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Catching up on d2
hey guys, just found my way here from another forum. anyways, i havent played d2 for l think over 3 years now? (back then when i used to d2jsp+yamb with all the enigma's, ethreal botd, anni charms etc) i quit right when ladder reset i think. anyways again, so whats been goin on with d2 now? I'm looking to startup again from scratch. i miss this game and hopefully i can control myself to not let it take over my lifeTongue Just installed programs now to make d2 like it used to be. so far i have installed stings mh and onlyers loader. just the im looking into getting a pickit...but whats all the warden stuff? i see they've release 1.11?

so, after that confusing paragraph that doesnt really make sense, i'll just some up what im searching for...
-a pickit program (i heard redvex+magnet?)
-awhat i should becareful of since theres new patches and higher detection rates.
-theres tons of dupe threads i see now, is there alot of scamming + duped items now?


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