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Just got WoW
Ok guys, Just got WoW, and I've started out with an Orc War because all my friends IRL play Dunemaul Horde, so I decided to join it. Any help would be appreciated whether guides or anything.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
Well I really don't play anymore. Because after 3 lvl 60's and running end games everyday and tier 2 and 3 armor sets + Field Marshal sets and weapons I decided it lost its value after a few years, but then again I did play for over 3 yrs. with Beta testings. So the playability is there. I really have no time to play because it absorbs your very soul until your first lvl 60...haha Play it and see if it keeps you interested, I just found out for me it was too easy to figure out and to max out. If your friends guild is big and very helpful you'll see what I mean fast. That will put it to the lastability test that I failed at. Overall rating = too easy but very fun to play while it lasted... Try shaman as well you might like the sometimes umstoppable ways of the shaman, but beware of the pally. If played and built correctly is your end. Most don't have the skill though just the veteren players. This is based off of my personal experience and you may find yours the same or quite different. Warrior is easy class the master at lower-mid lvls against Comp mobs, but in higher lvls don't duel but play team tank. Overall fun fun, but question is will it last? I loved it maybe you will....
8 World of Warcraft Guide Packs (Gold, Profs and Skills) - MMOwned - World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides

Pack of some guides for WoW,

not sure what they contained I used the search option of Mmowned

Nice site btw, you should try it out, for newbs or !337 Suase w/e

MMOwned - World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides

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