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Smiter help please
Its all good, I got an upped hoz yesterday. Its ummed. Im not too sure what I should socket it with, not ed jewel cause ed doesnt affect smite, ber maybe? (made sure it had 142 str req)

I need to find 20ias gloves with atleast 10str and 10dex.

Got my shadow dancers aswell.
Did you use the ias calculator to calculate the ias needed for max smite speed?

Off weapon ed affects smite so a ed jool in your shield would increase smite damage.

If your coa and verdango are crappy then the best option is to ber it.

Ias calculator (yet again):
Ok first off loits

This is from one fo your posts

Take a 1500+def Exile for example.. that would be like what...? 3k+ smite dmg.. well add ITD with any combination of wep that gives it and Bam.. They die in 1-2 hits.
The damage that is show on your char screen is excluding the +damage from grief, in reality smiters do around 6k damage. There is also something called the pvp penalty reducing your damage to 1/6 therefore nerfing your damage bigtime.

6k smite damage? only if your using character editor it is known by most players that use a smiter between 2 and 3k is max damage for smite

Second post

The shield damage is the same but hoz gives more skills allowing you to get a higher smite + fana lvl, you can also sox it with a 40ed jool adding more to your damage. The numbers shown in your character screen are useless, that's not the actual smite damage. If you want to increase your damage some mopre you can use wartravellers but i don't think you need the stats on them any more.

40ed jewels will not work with smite it won't up the damage at all the reason why grief works is cause of the 340-400+ damage on the weapon, no gems, jewels or runes will help

Third guided arrow does hit all the time but not all bowazons use guided arrow all the time some of them use multi shot.

Fourth i have read your posts some of it is right but some of it is wrong

if you want help making a smiter talk to frater he is one of the best character creaters on this website. I would listen to loits if you do your smiter will get crushed by most characters

ahh and last but not least i do use exile but i don't use lastwish i use grief, gloves that i use are 20ias 10 cb with other mods. Ok i use this char for a dueling char and i switch to uped hoz and i notice that my char doesn't do as much damage as if i was using exile

so next time before you open your mouth about calling someone a newb which is the dumbest thing that i have ever seen on the net i would get your facts straight
splatterghost Wrote:Ok first off loits

This is from one fo your posts

Take a 1500+def Exile for example.. that would be like what...? 3k+ smite dmg.. well add ITD with any combination of wep that gives it and Bam.. They die in 1-2 hits.
The damage that is show on your char screen is excluding the +damage from grief, in reality smiters do around 6k damage. There is also something called the pvp penalty reducing your damage to 1/6 therefore nerfing your damage bigtime.

6k smite damage? only if your using character editor it is known by most players that use a smiter between 2 and 3k is max damage for smite

That was a bit of a guess, fair enough i haven't been bothered myself to check out the actual smite damage, not that it matters anyway.

splatterghost Wrote:Second post

The shield damage is the same but hoz gives more skills allowing you to get a higher smite + fana lvl, you can also sox it with a 40ed jool adding more to your damage. The numbers shown in your character screen are useless, that's not the actual smite damage. If you want to increase your damage some mopre you can use wartravellers but i don't think you need the stats on them any more.

40ed jewels will not work with smite it won't up the damage at all the reason why grief works is cause of the 340-400+ damage on the weapon, no gems, jewels or runes will help

I don't know what more to say.. you constantly keep shooting yourself in the foot. I thought that it was a well known fact that off weapon ed increases smite damage.

splatterghost Wrote:Third guided arrow does hit all the time but not all bowazons use guided arrow all the time some of them use multi shot.

smite vs bow ama is a joke duel, get over it already.

splatterghost Wrote:Fourth i have read your posts some of it is right but some of it is wrong

if you want help making a smiter talk to frater he is one of the best character creaters on this website. I would listen to loits if you do your smiter will get crushed by most characters

he knows only one or two builds well.

splatterghost Wrote:ahh and last but not least i do use exile but i don't use lastwish i use grief, gloves that i use are 20ias 10 cb with other mods. Ok i use this char for a dueling char and i switch to uped hoz and i notice that my char doesn't do as much damage as if i was using exile

gg pvm gloves there, you noticed wrong, defiance doesn't add smite damage.

splatterghost Wrote:so next time before you open your mouth about calling someone a newb which is the dumbest thing that i have ever seen on the net i would get your facts straight

Concidering that your previous post and this one are full of bullshit, you still haven't had a look into arreat summit, instead you come back here and get pwned like a little slime ball you are.
splatterghost Wrote:first off you need to max holy shield you get a boost to your attack damage for a smiter also defiance is a prereq for holy shield it increases the defence

Ok read this over and over until you get it i never said defiance increases the damage but the defence

Second %ed doesn't work for smite just like how people were saying you can use fort and smiter will get increased by 300% it doesn't work

One or Two builds

I have been playing D2 Since patch 06 came out and when Diablo 1 came out
I have made pretty much every char that has came out since i got the game.

if you have an issue bring it up to frater and he will tell you the samething that i have been telling you that %ed doesn't add to smite damage
What's the point in maxing defiance if the only char who you need it agaist is a ww barb and you'll get owned agaist him anyway even with 40k def using eth stone and so on. I never disputed the fact that holy shield needs to be maxed, i listed it as one of the skills to max in one of my earlier posts.

I've been playing diablo since the first one aswell, what's your point?

Off weapon ed does increase smite damage items such as forti, ed jools and so on all work. I'm sure this will be backed up by frater some time soon.
Loits is quite correct, maxing defiance is useless, and fort does add damage to smite. Although this damage may not be an additional 300% percent, it has been tested in many places. I still, however, think enigma is the better armor because of the strength saved as well as the ability to teleport out of those pesky bone prisons.
ahh and last but not least i do use exile but i don't use lastwish i use grief, gloves that i use are 20ias 10 cb with other mods. Ok i use this char for a dueling char and i switch to uped hoz and i notice that my char doesn't do as much damage as if i was using exile---splatterghost

You noticed correctly, exile does do a little more dmg than an upped hoz, good observation, but fana doesnt only up your def, it also increases your attack speed which is essential for a smiter. (Im not 100% sure if it affects smite) But if it does hoz gives a total of +4 to fana, increasing not only your dmg but your attack speed aswell.

Please correct me if Im wrong ^_^
Hmm btw where is Frater when u need him. I tell you i built a pally the way Loits said and got quite a bit of life from it.. Although the str/dex reqs to obtain the gear are a lil difficult with a missing piece or so. Also from looking at the forums trade list any 2os COA will cost quite a bit. Mock a LW or Exile all u like but you can get 2 of each for the price of a good COA. I was thinking of the LW due to being able to put it on a Frenzy Barb.. he will indeed need for a Uber run. And yes a Zerker is better than a Pb but im too lazy to constantly repair it from pvm zealing to lvl my char.
Overall like i said it is a quirky but good build, and atleast he has his breakpoints down.. and the thought of using Freeze for smiter vs smiter sounds like a fun twist ( i have yet to try)
Pretty dumb flame, I've already given my input into all of the points he is arguing about in my previous posts so i'm not going to repeat myself yet again.

Edit: it's actually quite amusing to see someone arguing the fact that forti does increase smite damage even though anyone who has built a smiter would know since it's the preferred armor in smite vs smite duels. Maybe not on other realms but in Europe we have something called stiggard's stealth allowing you to get 50 dr easily with forti. Some people concider using eni+phoenix a better option in smite vs smite though.

I recommend you start with the basics of a smiter by reading this thread:
(Chants) USA!!!! USA !!! USA!!!! USA!!!!
your still being dumb man, u havent proven anything u just keep repeating the same incorrect blurbs. ask anybody experienced in smiters, they will agree with me hands down. but go as you will
I don't know if I am allowed to post a link to a ******* post so I won't. My point is that the %ed from fort DOES affect smite. It is not shown on the character screen but has been proved NUMEROUS times by members of cc.
If thats the case your would see more smiters with a steel rends,fort armor, and a Phoenix shield.. if the case was all about "ED" but not once have i ever seen a smiter or any pally build like that. Could this be (coinecedence)?
This is because the damage it does add does not outweigh the benefits that other gear can provide.
#57 how many times do people have to say it? %ED DOES NOT effect smite damage it has NEVER and will NEVER.
Man i don't even need frater to prove me right fenixsunfire and arc-lxk74p did the job for him, But i am still waiting for frater to come along i want to laugh my a** off whenever he decides to come into this argument either that or he has already read this and is done dealing with idiots so in light of having 2 forum veteran's it goes to show that when listening to people make sure they know what they are talking about i have a pure pvm smiter and i could take your pvp smiter with ease if you use this build
Wow guys, I've been away for a few days (moved into my new apartment and haven't got internet yet) and this has broken out into a full out war! Keep it going! Tongue

Anyway, on the Smiter topic. Some arguements: HoZ vs Exile
Why people mainly use Exile is for 1) Life Tap 2) Defence
Life Tap is BM, so I refuse to consider it as an option, because I only duel GM, and if you ever get into private dueling you'll learn to respect such things (especially since no decent dueler will duel you if you Life Tap.
More defense = possibly if you are into dueling a lot of barbs, you do get a huge advantage in that sense (and in that case you should fill your inv with +20 life +3x defense SCs, they also boost your defense massively). If you mostly duel other chars, then go for either max Resist Lightning or Resist Fire. The +10 max resi is more effective than you'd think.
On the other hand, upped HoZ has less defense, but more damage (+2 pala and +2 PC), it also has other amazing mods such as +STR, +VIT and +%blocking, as well as a free socket. This means that you can make a full VIT build (no points in DEX). You sacrifice a little defense for more life and an extra socket.

Helm: CoA, Shako, etc. This is really up to you. I like using CoA mainly because of the FHR%. Your Smiter absolutely must reach 86%FHR and CoA goes a long way in helping for that. DR% is needed vs Bowzons, barbs, Druids and other Smiters. Use your 2 sockets as you please, but I would definately recommend using 2xBer. If you duel mainly non-physical casters, use Jah Jah. Some people like using Shako for the +life and +mana, but I don't like it. Namely, the +life on it is nominal, since it is not multiplied by BO, therefore even one Jah in CoA would give more life than Shako. I never found mana a problem on my Smiters, so I would definately go for CoA.

Amu: Mara is a nice option for +skills, +little stats, +resi, but it really depends on what gloves you are using. Some people like to use Dracul's, but once again I hate those because of Life Tap. I would go for +20%IAS +20 STR +15DEX +resi gloves. If you want to have a little fun BMing, use Cleglaws and Highlord, the slow on Cleglaws works miracles against barbs and other melee chars (combine with Arach for enhanced effect Tongue)

Weapon: Grief BA > Grief PB. Range = all in PvP.

Armor: Forti for resis and more damage, but Enigma for FRW%, +STR (essential if using CoA), +skills, +life%, etc. I would use Enigma because I like using CoA. If you want to use Forti, go for Shako instead. I don't recommend using the Teleport on Enigma, since with this gear, your FCR% will be hopeless. Charging around and desynching is way more effective.

Rings: +20 STR +15 DEX +resi +life +mana. Alternatively, you could use an absorb ring, i.e. Raven, Dwarf or Wisp. Just stick to one. 2 (of the same element) is BM.

Belt: Verdungo or Arach. Arach is you want to BM a little, but apart from that, Verdungo is way better because of +VIT (huge life with BO) and DR%.

Boots: Gores are an option, but if you looked at my build, you'd see that it seriouslly lacked FHR, meaning more FHR from charms = less life, so I like Shadow Dancers. +25 stats is awesome, and the 30%FHR is really secksi in trying to achieve the 86%FHR breakpoint. The mods on Goreriders are marginal, because most chars will only take very few hits before they die.

Off-weapon ed% does work with Smite. Ed% jewels, Forti, etc everything works. Check out how damage is calculated in Diablo.

Skills: 20 Smite, Fana, Holy Shield. Rest is up to you, if you like dueling barbs, go for Defiance, if you use Charge a lot, go for that, or if you duel a lot of sorcs, go for Lightning of Fire resi. To be honest, you don't even need Holy Shield all that much, just ensure that you get at least lvl 14 with all your gear on for max chance to block. In PvP, safety > damage.

Daddy_XL = there are actually some Smiters that use Pheonix, but I don't recommend it. Zaka > Pheonix. Also, Steelrends are crappy. Stat gloves are way better. And some Smiters do use Forti, as discussed above.

FeNiXSuNfIrE = if you can kill anyone with one-two Charges then they should delete + remake.

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