Okay, since i haven't been able to find a guide i've decided to try to make my own and hope it works anyways this is how my set up is so far
Armor: debating between nigma and ap fort,
Weapon: ebotdz
Shield: SS
Belt: verdungoes( i still need a pair im on USWEST ladder, ill pay hrs)
Ring: angelic/ (not sure what else)
ring2: dwarf
Ammy: angelic/ highlords?
Boots: gores
i donno wether i should use an ebotdz and combo it with another weapon, or what. and should i bug myself? if so im nto sexactly sure how to do this
anyways all advice is great, thx
or should i go frenzy barb?
Armor: debating between nigma and ap fort,
Weapon: ebotdz
Shield: SS
Belt: verdungoes( i still need a pair im on USWEST ladder, ill pay hrs)
Ring: angelic/ (not sure what else)
ring2: dwarf
Ammy: angelic/ highlords?
Boots: gores
i donno wether i should use an ebotdz and combo it with another weapon, or what. and should i bug myself? if so im nto sexactly sure how to do this
anyways all advice is great, thx
or should i go frenzy barb?