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~*-. Looking For Anything Helpfull :) .-*~
Sup, people just came back to d2 last week in 3 years looking for anything that can help me get on my feet i play d2 classic NL and d2 xpac NL it will be greatly appreciated thx Smile

- Account : Buddah.2
- Realm : UsWest
- Time to be reached : 8 pm - 8 am

::: aka RisSeN. :::
You put your comma in the wrong place. If you put after Sup, then it really doesn't make any sense. Even if the comma was after people, it still wouldn't make sense. Use periods when you end a sentence. I couldn't understand much. Also, nobody will donate to a 1-poster.
i just said sup as a greeting and for miss using the comma its no big deal? people no what i mean.. im sorry if you dont understand it because of a comma error lol btw yes this is my first post and if people arent going to reply because this is my 1st post then thats fine if they want to thats fine to i have to start some where and also you have nothing better to do than correct somebodys punctuation?
Well im helping you in a way. I don't think many people can understand a paragraph with no punctuation.

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