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Smiterdin Help !!
I want an insane uber killer...solo uber for instance. Tell me if I'm wrong though. I have seen alot of ppl with the following build for smiters.

Max'd Smite
Max'd Fant Arura
Max'd Holy Shield
Max'd Defiance Arura (for bonus holy shield)
+1 into all prequistes

Helm- Ber Ber Crown of Ages
Armor- Fortitute Archon Plate
Weapon- Grief Phaseblade
Shield- Eth Vortex Shield (with + resists) Runeword Exile
Gloves- Drac's
Belt- Dungo's
Boots- Gore Riders
Ammy- Mara's
Ring #1- Raven Frost (for +dex)
Ring #2- ???????

+15 atts/+15 resists or better Paladin Torch
+15 atts/+15 resists/+8 exp or better Anni Small Charm
+20 life small charms

Anything else?????? Please help me.....(im not a rich kid but I kno how to get all of the things i NEED for it to be godly solo uberer)
throw the fort get enigma( if you have high torch p maras and good rings like that) or coh

other ring just use 2 ravens or 2 bks if u want
so get rid of the idea of fortitude???? cause i can get that or a AP enigma
Imo fort is fine for doing ubers.
Don't listen to Loits he doesn't know what he is talking about

it really depends on what you prefer

i use DS CoH for the 20 to str and for the res i have max res on my smiter even after mephy's conviction kicks in.

Your not gonna have much life so you will need life tap to kick in quickly cause i have the same build as you and i have 3k life pre bo, well accept for the gloves i have 20 ias 10cb with str gloves

and for second ring i would use a 15 str with res ring it will help get you closer to using Coa

Use enigma to tele to izual and andy, and coh for trist. i'd also use a bk for that other ring everything else is fine. the ED on fort does not give damage to smite.
splatterghost Wrote:Don't listen to Loits he doesn't know what he is talking about

it really depends on what you prefer

i use DS CoH for the 20 to str and for the res i have max res on my smiter even after mephy's conviction kicks in.

Your not gonna have much life so you will need life tap to kick in quickly cause i have the same build as you and i have 3k life pre bo, well accept for the gloves i have 20 ias 10cb with str gloves

and for second ring i would use a 15 str with res ring it will help get you closer to using Coa

I don't know what i'm talking about? I shit on noobs like you.
Loits Wrote:I don't know what i'm talking about? I shit on noobs like you.
Vouch on that. splatterghost, Loits knows a lot more about Smiters, sorry.

If you want to make a Smiter purely for Tristing, this is what I would do:
stats: enough STR for gear, resi into VIT (what kills you in trist is elemental attacks, so technically, you don't even need block. You're going to be using Zaka, so you would have at least 50% or so with all +DEX from gear).

20 Smite
20 Fana
20 Holy Shield
20 Resist Lightning
20 Resist Fire

Inventory: anni, torch, 20 life SCs, possibly with resis, if you're rich enough.
Helm: Kira's Ort
Weapon: Grief (you need at least 34%IAS on Grief BA)
Armor: Fortitude
Shield: Upped Zaka
Amulet: Highlord
Gloves: Dracul's
Belt: Thundergod's
Boots: Goreriders
Rings: up to you really. Best Smiter ring is +20 STR +15 DEX +life +mana +3x triple resi (fire, cold light), however, this is an expensive PvP ring. I'd go with either dual Raven, so you have more chance of block, or any absorb (Wisp would be a wise choice indeed, but Dwarf Star is also an option).

Conclusion: This choice of gear is merely for Tristing. You would be fine for PvM, but in PvP, you'd get torn apart by most. You ought to be able to do Trist in under 2 minutes.

Also, you might consider getting some PCs with FHR%, or FHR% scs in order to reach at least the 48%FHR breakpoint. Kira's gives 20%, so you'll have a start. This is more of a formality, but PvM is so easy that you woudn't even need that.

Anyway, with this setup, you have plenty of damage and CB to kill the ubers very quickly. Your lightning resi should be heavily stacked (95%, even with Meph's conviction, I believe). If it isn't just use some free sockets in your gear to to fit Orts, PTopazes or lightning resi jewels.

One last thing, you may be a little low on Life Tap%, since you only have Dracul's. You SHOULD be fine with this gear, since you have so much resi, but if you try it a few times and don't like it, go for Exile instead of Zaka. Make sure you get Vortex Shield with base +45 resi, so that you won't have a huge trouble with that. Don't use Last Wish, you will have to change your gear a lot, in order to accommodate for the lack of speed on that weapon.

So good luck and happy uber owning.
Quote:Anyway, with this setup, you have plenty of damage and CB to kill the ubers very quickly.

Enough cb? I think you dont have enough, honestly. With gores, you have 15% cb. Where does the rest come from? Dracs gives OW, which doesnt help much, and dracs and highlords also give DS (which doesnt work at all with smite). Looking through your gear listed, I can't find where the "enough cb" comes from.

I know everyone has their own preferences on this, but I prefer to go with lw instead of grief, because of way more cb. I also prefer to get an um'd guillaume's. I know that using guillaume's over kiras drops your res, but with lw you will have fade, which boosts your res plenty to own mephy easy. Btw, guillaume's+lw (with 70% cb)+gores=100% cb. That means with every smite, you will drop the uber's life by 1/10 BEFORE the damage is even applied. So it's almost like you are double hitting with smite with each shot, thanks to cb.

I know you probably disagree with me, but I would try this first if I were you. I did ubers in under 1 minute with this setup. I can kill an uber is under 20 seconds easy, especially mephy, who has the lowest def and/or life of them all.

SIDE NOTE: Also, with lw, you have an extra chance to cast life tap, which helps a hell of a lot. Of course, tho, my smiter also uses a bugged ev exile 45 res, so he is basically a lifetap machine. I dunno...I just prefer casting lifetap immediately instead of using rejuvs like every1 else does.
For tristing, it would be best to use forti+exile getting +15%max light resi, then another 10 points ino light resi skill to get 95% allowing you to use verdango.

Addition: cb is not the only way to beat trist, pure damage with a little help from gores/goblin toes work just aswell.
Halicarnasus Wrote:Enough cb? I think you dont have enough, honestly. With gores, you have 15% cb. Where does the rest come from? Dracs gives OW, which doesnt help much, and dracs and highlords also give DS (which doesnt work at all with smite). Looking through your gear listed, I can't find where the "enough cb" comes from.

I know everyone has their own preferences on this, but I prefer to go with lw instead of grief, because of way more cb. I also prefer to get an um'd guillaume's. I know that using guillaume's over kiras drops your res, but with lw you will have fade, which boosts your res plenty to own mephy easy. Btw, guillaume's+lw (with 70% cb)+gores=100% cb. That means with every smite, you will drop the uber's life by 1/10 BEFORE the damage is even applied. So it's almost like you are double hitting with smite with each shot, thanks to cb.

I know you probably disagree with me, but I would try this first if I were you. I did ubers in under 1 minute with this setup. I can kill an uber is under 20 seconds easy, especially mephy, who has the lowest def and/or life of them all.

SIDE NOTE: Also, with lw, you have an extra chance to cast life tap, which helps a hell of a lot. Of course, tho, my smiter also uses a bugged ev exile 45 res, so he is basically a lifetap machine. I dunno...I just prefer casting lifetap immediately instead of using rejuvs like every1 else does.
I have tried Trist with 2 Smiters, one with 100% CB and low damage (using Heaven's Light) and the other one with little CB and more damage, and have found the latter to be way more effective.

The effects of CB diminish, so no point going for an overkill. I would use Grief over LW any day, for any Smiter.
OK well see, there is your problem. Heaven's Light is a crappy weapon. LW also has might, so it boosts ur dmg by about 500 or so. Or, at least it does for me. Im sure that, even with the +skill heaven's light has, it won't add as much to your smite dmg as LW will.

Now don't get me wrong, I think grief is a better weapon...but not for ubers. I've tried the 2 weapons on my smiter for ubers, and the results remain the same. Yes, grief is effective, but LW is more so. I can uber in under 1 minute with lw, and under 3 with grief. I also died twice with grief, thanks to the lower chance to cast lifetap, whereas with lw, I did not die once.
Dude if your smiter has to relie on draculs to cast life tap i'm not suprised, that's why people use exile. If your smiter died before exile life tap kicked in then delete+remake.
wait wait wait...
isnt a smiterdin a smiter/hammerdin? :S
u dont need to change any of ur gear except use guillaums with um instead of a coa, ull need alot less str, ull get alot more vita, ull kill faster cuz of higher CB (if u have a good cb to dmg ratio, ull kill ALOT faster)

use a coh for ubers cuz meph can be a pain if ur resists arent very good.. (which would explain dieing before even casting lifetap?)

anyway, just do what frater says cuz im too lazy to go on in more detail... after doing it a million times it gets annoying

and last wish is a fun alternative to grief
its not better (its not much worse either, pretty close in pvm) but it's fun when u have fade and might and fanact and casting lifetap like a crazy bitch and shit xD
L4E Wrote:and last wish is a fun alternative to grief
its not better (its not much worse either, pretty close in pvm) but it's fun when u have fade and might and fanact and casting lifetap like a crazy bitch and shit xD

Well said.
Loits Wrote:Dude if your smiter has to relie on draculs to cast life tap i'm not suprised, that's why people use exile. If your smiter died before exile life tap kicked in then delete+remake.

IMO, any skills like that are based on a percentage chance to cast. Probablilty doe snot guarantee anything withing a certain number of repetitions, though. Therfore, theoretically, even if you have a supposed 50% chance to cast life tap with striking (if thta's even possible, i dont know, but bear with me, please, for this example) you could technically strike 10 times, or even 100 times without casting lifetap. Granted, you would have to be a probablity freak for something like that to happen, but math never lies. Even if you have a CHANCE to cast, that doesn't mean you always will. But, a higher chance to cast lifetap will reduce the number of theoretically possible blows significantly. Thus, there is a limit for so many strikes you can have without casting lifetap, and this limit is all relative to the number of blows over a given interval, life, def, damage of opponents, chance to cast lifetap, and more. In other words, there is a max number of blows you can deal before either 1) Lifetap casts and you go back to full health, OR 2)Lifetap does not cast quick enough and you die. The higher chance of cast lifetap you have, the better chance of situation 2 not happening. I know this is all very math related, but come on, it's not that hard is it? It's merely compound limits...ok ok, maybe Calc IS too confusing for you. lol.

L4E Wrote:wait wait wait...
isnt a smiterdin a smiter/hammerdin? :S

Also, no you're wrong. A smiter/h-din build is called a Liberator. They are good but hard to make. Smiter is the same thing as smiterdin. lol.
LW has no ias on it aswell therefore you have to sacrifice some other equipment to hit the fastest smite frame.
You don't need the fastest frame rate for ubers. Trust me. I use the same gear as I do for pvp with the exception of 2 items. I swap CoA for umed Guillaume's and I swap grief pb for lw pb. lol. No ias needed.
or you guys can go the easy way and get charges to tap on a wand :p
How many base strength and dex do i need to build a Smiiter?

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