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Hello Smile

Sooo...Since the " WoW Community" is growing larger and larger, I wondered if anyone of you is into exploration. For those of you who don't what exploration means: Exploration means getting into areas which are already in the game, but not reachable for a "normal" player. Some of those areas are the Ironforge airport or Hyjal (for example). Well, if anyone of you does explore the world of warcraft more carefully than other players, I'd love to see your screenshots of areas where you have been. I just had to reinstall my comp so I don't have any exploration screenshots yet, but I'm going to explore again the next days.



Ok, so I just made a little exploration of the area around Dun Morogh. Hope you enjoy it Smile


Me with my priest enjoying the sunrise above Ironforge.


Ironforge Airport


Another Ironforge Aiport Screenshot...more coming...

...coming NOW! [img=]


Some dancing dwarfs and a gnome at Ironforge Aiport. Sorry, I use the german version of WoW, but the female dwarf is tagged as <Pet trainer>. You can really train your pet up there..^^


Dwarven fighting with Iceblood trolls. They spawn at an cave south of (guess what...) Ironforge Airport. Not bad for grinding. xD


Some weird texturing, it's where the (argh, dunno the name of the area with uldaman in english..), loch modan, the searing gorge and dun morogh meet.


Some machines above searing gorge


Another view on the machines


A camp between dun morogh and searing gorge


More weird texturing

//Edit 2

Argh >< somehow I ****ed up the last links..damnit.
i'm not exactly sure what you are talking about, but yea exploring can be fun and gives you a little xp.
Uhhm...yeah xD lol.

I added some screenshots, I didn't mean the exploration just by running around and discovering the map, I ment getting to "secret and restricted" places in WoW.
oh i've never found any secret places...sounds cool though

I'm gonna take more screenshots later, but somehow I'm tired at the moment, don't know if I should go sleep or not...but if you want to see more of it go to and watch "Exploration - The Movie" and "Nogg-aholic - The Movie". These two videos are probably the best exploration videos out, altough they are pretty old now, when wallwalking was still possible and some ways into caverns of time for example which are now nerfed still worked.
Very much so actually, i've personally seen most of the secret spots in World of Warcraft. So far, i've seen the top of IF (Airport), Top of SW, under SW, Hyjal, Dancing Troll village, Blood Elf Starting Zone (Don't get exited this place is flat as a pancake), Top and bottom of Orgrimmar, Emerald Dream, The secret spot behind the Deadmines, Caverns of time....and my favorite GM ISLAND! (this one actually takes MPQ files to alter the game mechanics of the Boat, so if you would like this file i can give it to you, otherwise no chance of getting there).
PM it to frogman if you want it added to the downloads section...i'm sure some other members would love to try it out

Please don't add ANY model changing stuff can post screenshots here, but please don't post how to get there... don't want it get nerfed >.<


meeeh...this is kinda difficult...if you want to add it, put it in the realm of the 1337 section so the method doesn't spread even more out than it actually is at the moment..
Dopefish Smile

Nogg-aholic the Movie - Google Video

Sorry, I have a thing with Links Smile

The Last Wallwalk - Google Video

I've been to most of those places, plus a few more, for the expansion stuff he used an instance changer, I hope dopefish returns :'(

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