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Yet another funny conversation
[email protected] says:
Hmm what is nuggets problem?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I dunno
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he is posting oddly
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
and kidnapped my ass 4 times today
[email protected] says:
sounds like fuggle to me
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
everytime I get on MSN I get hijacked
[email protected] says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I swear to god I had to block
[email protected] says:
lol, did you block fuggle?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
lmao yes
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
for the moment
[email protected] says:
haha serves him right...
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
when he sobers up ill unblock
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he is funny as shit thpough
[email protected] says:
ahh yes a pissed fuggle just wont shutup.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
HAH! Fricker never shuts up anyway
[email protected] says:
yea true that when we played d2 toghether he would not shutup with his msging
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he never quits
[email protected] says:
ehh he will eventually get tired
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he said *Pam* Get Frog online tell his Bitchass to get on
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I was like
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
You freaking tell him
[email protected] says:
lol tell him i here although it looks like he is offline,what id is he using these days
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
lol I think he passed out dude
[email protected] says:
told you he would eventually
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
after his amazing joining all 10 of us in one convo and confusing the Crap out of me I blocked
[email protected] says:
fuggle like to do random shit though
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
we kept leaving....he kept adding
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he is funny as hell
[email protected] says:
sounds like the nugget, yea but he can be funny he use to take the piss out of all the newbs on d2
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
lol because he actually types in words that can be understood
[email protected] says:
thats true

Ok I had to clean up the langauge a bit to post this. On a side note it was funny as hell.

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
either you talk with everyone on BZSector or they all love you
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
Lol Pam, post our 12 person conversation, that was pretty amusing.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
I probably do.... I talk to most everyone,as well as answer PMs and such. My MSN is not posted,but all the Mods,and Admins have it. Yes we have long...often hilarious conversations. Most that have heard my voice, have noted how often I laugh...and my southern drawl. Fuggle says *yall* too...being southern himself.I swear to god he has a sexy voice....ok I digress... Yes I talk to most everyone here. LMAO I didnt save it goofass!

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
sweet now i can add frogman lol
[Image: my.php?image=mychemicalromancesignatou1.jpg][Image: carmenelectrastockmaniptl8.jpg]
man your evil, in keeping wtih whats left of my privacy rules that the civil war DIDNT damage i wont add anyone
[Image: 2hgwxzk.gif]
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
mathalamus federation Wrote:man your evil, in keeping wtih whats left of my privacy rules that the civil war DIDNT damage i wont add anyone

I get added all the time. Fuggy in his plot to get as many Bliz sector members that were online was just freaking relentless. Blood was there,Panties was there,Grave was there,Tool was there, Flea was there,Foog was there....eveyone the bastard knew from D2 was in that conversation....they would leave and Fuggy would add them back sayng *No leaving BITCH! I have you now!!* Then he did the *nudge thing* annoying everyone. At which point both Blood and Panties asked me *Dear GOD is he done yet?* Let's just say he was on a roll and I laughed till I cried. *Panties* "Please make him stop"....Yah...right..I was hijacked too.....

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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