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Nexus conversation.
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Hi there
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I am taking a wild guess this is Nexus from
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
yes how are you, sorry i didnt reply sooner i was watching prison break
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I am fine ^^ got an abrupt awakening by a cat jumping on my chest and meowing LOUDLY in my face
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
LOL i get that a bit i have two hpyeractive cats that will do anything for atention
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
yah no shit
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
this one does what I call*weird cat hour*
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
weird cat hour?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
he runs all over the house,jumps onto things ,and the momentum causes him to slide off his feet,onto his ass and into a wall
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
watching him try to round a corner is ****ing hilaarious becase he always hits his ass an slides
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
haha what kind of cat is he?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I think a Tabby
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
ha, ive got a black tabby cat that i call black cat and a persian cat called indy
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
He is not mine I am cat sitting(which will end up permanent btw) for my daughter
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
this one is a male with white and orange fur
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
kinda fluffy
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
how good is the name black cat for a black cat lol
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
about as good a name as Clico for my Calico cat
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
he he
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
It is her breed and she is long haired
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
thanks for your posts in my "love" thread *smugs* wasnt that kind of creepy your husbandchasing you for 7 years?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
the male I keep indoors for a few reasons
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
yea its a stud and pulls all the females
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
we fought like cats and dogs at times,but shared a locker in school
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
ahhh true love in its purest form
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
He used to sit across the street from my house and watch it
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
thats normal
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
at 12 obviously I was not ready to marry
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
hey, ive got a quesiton do you think it would be ok to ask her out to the movies but not so much as a date just a get together friend bonding way
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
im talking about lorraine ^
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I kissed his cheek at a school dance(sock-hop 50s theme) and he told me one day we would have beautiful babies
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
hahahha tell him he is a legend in my books
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Movies or out for an icecream is a safe date
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
yah he never let me go and was always there as a friend
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
you are welcome about the post hun
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
it was very much apreciated
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
1 thing about me is I am honest and up-front
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
thats the way to go
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
give her some time she is young and not ready
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
but staay in her life
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
trust me it DOES matter
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
i plan to, she doesnt have internet so that no msn the only time she is ever on the internet is when she is at a caf'e and thats on myspace. but i text her everyday and ask how she is and how her day was and we text back and forth
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
good plan
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
the thing that bugs me alot tho is my mates think im only trying to get in her pants, they dont understand the way i feel i would run halfway across australia just to see her smile i know it sounds corny but its just how i feel
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
it is not corny IMO
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
and loving someone eventually leads to sex
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
that is how we keep the human race going
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
but 1 thing
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Love is NOT about sex(althogh it will happen)
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
im not interrested in sex im interested in to love and to be loved back
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
just being in eachother's presence knowing eachother better then anybody else does those sorta things
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
would you care to hear/read my interpretation of love and being loved?
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
please do
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
a woman
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
sorry pressed enter
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
a woman's opion is always best
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Love is not unconditional,people that demand this JUST put a condition on it...never expect unconditional love...true love is seeing the others flaws,getting past that,and loving them anyway
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
this is true love
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Love them for who they are the good and the bad
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
this is my take on love
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
i like your take
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Like my Marriage vows..."For better or for worse"
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
It is a promise you give to love them as they are and not to start a campaign to change them
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Change will happen over time because we all influence ech other
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
It is not an act we set in motion,so much as the natural progressin of 2 people knowing each other and shared events
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Am I making any sense?
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
enuf to make me realise your th most understanding person i have ever met
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
pppffftt not at all,I just love people for who they are and make an effort to know them
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
pam = good person
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
well thank you dear!
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
well thanks for all of your deep and meaningfull words and vowels but im going to hit the hay ive had a long day and need some rest
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
In your situation what I see is it will take time and friendship
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
thanks for a good chat, be usre to post it on bliz
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
thanks you
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
lol really?
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
really what?
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
post it
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
lol u post alot of convos people will be liek nex is retrded it will be funny
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
you are not retarded
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
I will post it
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
yea but i bet fuggy wil lread it and call me stupid so thats why it will be funny
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
and knock my bad gramma
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Fuggy can suck my addiction
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
get some sleep hun
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
well all and all you and jedo have been very helpfuil in my love thread and i thanks you guys
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
gnite talk to ya later
"[m] [i] [†] [c] [h] [ńęא] Lets set the stage on fire! says:
xxxoxx (i do it to everyone)
Fiercefairy...FFXI addict!!~scratches arm absently~ says:
Nite hun

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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