01-01-2007, 07:28 PM
i made a post and a poll a few hours ago and i think i have made up my mind on makin a pvp hammerdin...and i know there are TONS of nice guids anmd i looked at most of them....im no noob to pallys really...but im still getting use to d2.. { only been playin for like 2muths} i under stand break points and all that good stuff......but i have saw in 2 guids on here.. { cant remeber what ones sry lookd at to many} and i say us a good sprit with nice res and fcr and i know u need good fcr on a hammerdin..but why use sprit over a hoz.......and iknow u need around 86%fhr...but in the same guid the perons said nothing a bout need pcomb lifers....so is there some kinda of new gc that is better for a hammerdin the p comb lifr { i dont think there is} i meanthe more + skills the more dmg u do.......and um i know how to do my stats and skills and that good stuff....but im not so sure on some of my gear that iw as going ot use..after readin the guids here.....so can some one jsut give em there info on my gear plz it would be great help...... 40 hoto --135 deff shako sheal in it--500 deff hoz eith ber in or charm { depends on my res after all is on}--eth treks 13 srt 15 via--- spidy 125 deff---magsfist---dusk nig perf--- 17-15 anni--20-17 pally torch-- #8 5 res all 20 life sc---#9 30 lifer pcombs---6bo cta--ifenought srt then sprit with the cta--and here is anter place im stuck at should i go 2 sojs.. or 2 10 fcr lifer srt mana rings or 1 soj and fcr ring?.........................plz tell me if u think this hammerdin will be able to hold his own in a duel........i can use all they help i can get......so if i need ot change something a bout hiom sjut let me know plz......and thanks