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Returning [W/SC/L]
After being away from the game since last summer, I picked up my CDs and reinstalled. Since accounts expire after 3 months (Yet alone a year and a half) all of my stuff is gone, starting fresh. Heh, would've been non-ladder things anyway.

If anyone is willing to "throw a dog a bone" and give me a few things to get started on the right foot, I'd greatly appreciate it. No, I'm not asking for a free enigma. I'm just after the lower stuff... We've all been there, the "crap" that you throw away on your MF runs.

I've started up a Hammerdin, which was always my favorite, and I have a Cold Sorc in the works. Hell, even if you're willing to give me a rush for my forge, I'd like any help that I can get. And if you don't want to help, thats cool too. I'm just glad to be back Wink
I'm always throwing away things on MF runs, I guess I'll see what I can do.
I do both L and NL. Looking for rings more specifically or something?
Nothing in specific, really. Lower level MF gear would kick ass, but I'm not going to winge about it. I'm mainly looking for things that are decent for lower and mid range characters. Oh, and thanks for the interest Smile
I think I have this level 3 boot that has about 21 mf on it. When're you on?
Esuna Wrote:I think I have this level 3 boot that has about 21 mf on it. When're you on?

I can be on pretty much any time, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays during the day. Let me know whats good for you, and thanks again Smile

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