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Diablo II Multiple Game Tool Setup Guide
The easy way to play more than one D2 game at the same time with only ONE computer!
Quote:Q - Have you ever wanted to be able to mule yourself without worry?

Quote:Q - Have you ever wanted to rush yourself?

Well If you have more then one cd-key then here is the program you need and here is how you use it.

Parental advisory/explicit language content

The author of this program (~DIABLO) is not responsible
for any ****ing problems, or any problems whatsoever that may occur
with the usage of this software. furthermore this program is intended for
informational and educational purposes and the author (~DIABLO) is not responsible
for the breaking of the T.O.S. E.U.L.A. ( terms of service
end users license agreement) by the users of this software.
The author (~DIABLO) provides this software "as is"
and is not responsible for anything that may occur as a result
of using this software.
"Diablo II" and "" are registered®, trademarked™,
and copyrighted© by Blizzard Entertainment©™®

version 2.1

correspondence should be sent to:
[email protected]

some utilities are improving with newer versions.
more utilities are being added with newer versions!
(all versions of D2MultiTool are completely undetectable.)

v2.1 10-8-2006
*fixed a few things.. that I broke LOL
*Changed the update function to install pictures optionally
(D2MultiTool is much smaller now and downloads quickly)

v2.0 10-1-2006
*Fixed the installed cdkey reader... its now working.
*Fixed the list function so you can now install cdkey sets from a list (its about time!)
*Added the ability to play D2 without the cd just by running D2MultiTool! once.
*Added a function that will turn mods On/Off all of your shortcuts instantly.
*Added a F.A.Q. splashscreen
*Added more trusted sites in the read me to download D2MultiTool from.
*Added an argument to keep D2 from minimizing while in windowed mode.
*Added a function to instantly change your installed cdkey set without reinstalling.
*Added a function to extract cdkeys from .mpq.
*Added a function to reclaim cdkey sets you have installed (with D2MultiTool!) even if the list and .mpq are erased.
*Added a mod section... with more modifications scheduled to be added in the future.
*Added more installation pictures for the install function.
*Added a donation button (Please use it).
*Changed alot of coding to load/run even faster!
*Changed D2MultiTool from 2 versions (LITE & FULL) to 1 version (LITE) with option to upgrade.
***NOTE: if you upgrade using the update function from 1.1 it will not show the download progress.
This is still however, faster than downloading the entire zip file.
the program will appear to freeze and not respond. just wait and eventually it will update.
2.0 now has a download progress % splashscreen, so you know how much is left and how fast you are
getting it next time you need to update.
This version of D2MultiTool was quite large... as i had added alot to it.
1.1 had some flaws and i was glad to be replacing it with this.
FYI some people complain of dropping from the game.
DO NOT run the normal game .exe and you will be fine. only use d2multitool to open your windows.

v1.1 6/29/2006
*added a new updated d2loader (no more dropping out of games)
*fixed the problem with d2 crashing when completing an act for the first time.
*made the installation routine prettier
*cleaned up the help file a lil bit
*enabled the update function
*Broke the list function (oops!!!)

v1.0 9/25/2005
D2multitool! is released to the public. included utilities are:
*the cdkey installer
*hardcore hack
*full light radius option
*a ping utility.

"due to the new patch, (1.11) d2loader is being frequently updated for minor bugs.
you will not need to reinstall your keys every time this occurs..
just clicking on the "check version" button will give you the option of
upgrading D2Multitool at that time if a new loader is available."


how to use this program.

this program is VERY user friendly and you can skip reading the
instructions. come back to the help section if you are still experiencing
technical difficulties.



*note: this part of the program is meant for EXPANSION ONLY!
if you dont have the expansion to Diablo II installed then this WONT WORK!
if you have a list of keys already, you may enter them by clicking on the
"load cd keys from a list" button. then you select a .txt file you want to open.
the .txt file you open should contain a list of keys in order. You can choose another
.txt file other than cdkeys.txt if you wish.
the way keys should be in the .txt file should be your Diablo II key
on the first line, your expansion key on the second line, a new Diablo II key on the third
line, a new expansion key on the fourth line... and so on and so forth.
like this example:
keys may be entered in any case sensitivity
and they may be entered with or without dashes "-"
each line should be 16 characters long (without dashes)
or 19 characters long (with dashes) or the program will give you an error.
you should have an even number of lines in your .txt file!
dont put any spaces anywhere!
the list should have no lines that are blank! this is including the end of the text file.
if you leave blank lines at the end of the file you will get an error when trying to load
from the list. go to the bottom of the file and press backspace until the cursor is on
the end of the last key you entered to make sure that there is no blank lines.
then just open the .txt file and it will add the keys to the programs list.
once you have enough keys in the programs list, click the "install" button
(under the "add to list" button) and the program will install all keys on the list for you
without all the hastle of doing it yourself!
once you have installed your sets the program will create a folder inside its
directory named "Diablo Shortcuts", and you can find all your links for the games there.

on the install tab, you should see that "set 1:" is already filled out for you.
that is the cdkey set you used when you installed Diablo II and the Expansion.
if something went wrong, (such as Diablo II is not installed) you will get this message:
"d2keys.exe failed to run, or a file is missing/corrupted. press ok to continue"
that means you can still use the program, but you will have to enter your installed
key manually, or not at all if you wish.
you may enter more sets in the blank fields and press the "add to list" button to
add these sets to the list. one set for each game you want open.

included are some more utilities,
I will be adding more as I see fit.

Enter an ip address (default is your computer and you can ping
yourself) might be useful for and thats why i made this utility.

Quote:If you already are able to play hardcore, then you need not worry.
if you have not beaten the game yet, click this button to enable hardcore now!
(does not work for single player or open battle net. closed battle net only)

Quote:You can use this function to enter a NEW cdkey set quickly and easily
into your default installation of Diablo II without having to reinstall the game.
(very useful if you lost the cd's or they are scratched/broken)

Quote:Whether you entered cdkeys into a .mpq with d2multitool or not, now you
can retrieve them easily! (really nice if you need these keys and dont have a copy)

Find Keys!:
Quote:This will find any keys you have EVER entered into D2MultiTool no matter
What version you were using. (really nice if you deleted .mpq or your cdkey set list.)

Select Script: (not finished)
Quote:Thanks ffp for this idea! basically, you can run any program
(OR autoit script if you have autoit installed) from inside D2MultiTool!.
(so you have quick access to your own custom utilities at the touch of a button!)
I have added 2 fun (but not necesssarily useful) scripts to this section.
(GemGod will get you a perfect chat gem and Ultra Wirts Spew will drop gold fast)

Quote:THIS IS NOT A MAPHACK, but it gives you FUll Light Radius and the ablity to
see the monsters over walls and around corners! (pretty nifty eh?)

Quote:This can improve lag especially if you have a low-grade computer and/or low speed internet connection.
- Simplifies the laggier spell effects to greatly improve framerate.
- Fire effects "of doom" are much faster now.
- Removed blood splatters, these can be a problem when they pile up.
- Removes shadow drawing from monsters and objects.
- Remove light radius from most monsters.
- Remove light from auras and curse type effects.
- Disabled lava animations.
- Removes weather effects.

This mod affects the client only. It is totally compatible with Standard D2 characters. It can be used in
Single player, or when hosting Open Multiplayer games. It can also be used when joining Standard Open Multiplayer
Games or creating/joining Realm games. You can use it to interact with other people who do not have the
mod. Differences between this and standard D2 are merely cosmetic.
I do not consider using it cheating anymore than owning a top-of-the-line computer. Still, some may be worried
about Blizzard's recent "Agressive Stance against Hacks and Cheats". Peter Hu, former Blizzard programmer and the
main man behind 1.10, unoficially posted on the Lurker Lounge boards that Blizzard did not consider D2Accelerator
to be a cheat. Additionally, their new anti-cheat scanning code would not detect D2Accelerator. Unlike programs
such as maphack, d2hackit, or d2loader, D2Accelerator does not alter the executable code nor the memory at runtime.
It merely changes data settings in tab-delimited text spreadsheets inside the MPQ. Now Peter Hu no longer works at
Blizzard and who knows what the future will bring, but if any mod/hack would be both undetectable and unimportant to
Blizzard, this one would be it. However, You still take your own responsibility if Blizzard decides to be an @$$
about it. Use at your own risk!

type "/fps" and ENTER to see what your frames per second are like. Know that it is capped at a max of 25 no matter
what the display says.

Other things that may improve system performance:

- Defragment your hard drive.
- Set all the .mpq's in your DiabloII directory to read-only, except for patch_d2.mpq.
- Copy D2XMusic.mpq from your LoD CD to your Diablo II directory.
- Make sure you have no programs running in the background.
- Set your windows paging file to be a fixed size of at least 300 megs large. (Min 300 Max 300)
- Use DirectDraw or Glide instead of Direct3D.
- Use 640x480 resolution instead of 800x600. For some computers 800x600 may not lag too bad in most areas, but
it does bog down in places with many translucent walls, such as the catacombs, kurast, etc.
- Changing lighting options and turning off music will make a minor improvement.
- On some systems, turning off sound completely will make a noticable difference. If you like sound and are using
enviornmental/3d audio, turning those off can improve performance. Make sure that it is turned off both in
Diablo II and in your general sound card settings.
- If you are running Win 95/98/ME, you may want to check this out:
go to System Downloads : CacheBooster /// AnalogX
Download CacheBooster, install it, then run the program. Choose the preset "gaming", apply changes,
and reboot your computer.

Q & A section

where can i get extra cd key sets?
purchase extra copies of the game from a store, trade with your friends,
buy them from other players or beg for them in a forum but that probably wont work.
you could use this program to peek at someone elses keys if you are on their computer
and they have Diablo II installed, but dont use their keys unless you ask them first!
also I believe you can get sets of keys from blizzard for 10 bucks each.

What if I get the error," Hey guys we got a big error here Sad " ?
First, make sure you aren't trying to use any old v1.10 plugins or hacks for D2Loader.
This error comes from the very top level of the structured exception handler,
meaning ANYTHING that causes a crash in Diablo II (even D2 itself) will show this message.
As such, it's impossible to really figure out what causes it. Usually though you will find a crash log
(D2XXXXXXX.txt) in your Diablo II directory, go to the end of the file and copy all the debug information and maybe
post it on some forum to see if anyone is able to make sense of it. A few things are known to cause this message,
including use of the -ns option, using resXXX in fullscreen mode, using -locale with missing locale files.

What if the game says my cd keys are already in use?
Wait a few minutes and try again. This error happens if you close the window and then try to open it again too quickly. thinks you are still logged in and is waiting for you to time out.
Another reason could be that you tried to open the same shortcut twice, or you entered the same key twice during installation.

when will the next version of this program be available? can i make any suggestions?
I will release new versions when i feel they are working and finished. suggestions
can be sent to [email protected]

Is this a virus or keylogger?
The program was made by me and it is NOT a virus!


this program uses loader 1.11 available by itself from D2Loader Hacks
Thanks go to onlyer who made the loader that this program uses, and also the
person who hacked and updated the loader for patch 1.11! Thanks also go to
Laundrybag for his full light radius hack! If I forgot anyone, THANKS!
and lastly.. thank me! and you too!

Very good guide if you wrote it yourself. I only skimmed through it.

If you did not write it yourself, please CLEARLY cite your source. I read it very quickly and skimmed through it and didn't see a mention of the original creator, or that he had given you permission to post.

Nice guide if it is yours. Nice find if you talked to the person that made and he let you post. Give him some credit if he did.
This is directly from the help file... with a few modifications.
added color to it and other things.

I wrote the help file, and my user name is Diabl0 (DIABLO was taken) and i know you skimmed through it, but the guide makes mention of my name FOUR times just in the beginning. I wrote this program.

Thanks for the compliments. took awhile to make this guide look "forum friendly"
I was just making sure... people with one post, often post either malware or take credit for something they did not do.

Congrats on the program, I am guessing you used C++ or, if not, what language did you use?
i know 24 posts isnt alot, but thats what i had when i made this guide lol.
plus the link is within this site... its already hosted here. it cant be malware...

I was asked about this site hosting my program before i was a member.
spitfire contacted me on another forums... and i dont frequent this one too often, but im still around Big Grin

this program is mostly written in the scripting language autoit.

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