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Anyone lld (low lvl dueling) or mld (mid lvl dueling) here? If anyone does name the type of char/lvl you use.
As for me:
Lvl 35 Smiter
Lvl 51 Javazon
Lvl 58 Zealer
Lvl 35 Stripped Kicker Sad
i was going to get into LLD next ladder season...but since blizz took their sweet time resetting it, i switched to WoW. its my understanding that LLD is more like lvl 9s and such, not 30s.
i did say mld also heh but im working on 37 nec 30 barb and maybe a charger and i thought lvl 9 were vlld those duels take almost forever Sad
lld is below 18
I have a level 30 barb, i can do any of your chars listed (USeast NL) pm me if u want
Friend has a LLD FOH ~~ I HATE THEM ~~
Ratsu Wrote:Friend has a LLD FOH ~~ I HATE THEM ~~

Lol, I have one of them, pisses my friend off because I can run from barb ww and just hit him repeadadly.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
pure foher O_o ?!?!?! the good ones i see are always hybrid hammer/foh but even that foh does nothing for a lld
whats the point of lld, theres so many restrictions on the skills you can use, the only thing i can think is usful are sorces and smiters
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
Darkyo_O Wrote:pure foher O_o ?!?!?! the good ones i see are always hybrid hammer/foh but even that foh does nothing for a lld

It's hard to lvl and takes a lot of time but it's worth it. Most people start of with hammer and then switch.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
I played lld and mld chars for the better part of my d2 life and 18-30 is lld, 9-17 is vlld, and 31-59 is mld. There have been many changes to these lvls over the years but it always remains around the same. When fort and grief became avabile alot of people said it ruined mld and started saying mld went from 31-58. I on the other hand thought grief and fort saved mld and still believe it to be lvl 31 to 59.

My chars were as follows

lvl 59 zealer/smiter
lvl 59 fury druid
lvl 59 ww baba
lvl 59 conc baba
lvl 57 foher
lvl 57 fireballer
lvl 57 windy druid
lvl 39 kicker
lvl 45 traper
lvl 50 cs zon
lvl 57 pnb necro
lvl 36 charger
lvl 31 ga/jab zon
lvl 30 hdin
lvl 18 zealer
lvl 21 zealer
lvl 21 jabber

and a partrich in a pear tree

Most of these chars were remade at least 4 times but always had wicked, mld, or way in the names. With the exception of my first mld char which was the lvl 36 charger. His name was notsoholy.
That sucks, my FoH'er just reached 60 last I played. Now I'm at the bottem of the hld list, is ok though because he can hold his own, if not, my 89 sorc can step up.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]

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