may be fighting.

Stash: A few useful items to keep around would be:
T-gods: light sorb
Wisps: light sorb
Hoto/Cta (if you dont mind the hassle of switching weps millions of times each time you join a game)

[SIZE=3]Strength: None (or enough for gear depending on charms/gear)
Dexterity: None (same reason as str)
Vitality: Rest Here
Energy: About 50 or so depending on your liking (for energy shield)

[SIZE=3]Assuming your at least lvl 85 and have done all the skill quests:
Warmth: 20 (mana regen for energy shield, synargy for enchant)
Enchant: 20 duh
Fire mastery: 20

Telekenesis: 20 (max before energy shield, heard its very useful synargy)
Energy shield: 20 (with sojs maras spirit Coh, gives about 87% damage absorb)
Thunderstorm: 1
Light mastery: 20
Any shield you prefer, i prefer the second because to it seems to boast the most defense. But the rest of the stats should go into this.

[SIZE=4]Some Extra Info

Have fun with this build, i know i do. it does about 14k-16k damage + the -20% fire resis makes it even better and the ias with wearbear + 120%ias crystal sword makes it hit almost as fast as a zealer if not faster.
This build will match up pretty well vs most characters, although every build has its pros and cons.

Works nicely VS:
-some sorces
-melee palas (not gg smite Sad)
-trappers (if you can get close)

Bad VS:
-Perfect everything ebayers: but what character isn't?
-bowers w/ Knockback
-try to stay away from wind druids since your damage is mainly 99% fire and they have their cyclone shield usually maxed

also is a great help to friends that are leveling as the enchant lasts about 1230 seconds and i think does about 2.5k on others but not confirmed (damage stated on skill)
nice guide...but i dont see how it is good against barbs..
it has really good ias and ar so the barb def can be hit fairly easily. only difficulty you may run into is a godly wwbarb or a singer. the resis can be somewhat of a weakness but if you use a 20/-20 monarch it shouldnt be too much to worry about. i can own a fair majority of barbs but there are always the people that have even better gear then the rest as well as the ever growing ebayers.
umm no offence but this char is pretty horrible in duels.. the guide itself is pretty decent Smile but the char beh i would never make it in duels.. if it was good wouldnt you think more people would HAVE these in duels?
most people like to use the popular, hammerdins, eth vortex/grief smiters, etc.. im the type of person that uses non class skill characters like wwsins, bear sorces, wolf barbs etc.. they are fun and even funnier when you own some 1 that is the original character (in this char a bear druid) with a character that has nothing to do with that skill... i didnt say that this is a gg build, but it is a really fun 1 at that.
Very nice build
instead of a 20/-20 monarch, how about shelling out for a nice phieonix monarch? -res and ed. gg.
[Image: koolaidsig.gif]
Invisible Wrote:umm no offence but this char is pretty horrible in duels.. the guide itself is pretty decent Smile but the char beh i would never make it in duels.. if it was good wouldnt you think more people would HAVE these in duels?

yah...honestly. i believe if you lucky you can maybe kill a few **** chars, but if you duel regular good duelers, your going to die 9.5/10 times
You're godly, I would use half inventory life/mana scs or better yet bmanas, half inventory 3/20/20s
Idk ive seen some of theese builds and ive only see 1 good build and they were preaty good at dueling think his dmg was like 21k or somthing
i know nothing about the werebear class. or the shapeshifting classs in general. only druid i've ever made was a wind one. anyway, i'm a little confused about your attack. when you shapeshift into a bear, does the bear have a fire attack? how is 99% or your damage fire?

your guide looks good espeacially for a first. all that's missing i guess (for us folks that have never made a hybrid shapeshifter) is the attack your bear uses.
his bear just uses regular attack because a sorc is all elemental and you dont get fireclaw with beast, so what she does is enchants herself, switches weapons transforms into a bear, switches back and there u go. no special attacks or anything you just attack extremely fast b/c of the 6 shaeld phase blade and do massive fire damage because of enchant.
Yea, ive seen a few of these sorcs b4. THey do fairly well against players that arent ready for massive fire dmg. The insanely fast attack speed really help too. Its like a machine gun that does 20K fire dmg. Nice Guide BTW.
I have a bear sorc that uses 2x dream and gets about 47k dmg"without gcs" She rapes zealers "mabye you should emphesis the dreams a lil more Wink
I remember making one awhile back to see how it faired against my "famous" Fireclaw build. Even though they had the same speed weapons and were both bears, the sorc was significantly slower. Besides my Fireclawer raped all.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?

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