Poll: What Build you want A COMPLETE guide to?
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I will Answer any questions about how to make any build
IxLe Wrote:proops, your es will probobly not help very much, just try to get a lot of damage, and try not to get hit. one or two hits even with es and your dead because of the es's way on res and dmg reduc. so just get a lot of fcr and dmg.

Well i do need 20% telekenesis .... right? its important .....
well one hit from a barb and your mana is gone, and youve stopped telein. and your screwed. If you dont have es, then you have more damage and can kill them in one hit. Course you can do that anyways if they have no res or absorb.
well stated. energy shield maybe usefull if u have enuf mana some times but usually 1-2 ww will destroy all mana u got and most likely get u 2 half life as well if u completely lost all ur mana, like ixle said just get lots of dmg and fcr and just tele tele tele and dont get hit.
you guys on this site seem to know your shit so i figured i would sign up and ask for help. ive been playing for less than a month so please go easy on me.

im looking to make a smiter pally cuz i hear they can hold their own against the ubers. im pretty new at making pallys as ive only made one before. its a hammerdin and this is what it uses and its skills:

treks, hoz, enigma, hoto, shako (or pally tiara), maras, 2x soj (or 2x corruption band), arach, frosties

max hammers
max concentration
max vigor
max blessed aim
max holy shield

if anyone can tell me where to improve my hammerdin build or how to make a good smiter (skills and gear) or both, i would greatly appreciate it.[Image: wink3.gif]
Dude, do a search, there are probobly like 8 different builds for a smiter on this site. I will find one for you seeing that your new, but please next time look around first. Welcome btw!

Caugtemoc's Guide to Building a Smite Pally
each point in telekenesis makes ur ES 6,25% more effective.... or something like that... its meens if u have +20 in telekenesis it works as more than 50% dr..... against all, melee, lightning, cold , fire......
Can u write a good PVP Bowazon Guide please. Im making a bowazon but have no idea whats good for pvp. Ive read other guides and their all different saying to max different things.

I Just like to know what skills i should max for Bowazon?
max guided arrow
max critical strike
10 multi shot
1 valk (meat shield.. good to take foh hits)
1 strafe (if u want for pvm)
12+ avoid, evade, dodge
thanks for the info. Do i have any stats left over after i put into those, and what should i put extra skill points in?

Also i will be using WF, What is good damage a bowazon should do? 2k? 3k?
put the rest of ur skills equally among evade, avoid, and dodge.

faith gmb is best bow. dunno dmg.
i dont think i could ever afford an Faith bow, the damage i do now is max damage at 4.2k damage with WF. level 80

I was looking at some page on here and it said that you shouldn't put light facets into weapons for trapsins. I dont know why? When i use a bartuc with no facet i have less trap damage than i do with a bartuc with a light facet on it.
The-Grim-Reaper Wrote:use angelic rings and ammy, and cham ur helm. ull get loads of ar and not have to worry about being frozen.

r those ur stats naked or with items? cuz ur dex seems really high.

use ebotdz and ias will not be a problem at all.

umm nowadays ppl use raves with 20dex and +220 ar abd a highlords which is much better then angelics
can u make me a guide on how to make a god barb
Jakex1 Wrote:umm nowadays ppl use raves with 20dex and +220 ar abd a highlords which is much better then angelics

Nah, I tried that... At level 85, Angelic duo + Raven 20 ~200 gives a LOT more than Raven duo...
I'm looking for a guide to build a fire based elemental druid in v 1.11 I really don't need another melee character and hate the inaccuracy of the wind druid. Thanks -Berg
EDIT: Sorry, there is one flaw with this build, namely that You start from -80 all resists (I made this with char editor, so I guess it didnt count one of the Anya quests). This is going to make it more flexible, especially the belt...

EDIT: I removed the Upped Guillaume's face, meaning that I could bring my STR down to 112. I changed the Berzerker Axe for Phase Blade, so I took my DEX to 101 (required to use the weapon) and vita up to 292. I now have more than 2k life...

Hey, I'm making a Smiter. I already consulted Cauthemoc's Smiter guide, but even though it talks through all the various items, it doesn't give a nice equipment combination. The purpose of the build is to face the Übers. This is what I have right now (made in SP), please elaborate on this:

STR: 157
DEX: 84
VIT: 264
ENE: base

I added a lot of STR, because as You'll see I use a lot of Upped equipment. Here's what I am planning to use:
Upped Guillaume's Face "UM"ed I contemplated doing this. The Upped one requires 192 STR.
Upped Zaka "UM'ed

Upped Gores
Grief Berzerker Axe I don't know whether to use Phase Blade or this axe. The Axe has a nice range, but needs a lot of IAS. Phase Blade needs higher DEX tho, which is a pain.
Credendum (Disciple Set belt) I decided agains Verdungo's, because the +39 Vita only gave about 120 extra life. The DR and FCR are missed though, however, Credendum gives nice +15 resists, +10 STR and +10 DEX.
Laying of Hands This is a big question. Should I sacrifice the %20 IAS (especially if using Berzerker AXE) and 350% ED to demons for the Life Tap? Is it that vital when facing the Übers, because I want to solo them with this build...
1st ring: Raven Frost Mainly for the Cannot Be Frozen mod, however, the DEX also comes in handy when using Phase Blade.
2nd ring: Dward Star? BK? Don't know...

Another big thing, if I go for the Phase Blade, and drop the Laying of Hands for Dracul's, where could I get the extra IAS from?

With this setup I have 75/75/80/75 resists, 50% CB, but no DR. Could You please tell me what to change, and whether this build is suited for the Übers or not. Good thing is that it's relatively cheap, 2 LOs, Mara's and Zaka being the most expensive things...
hatorri hanzo Wrote:I was looking at some page on here and it said that you shouldn't put light facets into weapons for trapsins. I dont know why? When i use a bartuc with no facet i have less trap damage than i do with a bartuc with a light facet on it.

its a bug in the game. light facets only show that they have increased your trap dmg, but really havent. this is bcuz trap are not considered as a casting skill but as ur minions (hence ias instead of fcr) and they dont benefit for the +%light dmg from ur items. but the -opp light resist DOES help trap dmg, not worth a facet tho..
hey i was wondering what the stats should be for a bowzon??
Depends what type of zon u are

3 dex 2 vit
Or 5 dex rest 0
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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ok im making a fire sorc and i was just wondering if mana or life was more important. Im not gonna use sojs or really anything that will give me much extra mana. FB costs 20 mana per ball and thats kinda a lot especially with my fcr. So should i just put a lot into mana and then the rest in vit? and should i use energy sheild or do you think itll just wear down my mana to fast? gotta go the bell just rang.

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