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Charge Pally
i was just curious what gear and how to distribute stat/skill points for a charge pally. if ne1 can help me i would appreciate it. also wut is good for gear.
*points at the character development guides section and says, "they definitely have it there".*
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
Stats are always the same unless you are building a es sorc.

str = just enough to equip gear
dex= just enough to achieve max block
ene= none
viat = everything else

The gear could vary alot depending on your budget or what would make you happy.
You could go for pure Charge, but I would seriously recommend Charge/Smite hybrid:
stats: enough STR for gear, enough DEX for MB with HS, rest VIT.
Helm: CoA BerBer (Imo best choice for PvP Pala, due to DR%, +resi, sox and FHR%)
Weapon: Grief BA (34%+ IAS)
Shield: Zaka
[switch: CTA + Spirit ofc]
Armor: Fortitude/Enigma (Up to you really. Enigma is a good choice for +STR [especially since you're using CoA], FRW% [helps a lot with desynch], +life%, +skills, etc. Fortitude is nice for raw damage, extra life and resi.
Gloves: 20%ias +20 str +15 dex +3x triple resi (I don't recommend KB on gloves).
Belt: Verdungo
Boots: Goreriders/Shadow Dancers (you will have to reach 86%FHR [48% is fine as well, but 86% is far superior to that], so Dancers give you that extra FHR%, as well as bunch of +DEX towards your max block. Gores are nice for OW, but apart from that, not all that useful).
Jewelry: Highlord + Raven + rare +20 STR +15 DEX +life +mana +3x triple resi

Now, this is your regular Smiter, so in stash you will have:
eBOTD War Pike
Angelics (amu +2xring)

That you will switch to when dueling certain builds, such as Hammerdins. Smiters are not too good vs Hammerdins, so use Charge. You will have low AR% and DEX, so Angelics are a must have, especially vs Hammers.

20 Smite
20 Charge
20 Fana
20 Holy Shield
rest in Resist Lightning/Resist Fire (I recommend Resist Lightning, but it's up to you. Choose one and stick to it).

Inv: PCombs +life. Regular Smiter would use +20 life SCs, but since this is a hybrid, aim for PCombs with high life (at least +3x). Make sure you have enough FHR% for 86%, make up for the missing bit with SCs (5%FHR/+resi [5@ is not a good option, I would stack cold and lightning, so 5%FHR/+11cold/lightning]).

Let me know if you have any more questions.
I would second the idea of a charger/smiter. I had a lvl 36 mld or lld charger (depending on where you think lld ends, 30 or 37) and until I geared him for smite as well he was not very effective. Sure he did hella damage but would just connect about 1 in every 5 hits. That is more misses than your opponet will need to kill you most of the time. My lvl 36 just had 1 point in smite but with good hybrid gear it made him a force to be reckoned with.

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