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watch your ass when pvp flagged
haha funny story: started out with a couple people in my guild working on lvl 23 alts in SFK. some jerk ass hunter need rolled the blue staff(guildies are mage+priest) so i told them to leave the group and i'd run them through it, so they did.

they are hanging out outside the instance waiting for me when two lvl 29 hordes show up(hunter+shaman). the hordes promptly decide to taunt my guildies and then proceed to flag themselves. meanwhile i am riding along on my horsey. when i get there, the horde are standing there watching my guildies dance, so i ride up behind them and proceed to pyroblast the shaman into ashes. 1 hit 1 kill.

then i start casting a spell on the hunter, he turns around and jumps off the bridge just to get away. almost killing himself from the fall. if i would have known he would jump off the bridge to get away i would have either sheeped him or instant-casted after torching the shaman.

the two guildies and i were laughing about it the entire SFK run. we even tried to set it up again afterwards when there was another party of horde gathering at the instance. unfortunately one of them found my hiding spot and they didnt flag.

the only thing that could have made this more funny is if the hunter would have died from the fall. i wish i could have seen their faces or heard/seen what they were saying/typing. one minute they were acting all big and bad trying to pick on lower chars the next minute they were dead or running for their life. that was some uber poonage.
LOL Yah I think you were describing all this on MSN while I was fighting in FFXI.I was laughing at your antics and slaughtering flies and imps. I got distracted laughing and got poked in the game to see if I was still there.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
PvP server for me all the way. Lawl 60 rogue insta ambush crits your lowbie all for 3k. You die.

Yeah most 60 rogues just wait in the shadows next to like lvl 15's and shit, you flag (If on normal server) and you get raped.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
We used to play this game in Ashenvale when I played on a Normal server where we'd have our lowest-level flag himself in Ashenvale, then /afk and sit down on a road while we all hid behind trees and shit. Every now and then, we'd get good bites, but for the most part it was just us running away from 60's.
No one plays on a pvp server =[?
I do, but I was on a normal server once upon a time.
yea i had allies try that, its bad when a 60 ally tires that, a 60 ganks all the teens and level 20 s in barrens or sumthin then 2 allies sitting around laughing about it, then all the twinks get on their crazy geared out 60's and rape the allies, concidering i started a new server and re-rolled as a priest currently level 31 shadow. they don't go after me even if i'm flagged. Its all the twinks running around acting like noobs and the allies figure they won't get ganked then camped by 1337 60's if they get the noobs......god bless the stupid 10-12 yearolds and their 60 NE's*sigh* thier never gunna learn not to mess with the smart people on horde (not saying any one here is 10-12 and is stupid "sorry if i implied any thing blood, not sayin your one^_^)
that right there is a big reason i cant play horde...horde players can take anything in WoW, even a story thats supposed to be funny, and turn it into a bitch-fest about alliance.
haha, well blood i know your not a 10-12 little cry baby, and its your choice to play alliance, and i'm sure youve found some people who play who arent cry babies and shit power to you my friend. Its just all my experances with alliance have been bad ones either people ninja looting or being persistant after getting whipped in a duel countless times or just constantly bitching just to bitch or any other countless thing that would annoy any one to the brink of insanity, not once have i ever had a good experance with them, either too upity don't allow the word "crap" in chat. I had an acatual experance with that i said "crap" in a LFG channel and i get about three different tells, the first one saying "Reported for using obsenity" second one saying "Hey man you really shouldent swear in the publc channels" and the third one i knew i was going to get "ZOMG REP0Rt3D for L3ik Swizering in Lgj channelz LOLZ" and sure enough i got a tell from a gamemaster saying "Did you swear in the LFG channel?" and i go "Well if you concider "crap" and obsenity then yes" his response "Well sience this is your first offence and using it mildly, i;m not going to suspend your account or punish you in any way just concider this a warning and not to do that again" then i loged and delieted that character and started horde, also hypocritcial morons who take playing a game WAY to seriously. I'm in a group running stockades i'm tanking about three eleits and getting yelled at by their healer for loosing health him "dude you need to stop losing health"me " i'm a tank that what i am requiered to do, any say why arent you doing your job?" him "what the hell are you talking about my job?" me " oooo i don't know maybe HEALING sience you said you were going to be healing" him "dude **** you, stop dying" me "THEN ****ING HEAL ME ASS HOLE, GOD DAMN YOUR RETARTED"
him "dude don't yell at me like that it hurts my feelings" me "dude do your ****ing job or get out of the group" then i get booted from the group, it turns out after talking to a guildy that after the exchange of tells then ass hole went and complained to the group leader then i got booted from it and then again another alliance character deleited. These are a few reasons why i don't play/like most alliance, no offence agienst any one here, not saying any one is hypocritical and a jackass just saying these are alot of thing i have experance while palying the Alliance Faction on World of Warcraft and it was not a good experance and that is why i play horde, they tend to be a bit more organised smarter and less bitchy than most alliance, again i just want to say that no offence is ment to any one on these forums who play alliance especially blood

paragraphs would have made that easier to read. its my opinion that overall horde players are more serious about the game than alliance. thats why they are always more organized.

we're getting off topic though....

..i pooned those hordies good.
haha ive done same to alliance also
Nice. I had alil bit of fun my self in the BE starting area.. the 10-20. Any way what you do is get close to a town and sit down with the /afk and wait. works really well when there are lots of noobies on. anyway. There is a reason its called noobhunting. As you wait all of these lil horde run by you and suck and see that you are infact afk. meanwhile your accually at your compy watching. Eventually you will get a few that will acually stand like right behind you and buff themselves.. this is a good indication they are gonna try to attack you. Wait for it. once they get off a shot or two, since your lvl 60 or even lvl 70 it doesn't do anything. Just wait and wait works best with a pally or something with a good AOE.

Anyway after abit some more may join in. Hay your a super high lvl on a pvp server. to a lvl 15 that alot of honor. So just wait and when your low on HP aoe the hell out of them... kill em heal then sit back down with your AFK status. lots of fun. Just watch for those bloody guards
yea, i was in Zangarmarsh leveling up, messing around killing alliance too stupid to avoid a levl 70 warrior sitting down AFK, i had ganked about 6-7 alliance and this one dumbass repeatdly, but then i got a little too close to an alliance city, and found my self trying to run from two level 70 dranei elite gaurds who are doing 1.5k dmg a hit, lets say the out come did not favor me.
This is how i find most the alliance citys.....running around and getting killed by gaurds and not going there again.
lol That is normally the way you find em now adays. Since they arn't shown on your map any more unless you find em. the guards pack a punch tho.

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