10-06-2006, 02:33 PM
Ok i need barb gear this is what i need
grief,famine,Last wish,levi,steelrends,the barb helm that lets you transfer into a wolf.
I have: a 189 eth titans, a 68 tiara, a almost perfect andys helm, tgods,Snowclash, i have a shako,arch, hoto stuff that i am currenty using but am willing to trade away if you have more then one items of the things i need. im ladder east, just pm me and we can work something out, i have some otehr stuff just not as good as this stuff. and a light gc.
The stuff i am looking for doesnt have to be godly but not the worst stuff around. so whatever you have im willing to trade away.
grief,famine,Last wish,levi,steelrends,the barb helm that lets you transfer into a wolf.
I have: a 189 eth titans, a 68 tiara, a almost perfect andys helm, tgods,Snowclash, i have a shako,arch, hoto stuff that i am currenty using but am willing to trade away if you have more then one items of the things i need. im ladder east, just pm me and we can work something out, i have some otehr stuff just not as good as this stuff. and a light gc.
The stuff i am looking for doesnt have to be godly but not the worst stuff around. so whatever you have im willing to trade away.